An ex member of an ultra-secret Cult starts a AMA on reddit, Gets attacked and bullied by other fellow members (Crosspost from /r/AMA)

50  2017-12-23 by pulpheroe


Current member of the OTO and local /r/occult autist.


Is there anything more fun than telling members of the OTO, Church of Satan, and Satanic Temple that they're all basically the same?

Yes. Tell them that they worship satan and need Jesus.

But then they all just get mad at you. My way makes them get mad at each other.

Ehhh hail Satan tbh

The specific kirk has no bearing

For you maybe. Not so much for the super cereal ones.

Those aren't true satanistsTM

And they can suck my dick, the pretentious fucking posers

Those aren't true satanists

Eh, the OTO, Church of Satan, Satanic Temple, Catholic Church, NCAA, and Quakers are all Satanists by any other name.

How many jewy churches are there, our own /u/aliceunknown can be a nonjew but also a jew; and there's so many Christian kirks no one even cares about the distinction, unless you're a true Xian like a Catholic But those goys are crazy (and gothic hawt)

To be a true Satanist you just need to embrace yourself and your own best interests. Do what thou wilt

> true Satanist

> doesn't even have horns

> never killed Jesus


Am I just a wanna-be Jew?? Fuck

I would've loved to kill Jaysus too bad he wasn't real

too bad he wasn't real

Akshully all of (((our wealth))) comes from investing those 30 pieces of silver two thousand years ago

Oh wait I thought that guy with the silver became Dracula, that's the canon I follow at least

Yes, telling Catholics they’re the same too. Except with more pizzagate

Oh shit that's good

I like ur style

When do you expect to grow out of your angsty teen rebellion?

You're like a rare weird, normie, incel type thing. I'm so confused

How do you feel about excluding most people from your ideology via absolutely made up rituals and esoteric shit that has no bearing on the meaning of your worship?

Is anyone on this Earth more pathetic than unironic adult satanists? At least incels can say they have a personality disorder to explain themselves

No. You're right

Okay so what do i gotta do to take part in weird orgies

Oh, I thought this was a post about Crossfit.

Same. Turned out to be no less filled with wackadoo bullshit.

I am going to the O.T.O's Elysian Rite of Saturn on the 30th. I have nothing interesting to add to the conversation. Ever.

Kinda want to go to that tbh. Is it cool if non members just show up?

You have to either go with a member or be invited as a guest. I'd recommend gathering a decent understanding of Crowley's Book of the Law, too

But what if his will is not to?

I'd recommend gathering a decent understanding of Crowley's Book of the Law getting really high and watching Kenneth Anger's Lucifer Rising, too


Yup, I am not a member. It's open to the public. Are you anywhere near Sacramento?

I'd go, but




Nah, east coast, but there’s a temple not far from me.

Wait, why does your lodge just let people show up? That's completely unfair that I have to pay a monthly due what the hell

Do we have to sacrifice anything. I'm curious enough to go but don't want to get in over my head

Just your former perception of yourself

I'm not sure I'm ready for that

You browse /r/drama.

I guarantee you're actually a total were-slut. After my first ritual and meeting of my true self, I realized I'm actually T O T A L L Y into drama and tons of other whorish bullshit.

Look at his posting history.

Look at your posting history.

Look at /u/pulpheroe's posting history

Look at /u/MasterLawlz's posti... On second thought, pls don't.

I actually enjoy his posting.

Me too! :D

Mine is great 👍

You're a disgrace to this family.

I'm the only one in this family who has done something with his life and left this shit town to be somebody!!

pls clap

You're proud of posting in r/DCcomics?

I shitpost from coast to coast

> ultra-secret Cult



It's very important and esoteric you would never understand <magick jazz fingers>

<magick jizz fingers>

Tell us about the sex magic.

If you have to ask...

/u/peoplewhodied how do you feel about the overeducated trying to make Satanism inaccessible to most people?

Should we not be trying to illuminate the masses? Are you no better than typical illuminati fucking elites hiding behind bullshit terms and rituals?

Who knew a cult about fucking could still sound so boring?

It has a wikipedia page


i got aware of what we were fighting against and suddenly i started to see the truth. There's only black and white in the world, the light and the dark applies to every aspect of life and beyond


Lmao, the O.T.O is the least 'secret' secret cult since Skull and Bones.

How much of a literal retard does one have to be, to both be over the age of 20 and still believe that magic exists?