The Bikelock of peace is brought up in r/news. and yes, Antifa is even worse than Nazis

8  2017-12-24 by skivian


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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/u/TrumpVotersAreNazis how many goybux for that nickname?

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[Yup, smashing bike locks into random, unarmed people's heads ( is self defence. The problem isn't whether Nazis should be attacked, the problem is that you can call anyone you disagree with a Nazi.](

/u/koraero you're a nazi fag lol.

wow, uh cool it with the homophobic remarks bud

No I'm not saying you're a homosexual human being. I'm saying you're a Nazi fag. There's a difference bud.

alright you fucking retarded leftie nigger*

  • not racist im just calling oyu a retarded leftie nigger



Now that's the spirit!


How much dick do I have to suck to be considered a seasoned autist?

This much 👉 👈

And you're an expert in homosexual human beings, considering you are the biggest

Ecks dee

u/VG-enigmaticsoul think it's time you hit the state-sponsored showers after that wrongthink

Pretty heavily brigaded thread there in votes, but I'm always curious why this conversation goes like this.

Nazis are bad.

Moves into

ANTIFA is bad as well.

Which leads to

uh actually it's good because they are fighting genocide!


Communists killed millions more than Nazis.

Finally resting with

But but but... Capaitlism kills tweet million billion per day!!

So, I got a solution. If your a Nazi, the government would force you to hook up with lonely black men and women on OKC while typing a essay each day about how poor white trash crackers and broke dumb niggas are similar.

Now, if you are an anti-capitalist hypocritical retard? Forced three week holiday in either Vietnam or South East China. Thrill as hipsters who live off Starbucks, tech jobs and iPhones sob as they have to spend days in a water closet with a family of eight, eventually getting sick and seeing the precious socialised medicine in action.