The Reason Roy Moore Lost

39  2017-12-23 by icefourthirtythree


calling blue-collar workers and middle ground sympathizers inbreds

not expecting people being unironically upset about that, considering that incest is among the oldest taboos of the Christian world

being assblasted when conservatards respond in kind with names just as bad as "an inbred".

often looking like inbreds themselves.

Trump/Pence 2020.


Did it ever stop?

No, it has only gotten progressively more retarded as we've allowed more people to vote.

And more people like you to comment seriousposts on shitpost forums

Yes, that comment was $💯% unironic.

I thought so and I'm never wrong 💯

Cousin marriage was cool literally until we discovered how genetics worked. Whoever wrote this is an assblasted revisionist.

being this triggered

durhur trump supporters r inbred

Fucking hell thats a lazy shitpost even for politicalhumour

But they are.

relationships between relatives may be on the rise in America because of immigration. Immigration is relevant because consanguinity is much more common in some other countries.

✅ Immigrants are pro-inbreeding

✅ Trump voters are anti-immigrant

✅ Trump voters are anti-inbreeding

Typical tricks, shlomo. Typical tricks.

Internet searches prove nothing

I bet your eyes are reallllly wide apart

About a quarter of the distance from the bridge of your nose to the tip

Oh that's super wide. Appalachian Blue Baby confirmed.

Why do you think I'm so pro-mayocide 😉

Nobody here thinks you have any decency so no.

Be still my wounded heart.

Why are you even here tbh?

I hate myself and am retarded

sorry, but do you think you've done logic there? it's like you've taken the Socrates is a man thing, and followed half the pattern

You're telling me you don't have a hot cousin?

This is one of the only things that made me laugh from that sub tho

Maybe my expectations for PH are just so low at this point that theyre next to dinosaur bones, but I chuckled

/u/cjcivicx how retarded do you have to be to come off as more retarded than /r/PoliticalHumor posters?

He's an /r/The_Donald poster. He's a very special kind of snowflake that gets retarded when triggered.

I am being downvoted to silence

Trump supporters are the most vulnerable in our society. We must stop this oppression.

I cri evry tim

I can't deduct the interest from the full value of my house because I happen to live in an area where you can't get a decent home for less than 800k

poor u/-HolidayInnCambodia- who only has a house worth 4/5ths of a million dollars, glad to see you fighting the good fight for the rest of the downtrodden millennial bay area trust funders! Fuck those blue collar fat cats!

poor u/-HolidayInnCambodia- who only has a house worth 4/5ths of a million dollars,

Don't understand what a mortgage is, do you? You might want to look into that if you ever plan to live in a basement of your own

millennial bay area trust funders!

you're a special kind of stupid

Don't understand what a mortgage is, do you

Hmm ur right, let me go tell those dumb former coal miners to go buy their million dollar houses by going to the bank and getting approved for loans worth more than they'll make in the rest of their working years! I'm going to lose the sarcasm and unironcially use the words "rich cumskin privilege" when describing you now

dumb former coal miners

Who cares tho?

millennial bay area trust funders

Sure, complain about overpaid tech workers, but the bay area isn't Brooklyn.

I was in san fransisco literally last week where i heard two flamboyantly gay people who were incredulous that low income people were living in their high rise.

I just can't see how they got to where they were without a huge injection of parental capital

I just can't see how they got to where they were without a huge injection of parental capital

You could have just told us you were poor.

I post on r/drama where the mean net worth of the moderators is at least 90 million dollars.

Make sure to double your fentanyl dose today so you can quit dragging down this sub's average income.

I can afford horse you uppity viscount

Current Year and not smoking artisinal, single-origin, hand-cultivated, organically-grown opium in a high-end, traditionally-styled opium den. What a prole.

Only $90 Million? Yo /u/xNotch, you you need to cut down on the coke there man. We need you alive and not needing to work.

You are basically the definition of the word "coastal elite"

And also the reason trump won

Fine, then you're the definition of "inbred hillbilly" and you voted for him so you're actually the reason he won.

^ this is what you sound like dumbass; you have no information about me

You are the type of person who thinks seeing a political ad you disagree with is worth bitching about to people who have literally nothing to do with it. You use "I can has cheezeburger" style "humor" in 2017 and spend multiple hours a day commenting smugly about Trump/Trump supporters.

From this I can deduce that you think you are funny and mistake the polite laughs you receive from co-workers/acquaintances as genuine. You have very little going on irl so you belittle safe targets online to make yourself feel superior and distract yourself from your own shortcomings. You are the type of person who yells at customer support workers and is in general miserable to be around.

In conclusion I feel you put away the computer and keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas faggot.

Merry Christmas faggot.

yeah... about your "analysis"- I'd go back to the drawing board if I were you, child. The chalk one.

No thanks I feel like it is fairly accurate. Anything in particular I got wrong?

what did he mean by this?

you have no information about me

Well, if you're to be believed, you live in an $800,000 house, so that's something.

Based on your other comments it's pretty clear you're a privileged upper middle class yuppie in an $800k house in an area where you won't get to know a single blue collar worker outside of when you stay home to make sure Paco doesn't steal your silverware when he fixes your garbage disposal. You also clearly state that you believe anyone who votes Republican is an inbred hillbilly.

Yeah, you've made it abundantly clear that you're completely out of touch with the average American.

you're a privileged upper middle class yuppie in an $800k house

You're really stupid if you think this makes me upper middle class.

Nigga, your past middle. Most of America doesn't have mortgages and if they do like less then 150k.

You're fucking insane and living in a bubble you yuppie faggot.

yuppie faggot

Yeah I'm the insane one because I actually understand numbers and don't call people "yuppie faggots".

Get your fucking head out of your fucking ass son and grow up.

I have to second him and anyone in the future who calls you an out of touch yuppie faggot.

Sounds pretty bootstrap-y. Guess your a repub in disguise.

Holy fuck dude are you just pretending to be retarded ? You are not middle class with a mortgage like that

You don't know what a mortgage is dumbasd

lmfao it literally doesn't you utter retard.

I had one once, I fucking hate owning money to any thing or anyone. Paid that shit off as fast as I could and never took out another one.

An 800k house is still really expensive you mouth breathing out of touch retard

I don't "have 800k" nor am I rich, you fucking moron. That's how mortgages work. I get paid okay for my area but I'm firmly in the middle class, and not "upper" either. Not even remotely close to the one group whose taxes went up slightly with this plan. I drive a Prius, the economy model. I take the bus when I can. I had to save up for a decade to think about affording the down payment for a house.

Jesus you people are fucking stupid beyond belief.

Yeah most people don't have 800k mortgages you fucking retard.

Yeah most people don't have 800k mortgages you fucking retard.

Because most people don't live in an area where that's all that's available you childish fool.

👏living 👏in👏an👏area👏where👏thats👏all👏thats👏available👏means👏youre👏a👏privileged👏rich👏fuck👏

👏living 👏in👏an👏area👏where👏thats👏all👏thats👏available👏means👏youre👏a👏privileged👏rich👏fuck👏

Yes, the bay area is literally nothing but Monopoly men who keep popping their monocles out.

I know you're being sarcastic, but he's not wrong. It costs a shit-ton of money to life in SF. It's even worse than where I work in Northern Virginia, and all the plebes here either live in a ghetto or drive in from an hour away to work.

Lol no one cares

Have you tried cringeanarchy for your home sub?

Have you tried cringeanarchy for your home sub?

Why? Is that where you went when they shut the doors on /r/incels?

I actually tried /r/the_donald and got banned pretty quick my friend!

In that case, you'll probably fit right in over at /r/TooManyChromosomes or /r/Gooberghazi

Are those your home subs?

I don't think any rational person would claim either of those as "home subs." Honestly, it's more dignified being an /r/Drama poster than it would be to frequent either of those cesspools.

I don't even know what to say to someone who claims r/drama as home

I guess I'm praying for you

Thanks, fam, everyone keeps telling me I need Jesus.

I'm pretty sure they're talking about Jesus, the local lawn guy, because they're always complaining about the way my yard looks, but it's cheaper to let you pray than it is to hire someone to do the things I'm too lazy to do.

What you really need is good dose of Satan tbh bb

Have Jaysus fix your lawn then do what thou wilt mi amigo

Hail Satan merry christmas babe

It costs a shit-ton of money to life in SF.

Oh trust me, I know this 😭

It's even worse than where I work in Northern Virginia, and all the plebes here either live in a ghetto or drive in from an hour away to work.

Yeah, at my last job I had to travel to DC a few times a year. I could see the exact same thing happening that did out here, but about eight years behind. I'd rather live back in Oakland over Silver Springs tho.

Jesus fucking christ how opaque is that bubble you live in?

Do the downvote lolcows. It promotes smart privilege, and we wouldn't want that.



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Looks like /u/justcool393 got his shit together.

I'm getting PM heat from upset trump supporters for this, it's just a joke guys. C'mon, you guys can take jokes.

As evident by their candidate.

Damn, warcrime dude is getting back into the murdering business.

Are they ashamed of what they Are? Why? I'm confused

White pride is dying, and it's dying quick.

We have to do something about those sly Jews promoting miscegenation and diversity.

I'm getting PM heat from upset trump supporters for this, it's just a joke guys.

Oh, like on Top Gear

Voter fraud is currently being investigated in Alabama. If the vote gets overturned, the meltdown from reddit would be one for the ages.

Surely this is the end of Jones! Go waddle back to t_D, retard

Lmao Christmas weekend has jewboy on tilt