(((Pope))) reminding everyone how misery is created

28  2017-12-25 by newcomer_ts


"who's this fake christian telling us to care about the poor and downtrodden? we need a REAL christian leaders like donald trump and roy moore, they really represent the family values I love in the bible."

You still don't get it...

This is the reason Trump won?..

This is the reason Trump won

This is good for Trumpcoin.

What isn’t he getting


Ephebophilia is in the bible you bigot!

Man on golden throne inside of his walled off city-state tells common folk to be more giving.


The Church operates more than 140,000 schools, 10,000 orphanages, 5,000 hospitals and some 16,000 other health clinics. Caritas, the umbrella organisation for Catholic aid agencies, estimates that spending by its affiliates totals between £2 billion and £4 billion, making it one of the biggest aid agencies in the world.


not an argument


Your mom is not an argument.

You’re not fooling anybody with your alts, Pope

And le pope works in every single one lel

4 billion

so every catholic gives like 10 bucks in a lifetime? oh so charitable!

meanwhile the pope lives like a king and gives hardly 0.01% of his wealth

If the old Argie faggot on his golden throne really cared so much, you'd think he'd be busy stamping out institutionalised child abuse, the repression and demonisation of women, sexual minorities, and faith minorities, and decades of Church policy to lie to uneducated Africans and tell them condoms are not only a sin, but also that they don't prevent HIV/AIDS.

Your geriatric, wannabe-mayo, paedo icon has failed to act on millions of preventable deaths a year stemming from Catholic teaching, yet still sits in a palace lecturing others on decency. Oh, but I'm sure those health clinics are well-stocked with antiretrovirals.

Boy you are so dumb lmao

Martin Luther did nothing wrong.



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It's not like Catholicism has a history of vastly changing their views to curry social favor and stay powerful.

Were going to need another warrior pope before it's too late

Urban II. did nothing wrong


The Pope is a moron of Biblical proportions.


This is why Hinduism and Buddhism are both Superior to Christianity. Neither advocate allowing yourself to be raped by immigrates in order for god to love you.

From the Swedish government's website:

Claim: "There has been a major increase in the number of rapes in Sweden."

Facts: The number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen. But the definition of rape has broadened over time, which makes it difficult to compare the figures. It is also misleading to compare the figures with other countries, as many acts that are considered rape under Swedish law are not considered rape in many other countries.

For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all.

Willingness to report such offences also differs dramatically between countries. A culture in which these crimes are talked about openly, and victims are not blamed, will also have more cases reported. Sweden has made a conscious effort to encourage women to report any offence.

Sweden as the rape capital of Europe/the world

Claim: Sweden has the highest number of rapes per capita in either Europe of the world

Even though many people try to claim this, it is pure lies. While the numbers might make it seem like Sweden has a lot of rapes (which still doesn't make it the rape capital of the world no matter what way you look at it), there are a couple of factors that skew the numbers.

Explanation: Statistics are different between countries and cannot be straight up compared

The first and most impactful one is that Sweden has a much wider definition of rape in crime statistics. The numbers that people use when comparing Sweden to other places also include sexual harassment among other things, and they also count every single incident separately. What this means is that if someone raped their spouse every day for an entire year that would count as 365 rapes, whereas most countries would count that as one single offence (if the countries even count inter-marital forced intercourse as rape). Swedish victims also have a higher tendency to report the crime than people from other countries, which makes it so that the number of hidden crime is lower in Sweden.


The Swedish government have themselves responded to this claim, and the BBC have also made a fairly detailed article on the matter.

The development of the number of rapes in Sweden and its relationship with immigration

Claim: The number of rapes have increased due to the recent European migration crisis

There is no denying that the number of rapes have increased in Sweden, and that is not entirely due to the redefinition of rape, but it also not a result of the recent wave of immigration.

Explanation: While the numbers have increased, many people ignore context

Here is the official statistics regarding what share of Swedes were the victims of sexual crime last year according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, and this includes everything from rape to indecent exposure. As you can see the numbers are up to 2.6% in 2016 (4.1% for women), but what you might notice is that the increase started in 2013, so there is no way to directly correlate this to the recent influx of immigrants.

Swedish police also don't record the ethnicity of criminals, so there is no way to pinpoint exactly what group of people are behind the increase, What can be said though is an argument that the government itself has made in the same page as mentioned before. They refer to a study from Stockholm University that has concluded that the main factor when it comes to crime among immigrants is the socioeconomic conditions that they grew up in. Unfortunately there are no studies regarding third generation immigrants due to the lack of third generation immigrants from outside of Europe in Sweden, so we can't draw any conclusion when it comes to long term effects of having a foreign background.


The article from the government didn't link to a certain source, and the only thing I can find online is articles referring to a study from 2011 which seems to be the one referred to by the government. It was conducted by Jerzy Sarnecki, possibly Sweden's most famous criminologist, and observed people who graduated primary school in the Stockholm region.


Jerzy Sarnecki has also published another study in 2016 on the same subject, where he mentions three factors that could skew the numbers. Those are discrimination toward immigrants in the judicial system (which would increase the tendency to report crime if an immigrant is the suspected perpetrator), conditions in the country of origin and conditions in the recipient country. Simply looking at the conditions that these people lived in in Sweden already shows that the socioeconomic factors cause twice as many people to commit crimes, which indicated that the country of origin might not be the main issue, but instead the condition in vulnerable areas in Sweden, which brings me to my third slightly related point.

No-go zones in Sweden

Claim: Sweden has multiple no-go zones

While we're at it I might dispel this notion aswell. Supposedly Sweden has a bunch of areas where the police don't go and where criminals control everything.

Explanation: Sweden has a bunch of so called "vulnerable areas" that experience a higher level of social unrest and alienation

Once again I refer you to the government article, but these areas are in no way as bad as some people make them out to be. I personally used to live right next to one of these areas and would regularly walk through there day and night, and I know many people who lived in the areas with no fear to their own safety, men and women. The Wikipedia page on these areas is pretty good, even though certain sources they use have been heavily critizised in Sweden (especially [3]). I'm gonna leave it at that since it wasn't the main focus of this comment.


Here is the official police report on the matter, which states the following criterion when it comes to categorizing these areas:

An especially vulnerable area is characterized by:

  • Public indisposition to participate in the judicial system

  • Difficulties for the police to fulfill their duties

  • Parallel social structures

  • Religious radicalization

  • Proximity to other vulnerable areas


Sweden is facing many issues. Things have gotten worse, and something has to be done about it, but that doesn't mean that Sweden has more rapes than equivalent countries or that Sweden is less safe than other countries (I seriously spoke to people who compared Sweden to Syria and Somalia). Sweden is still a safe country experiencing high economic growth.

sad that the swedish government doesn't even give it's shills christmas off.

I actually couldn't afford to pay my Muslim bull, so he made me do this instead. What a life, huh? The things you have to do to keep the wife happy.

Stop posting please.