Daddy off triggering the libs again

19  2017-12-24 by MisterLipton


Everyone forgets that the government created STD GRID also targeted Haitians, very brave of Trump to remind us

remember that time when Obama said that poor and desperate people cling to guns and religion? and the right literally exploded spittle flying with self righteous indignation?

so what you're saying is the left are hypocrites for blowing these massive red pills out of proportion?

Well for once people can't say he's lying

I doubt he's capable of speaking coherently enough to express a thought as complicated as "all Hatians have AIDS".

I saw /r/politics jerk each other off over this earlier today. The funny thing is it's so obvious that the quote is bullshit. The quote that "all Haitians have AIDS" has "all" awkwardly thrown in. People don't talk like that unless they are emphasizing the fact that all literally means all. I know Daddy Donny is a mental midget, but surely even he understands that not literally all island negroes have AIDS.

I mean Nigerians do own huts

I mean all Haitans do

Nigerians own huts?

Must be nice to own some real estate.

I want a hut

Everybody get a hit and live in it to #boss on some libtards

Hutshaming in 2017 smh