Bernie Sanders is a shill according to /r/wayofthebern

23  2017-12-24 by IAmAN00bie


That place is 1/2 Trump supporters LARPing and 1/2 the type of Berners that'd shoot up a baseball game.

I don't see a problem with the latter. Republicans are a plague anyways lol.

also, baseball is fucking boring, the less fans it has the better

First of all how dare you

You ARE the type of Bernout that would shoot up a baseball game.

Yeah, it really is one of the most unhinged subs on Reddit. That sub seems to fly under the crazy radar.

It's weird how often Trumptards try to RP as berntards.


More of a useful idiot than a shill imo

More like sellout

Wasn't this a the_donald controlled sub?

Both Bernie and the Russians conspired to deny Hillary her rightful throne.