r/SCP top mod bans roleplaying with the resident bot, users are upset for lack of good reason

35  2017-12-25 by AchtungMaybe

full post + comments

the original post text:

It's djkaktus, you know the drill.

I'm a little flummoxed why I even need to do this, but there have been so many complaints about it and people wringing their hands that I've been tasked with addressing this, again. There are no new rules coming, just a clarification of current policy.

Role playing in /r/SCP is not allowed. We typically give some wiggle room here for dumb little things occasionally, but this isn't the sub for make believe. That same policy applies to the fetch bot, /u/the-paranoid-android. Since so many don't seem to understand this, allow me to clarify what kind of interactions with the bot are and are not allowed.

Allowed: "Marvin, please get me SCP-3355"

Not Allowed: "Oh my god Marvin thank God you're back and feeling better buddy we really didn't know what to do without you."

Allowed: "Hey Marv, look up SCP-1739."

Not Allowed: "uh oh Marvin linked another article incorrectly he's breaching containment oh my"

Starting now, comments that violate this policy (and any such similar role playing) will be removed at the mods' discretion. Additionally, new posts specifically about the bot will be removed. This includes posts about Marvin being an SCP, or posts about Marvin posting in other subs, or posts about Marvin malfunctioning or otherwise not being available, etc.

It's a link fetch bot, not a person. The only reason this is a problem is that it's happening so frequently that it's becoming spammy. With any luck, we can all be adults about this and nip this little issue right in the bud.

If we can't as a sub be mature about this, then we're going to have to get rid of or replace the bot, and nobody wants to do that. So let's compromise here and all take a step back and chill.

That's all, carry on.

Edit: guess I should clarify this, too; this isn't up for debate. Mods talked and this is the resolution we came to. This post is just to inform everyone of the policy, not an open forum for discussion.


Yes, really. I locked the thread after somebody decided to take it upon themselves to spam reports and clog up the mod queue.

I've gotten dozens of complaints about bot RP spam just this week. We're done with it.

I don't assume that everybody shares the same views as me. The fact that you would imply as much is ignorant.


this isn't the sub for make believe


What a loon.

Am I missing something here? Like do these people actually think the scp stuff is based on fact?

Thankfully not, they're just your run of the mill college and highschool kids writing creepy pasta that like to play with the bot

SCP 682 gunna visit ur house now

Fuck no. It's basically just a creepypasta collection, with some SCPs being jokes (like SCP-420-J just being a joint) or set-ups for other SCPs.

No it just means that the sub talks about scp stuff without role-playing because there's another sub specifically for that. But in this case the mod is just being no fun because a lot of people like to respond to the bot. That would be like removing posts for people talking to snappy over here.

He has a point. Look at r/copypasta and how they act around cummybot, its fucking bizarre

He has a point. Look at r/Drama and how they act around cummybot, its fucking bizarre

Yeah but our bot is sentient and always on point.

"Please don't talk to the help" - /u/djkaktus

/r/botrights will have a fit.

In fairness the argument was "please don't masturbate furiously around the help" which, I think I'm good unless there's an /r/botkink.

We don't kink shame here, bro

i really enjoy the scp project and a lot of other internet-based horror media but the sort of people it tends to attract are just the most z-grade deviantart trash people imaginable, i swear to god.

You should see their writing guides. By just glancing at them you can tell there's a divide between writers who are just there to enjoy themselves and the weirdos who think SCP-1471 would make a great fuck doll

its really frustrating to me because i know theres potential in this sort of stuff for really interesting, forward-thinking storytelling, but interesting writers/creators tend not to want an audience thats mostly people who wouldve been writing my chemical romance slash fic if theyd been 15 ten years ago instead of right now

Agreed, it's pretty obvious that after a while the better writers in their community kinda just stopped trying and let the spergs take over. At least they're pretty welcoming to outsiders which is rare to find on this site tbh


i really enjoy the scp project and a lot of other internet-based horror media


haha fuck enjoying things I'm so cool and above everything right guys

fuck you pretentious cunt what are you too cool to enjoy huffing strangers' piss soaked feces

That's why you only read the curated/top rated pages. Unadded SCP submissions can be really bad.

This, but unironically.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. full post + comments - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. /r/SCP - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. /u/the-paranoid-android - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. Yes, really. I locked the thread af... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  6. I've gotten dozens of complaints ab... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  7. I don't assume that everybody share... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Don't worry snappy, you are safe here


Thanks snaps. How was ur christmas

/u/djKaktus how does it feel to get booty-blasted by a reddit bot?

I feel nothing.

Me too buddy, me too.

What's r/SCP??? https://i.imgur.com/Bvvfuto.gif πŸ§πŸ€”


For real though, the SCP foundation is a collaborative horror writing exercise. The stories follow a secret foundation containing anomalous objects (SCPs). They are mostly written like containment protocolls, using neutral language. It's pretty neat, tbh.

All of that Whoooosh'd over my head πŸ˜…

!isretard Ed_ButteredToast

Lad you don’t need a bot to answer that question

You guys are so mean even on Christmas! 😒

It is known


lol I read their about, "what is SCP?" article and took a peak at their wiki and I still don't have a clue

It seems like the files on aliens Men in Black would have.

Same lol πŸ˜‚

Basically, it's a bunch of made-up X-Files shit that people pretend is legitimate scientific observations. It's super nerdy, but some people really get into it.

As far as I can tell, /r/SCP is mostly discussion about the "files" that make up SCP, and they seem to discourage acting like it's real.

Thank you! <3

instead of just straight up writing a horror story they write it like a scientific report.

The top comment here and the top comment in the SRD thread actually agree.

Truly a Christmas miracle.

Good god, imagine how pathetic you have to be to get mad at a person typing internet comments to a bot. I mean it's like a small section of a thread that anyone can close out on, even on mobile. There is literally no excuse for complaining.

It sounds like the mods are just tired of spam tbh, which is understandable

but this isn't the sub for make believe.

/u/djKaktus u wot m8?