Talk about fun: too joke in /r/jokes is slightly anti tranny. OP is a cross dresser. White knight nobly attacks OP for the honor of transkin!

22  2017-12-26 by Lawgustmarck


That should be top joke but Apple insists it’s too joke. Thanks Siri and kys.

Should have known you'd be an apple user.

Link to the actual drama next time, then keep yourself safe as soon as possible.

Sorted by controversial and there’s at least three comment chains full of mirth. I understand your autism makes focusing on multiple subjects difficult but I’m not your daddy and spoon feeding you.

Keep yourself safe friend!

Expecting me to do the bare minimum of effort

What an edge lord. Well, I suppose at least an attempt was made anyway.

It seems /r/drama has downvoted you to zero. Oh well junior, guess transphobia ain't worth the made up internet points it used to be huh? Maybe it's time to deal with that lingering dysphoria and sense of misalignment inside your soul huh?

Imaginary internet points are at zero? Oh no how will I ever go on!

Lingering what now? Please sweety don’t use the big words, it hurts my wee head.

As for misalignment, sad yet true. My character sheet says lawful good but I know I’m a lawful evil. Slowly and surely, one tranny joke at a time, I will get there. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

Imaginary internet points are at zero? Oh no how will I ever go on!

That dude mods a cryptocurrency sub. So I guess imaginary internet points are worth money to him.

things you say to yourself in the mirror

At least I'm not a tranny

I heard you are popular on kiwifarms.

Man, the joke was kinda funny but you also have to recognize that when a group consistently gets denied employment, killed/brutalized in hate crimes, has basically 0 representation that isnt using them being trans as the butt of a joke, they kinda have the right to be hurt by things.

Basically proving black people > mayos' one again.

you also have to recognize that when a group consistently gets denied employment, killed/brutalized in hate crimes, has basically 0 representation

If anything that just makes it funnier.

I wasn't even laughing until I imagined them being killed/brutalized.

I know, right?

I refuse to even attempt to discuss trans matters online because I have yet a to see a conversation that is not a massive circle

The best game of six degrees is where you link comedy you don't like to murder.


This isn't a joke. It isn't even funny or clever at all. This is just a cheap dig at trans people.

It’s amusing actually but one needs a sense of humor to get it.

Seriously, who actually laughed at this? Why is it on the front page again?

I did. And upvoted it to put it on the front.

May I suggest you get your panties unknotted and post bussy?


This isn't a joke. It isn't even funny or clever at all. This is just a cheap dig at trans people.

Or a joke about cross dressers. Ya know the people who do it for a sexual thrill?

All the parties I go to have LGBTQ people so yeah I sure am fun at parties. What parties do you like? Frat boy parties?

40% suicide rates among the gender dysphoric? Such shame. So sad. Wow.

Seems like rookie numbers.

We gotta pump those numbers up

I'm not parting away with my dick, so I'm gonna leave this to you guys

So true. We can do so much better.


The joke is lame but the transpastic responses make it worth it.

That woman has a stronger jaw, deeper voice, and likely larger cock than I. Where you at /u/katiecharm?

Holyyyy fuck. That’s some scary shit.

Fun fact : the same users has alts, who usually comment in support of each other's threads (but then post links from the same Instagram).


What's worse than a tranny in a trashcan? One tranny in two trashcans.

How do you kill a tranny? Just wait, they'll probably do it themselves.
