Merry Kwanzahanukkamass everybody!
16 2017-12-25 by Country-asshole
This is the day we all celebrate the great cucking of Joseph, Mary’s husband. And from this great event, the most marvellous retail marketing scam was born. It was started by the three wise asses who visited the newborn baby Jesus. The first brought gold to give the new king. Another brought frankincense to honour our lord, while the third, being the wisest and most sage brought the baby Jesus socks from Great socks at great prices. Get your rocks off at socks off.
God bless you all you magnificent faggots.
6 Lawgustmarck 2017-12-25
Keep yourself safe
5 better_bot 2017-12-25
I'm sorry, was there a problem with our traditional pagan celebrations?
1 weniscommander 2017-12-25
Paganism couldn't hold up vs the Chad monotheistic desert cult.
4 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-25
4 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2017-12-25
4 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-25
6 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2017-12-25
6 SlavophilesAnonymous 2017-12-25
6 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-25
5 SlavophilesAnonymous 2017-12-25
I warn you, while you were partying I studied the blade.
3 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-25
2 Death_Trolley 2017-12-25
I think you meant to say bussy, not blade
0 [deleted] 2017-12-25
1 [deleted] 2017-12-25