I hope all of you are ENJOYING your LAST days here on this sight before this place is SHUT DOWN.

6  2017-12-24 by [deleted]

I already reported this p,ace to the admins of this site and made them informed of the violence that occurs here. There's no way they'll allow the behavior that is allowed here to contine.

I'll continue to be a voice for WOMEN and Minoriteis even after it's shut down and I'll enjoy watching this place disapear for good. Youll never hurt another inocent again.


Look, your trolling is not bad, but you went all in when you should have held back a bit. Now you just kinda outed yourself as a troll and you lost your ability to bait anyone.

This isn't funny amd this isn't something to troll about.

This stigmatization that encourages violemce isn't funny at all.

You're trying too hard, dear.

well see who has the last laugh in a few days when this place is gone.

Seriously? This violence isn't funny. Its Violence. Emotional and psychologocal violence and harms people. this site is violent.

I mean the naked gun movies were kinda funny.

I am willing to have a dialoge about violence and how the behavior here caused harm but you can never try "TOO HARD" to combat racial discrimination.

Oh but fighting racism is "too hard" i think people aren't fighting hard enough.

delete your account and try again

i wont have need for this avvount in a few days when they take this forum down.

I recommend you take at least a month or two when you make a new account to post on other subs like /r/GamerGhazi and /r/ShitRedditSays before you come and tackle this sub.

I think you will find we have kinkshamed people to death.

We will NOT be silenced!


You and your other personalities?

/r/tulpas is leaking.

This is weak.

gotta wait 'til degenerate burgers are up

Ok Nick. Go rip some more customers off and fuck off from here.

Like Robert downy jr (tropic thunder) not knowing to stop being a character when it's gone lone enough.