Mom suspects daughter's boyfriend is a Nazi, doxxes him to his school to keep hate away from her family. Irony ensues.

5  2017-12-24 by llama-glamaticus


Good people on both sides!



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Snitches get stitches


Yeah this word is quickly on it's way to meaningless through misuse

As with English grammar, nothing is forever.

Don't get all existential on me

More of a (grammar) Nazi salute.

Lol u've been trolled. don't be a snowflake and lrn 2 appreciate epic doxx.

I took the last Christmas cookie and my little sister doxxed me to grandma.

That bitch

Well this is what the SJW's wanted.

They wanted to fight nazis.

Well they got what they wanted.

there will be more of this.

Well this is what the SJW's wanted.

They wanted to fight nazis.

Well they got what they wanted.

there will be more of this.

(user pointmanzero)


I have a bad feeling this comment will appear in the news at some point in the future.

I have a bad feeling this comment will appear in the news at some point in the future.

I'm just commenting so I make the article.

Would be sad, I got better comments then that one

Do tell.

>wants to fight nazis

>picks a fight with the closet nazi


play stupid games

How are these parents SJWs? Are you retarded?

Are you retarded?


How was this picking a fight?

sending someone's internet hateposts to their school or workplace is picking a fight

sending someone's internet hateposts to their school or workplace is picking a fight

These parents care about getting their daughter away from this wierdo, not "picking a fight". Functioning adults don't give a shit about "picking a fight". Since it would be illegal in this day and age to beat the shit out of this shithead if he touched my daughter, the next best thing I can do is forbade her from seeing him and get the school involved since teenagers are functionally retarded and she probably wouldn't listen to me.

At the end of the day this little sperg murdered two people because they didn't want him touching their daughter. I have no idea how anyone can look at this and do anything but spit on this shithead's grave, but I guess that's /r/drama for you. Regardless, the joke's on me for srsposting in response to the same kind of autism I see in this subreddit on a daily basis.

>"how was this picking a fight"

>i explain how


how hard do you belt your kids when your sports team loses?

i explain how

The fact that you think these parents were in any way "picking a fight" demonstrates just how stupid you are.

This sub has basically fallen off a cliff lately. They don't care about drama. They don't care about not downvoting lolcows. They only care about virtue signaling.

sending someone's internet hateposts to their school or workplace is picking a fight

This is now what Reddit is like. I hope you're under 14 years old.


"Kuhn and friends...." All on a post talking about a teenage neo-nazi trying to indoctrinate his young girlfriend to his beliefs.

If this was anyone other than WaPo I would swear this was a SouthPark parody post.