You just got🖐🏿grabbed🤜🏼 by the P😽SSY by 👨💼DADDY TRUMP👨💼welcoming our SLUTTIEST👅💦 PRESIDENT 💥are u READY🤝👍🏼 for TRUMP👨💼 TO BECOME AMERICAS DADDY💦😛👅 get ready to be GRABBED by the P😽SSY EVERYDAY FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS👅😩💯 TRUMP👨💼 is going to rule your COUNTRY🇺🇸🇺🇸 AND your P😽SSY😂😂😍😋🤗 send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ LOVERS😍 OF TRUMP OR NEVER GET YOUR P😽SSY GRABBED🤜BY DADDY TRUMP👨💼 AGAIN
1 GuillotinesNOW 2017-12-24
You just got🖐🏿grabbed🤜🏼 by the P😽SSY by 👨💼DADDY TRUMP👨💼welcoming our SLUTTIEST👅💦 PRESIDENT 💥are u READY🤝👍🏼 for TRUMP👨💼 TO BECOME AMERICAS DADDY💦😛👅 get ready to be GRABBED by the P😽SSY EVERYDAY FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS👅😩💯 TRUMP👨💼 is going to rule your COUNTRY🇺🇸🇺🇸 AND your P😽SSY😂😂😍😋🤗 send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ LOVERS😍 OF TRUMP OR NEVER GET YOUR P😽SSY GRABBED🤜BY DADDY TRUMP👨💼 AGAIN
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2017-12-24
1 Thulean-Dragon 2017-12-24
'I am not personally a fan of some of the political stances of one, Mr. Donald J. Trump, current and 45th President of the United States of America.'
1 xoiz 2017-12-24
Drumpf = Hitler
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-24
1 Matues49 2017-12-24
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-12-24
Your agendapost is ltrly ruining drama. My agendapost is not an agendapost.
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2017-12-24
I like how "Poor" is an option for rating Obama but not an option for rating Trump
1 BigLordFigot 2017-12-24
Actually, he is the best President we have had since FDR.
1 without_name 2017-12-24
You're only saying that because of the Japanese internment.
1 BigLordFigot 2017-12-24
I love racism and internment and FDR. That's just the kind of guy I am.