You know, I really think this sub needs to hear this.

23  2017-12-26 by RedditsAnti-American

Oh God, I detest people trying to play cute. "Hurr durr, look at me being elegant with my wit". No dickweed, you're just being opaque, and not even Professor X can read a mind when it's empty.

Let me lay my cards on the table and tell you why drama is trash compared to SRD:

SRD actually enforces a modicum of decorum. Keeps the trash out, so of course said trash hates that. Muh freeze peaches and all that. SRD doesn't allow user pings, thus preventing the pile-ups that drama likes to pass off as reasoned debate drama is really trash, as per this thread shows. They are what happens when you remove any sort of accepted morality from SRS.


I know this is pasta but i just feel like it tastes bad because of how retarded it is.

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

Worst stale pasta ever. This kind of shit tier pasta posting is why u/Ed_ButteredToast has become the sub's pasta master alongside u/UltraShitpost. Step your game up, spergs

Did a child write this?

Wtf is this esl word salad.

I'll show you a "modicum of decorum"

I'm sure you will big boy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°



That's the spirit!!!

I love you but I hate that fucking face.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Eyeballs are meant to stay in people's heads. Look at that adorable face and tell me I'm wrong.




This isn't even a good pasta




Another tragic soy overdose.

Honestly, the whole copypasta thing is starting to really get annoying. We get it, you're unoriginal. The sooner you get over it, the sooner we can all come closer as a community. They're not even that funny, tbh.






Chef Boyardee is a dissapoint.

In case you're wondering, the specific mistake you have made is assuming that other people think like you do, and attach the same importance levels to the same things that you do.

No one has ever passed off pings as debate. We ping people and tell them to kill themselves keep themselves safe, and call them retards.

This is pasta? Man, I totally bit when someone in SRD threw it at me. Shit