Circlebroker attempts to blame Musk for a car accident because the driver was paying attention to a rocket instead of the road; even CB2 isn't having any of it.

42  2017-12-24 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


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u/rockthechopper what did elon musk do to you for you to blame him for a car accident

He's a commie shoplifter. Personal responsibility isn't high on the list of virtues for him.

If drama starts sucking the Musk cock as well than there is no hope

Praise Nerd Jesus and put your $1000 model 3 down payment into the offering plate

Buying my products not only makes you counter culture but also a better person

Making me rich is good for humanity

Musk haters/worshippers is one of those cases where both sides actually are equally retarded. Caring about him is about as cucked as caring about gamergate.

Musk is a meme but his life is worth more than every single circlebrokers' combined.

worth more than every single circlebrokers' combined.

That's such a low bar, though.

Children are our greatest asset, though

Not those children. These are the kids who grow up to be Ghazi mods.

Musk is a heartless asshole who somehow has figured out a way to use his lack of social skills to get billions of dollars in government hand outs. He should be r/dramas favorite.

Musk cock sucking even tends to be contained to Musky subs. I don't see why these autists have such issues with it. It's like they want to be a contrarian just because.

/u/AngryDM like ranting detected

How many dumb accounts does AngryDM have?

Clearly a ploy by musk to sell self driving cars

u/rockthechopper can't tell what's traveled further. Musk's rocket heading into space or your head navigating through your ass.

/u/PhysicsIsMyMistress makes the best agenda posts.