Trannies get triggered by joke on a day ending in y

28  2017-12-26 by [deleted]


This is why we need mayocide.


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Yeppers snappy.


Why are you so booty blasted? Is it because you’re wrestling with the demons of mental illness or just can’t take a joke?

/u/katiecharm please kill yourself immediately you humorless faggot

Reported to admins for harassment.

yawn Do you special snowflakes have anything new, or just more attempts at being edge lords?

Allow me:

/u/zachums, /u/comedicsanssomeone is sad about the hovel of transphobic evil you run. Can you give /u/katiecharms some words of cheer?

And btw Katie, ty for recognizing me as a lord. Hail the patriarchy and keep yourself safe 💋

Running hovels of transphobic smut is apparently okay with Reddit. Targeting individual users is not. Please carry on your snowflake conference without bothering the person who you're talking shit about.

That's like, one of the first rules of laughing at someone from the shadows. You can't even do that properly.

Now I see the thread and can see what you writing about me. What fun is that? Smh, get your shit together man.

Smut is sexual. Believe me, I’m not getting off to your lunacy.

It’s a public forum, pinging you isn’t a crime honey babe.

That's like, one of the first rules of laughing at someone from the shadows. You can't even do that properly.

But I’m laughing in your face. As in haha you are thin skinned, possibly mentally ill, and realllyyyyy can’t take a joke.

Now I see the thread and can see what you writing about me. What fun is that?

A lot, if you understood how this place works. But please, don’t mind me, say hi to the other locals here! We’ve got two threads in your honor!

Oh and:


Trust me honey, you and your PC lovin’ bussy are the snowflakes here.

I used to be a lot like you, quite interested with transgender people online. Before then I even engaged in some of the hateful behaviors you are.

I think I was lashing out at a world that didn't pay attention to me, while also drowning in dysphoria.

I imagine you are doing the same.

I'm sorry you are so busy attacking one of the few people in the world who understands what you're going through. It must be very lonely and tough to be you.

You’re right. I’ve always been interested in trans people. The high suicide rates, the clear mental issues that go unrecognized, the lack of clarity. How can such colorful people not understand they won’t feel better by chopping their sex junk to pieces?

I just can’t help but lash out /u/katiecharm, because I’m just so envious of a people who play the victim in a society, even getting offended at the tiniest of jokes and demand that all who laugh be anally raped.

It’s just such an upsetting moment when the love of your life confesses that she has a gussy and asks that question all men dread: g-string or bikini bottom panties? Who wouldn’t enter into dysphoria to know all these time there was no bussy only gussy? Worse that you get to pick what covered that gussy? No one can understand that trauma. The horror. The perversion!

But seriously trannies are mentally ill and society shouldn’t be applauding it as brave. As the great Dave Chappell’s said, “to what extant must we join you in the fantasy?” And I think I owe you nothing in engaging in the fantasy. If you suffer gender dysphasia, see a shrink, work out your issues, be a man. Or woman. Or whatever your chromosomes dictate you be. I’m sorry you choose to ignore your mental illness and hope you keep yourself safe 💋

I'm blocking you now. Goodbye and enjoy the loneliness. Feel free to sputter 2000 words at me I won't see.

Usually when one says “I’m blocking you,” they mean, “I’m a child but sooooo watching your next move.”

In that spirit /u/katiecharm: seek professional help and understand you are sick.

Also tranny jokes are hella funny.

Don't be such a pussy, snowflake

Blocking him? Does that make you.....a snowflake?

Jeeze this thread is messed up, so many toxic 12 year old edgy bigots, effort.

I know it’s an effort for you to tear yourself from traaaaaaaaans the musical. But please wait until you meet Ed. You’ll like him.

Now post bussy!

Sorry not “down with the kids” you might need to expand on those :)

Oh lemme explain: Ed is our in-house lunatic.

Bussy is something all dramatards crave and demand pics of.

I'm a simple man, I see/hear bussy and I come running. Now where is it? All I'm seeing some tranny dumpster slut losing xir's shit and trying to mask it with piss poor smug posting

...expanding your bussy...

I'm down.

Just report the whole thing for brigading to the admins. Hopefully the people involved will get ip bans, and eventually maybe the subreddit will get quarantined/banned. This is exactly why site wide rules exist, and in subs that don't enforce them on their users eventually the axe comes down.

We aren’t brigading :) just observing and offering you a chance to come here and talk.

Now if your buddies come here and brigade....irony is delicious, no?

Meh, unlikely. We're pretty snappy when it comes to complying with what the admins want.

I hate echoing the Donald but /u/katiecharm considered yourself BTFO’d

OP also got BTFO in all fairness.

He did do a kys ping on a non-dramanaut so XD has it coming.

It's as likely as you ever being a woman tbh, my dude.

and eventually maybe the subreddit will get quarantined/banned.

Keep dreaming.

Just like how you dream to be a real woman but that pesky Y chromosome keeps getting in the way

Also penis. Penis gets in the way. Fortunately there are ways to deal with that...

glances meaningfully at the extra-sharp new scissors glinting on the table

Just report the whole thing for brigading to the admins.

Cool. While you're at it, report yourself too.

Yeah, and maybe trump resigns in disgrace, and puts Hillary Clinton in as president.

Yeah, that's totally what admins will do to protect your feelings

That's like, one of the first rules of laughing at someone from the shadows.

What? That's kind of the point. We bring the lolcows to our pasture.

It’s a learning curve and our new friends from traaaaaans are having a time with it.


> Literally shake because /r/jokes joked about something

>Literally set up campus panic rooms with crayons, therapy dogs and playdough when Milo/Shapiro show up to talk somewhere

> Enter a coma when your gender gets assumed

> "you're all snowflakes, teepee! "

"Transphobic smut" is perfectly fine because tranny faggots are subhuman and should be used as rape objects and organ farms until they die horribly.

As I didn't "target [any] individual users", I can only assume you're okay with that statement.

What's it like being even worse than white people, out of curiosity?

user reports:
1: Threatening, harassing and inciting violence. Sounds like a rapist
1: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else
1: It's targeted harassment at someone else

This level of fucktardery sounds like an admin kinda thing.

Running hovels of transphobic smut is apparently okay with Reddit.

Cry about it and freeze on our peaches, gender bender.

We aren't laughing from the shadows, we're doing very clearly, right here.

ty for recognizing me as a lord

Welcome to the patriarchy, brother.

It was a struggle but here I am.

I don't think you can mock someone as a "snowflake" seconds after saying you'll report them

It’s part of xirs ongoing mental illness. Understanding how logic works is hard.

Reporting someone for harassment on /r/drama is actually an extremely alpha move.



user reports:
1: i want to be alpha too :3


I thought calling someone a snowflake was accusing them of thinking that they were totally unique (since no two snowflakes are alike) , and that they were special for holding certain opinions or having certain views which were actually relatively common and nothing special.

These days I often don't understand the context it's used in, usually seeming to be general way of calling someone sensitive, but even that often doesn't make sense in its context.

When did this happen?

These days I often don't understand the context it's used in

It's synonymous with calling someone a whiny little bitch at this point.

You sure? I got some rope slightly used from John Waite Jr.

calls people snowflakes

Gets pissy and keeps reporting people

I've been reporting all these posts and any hate speech to the reddit admins at /r/ as well as calling for the mods to step down... I have gotten numerous responses... We need to let the admins know we want to keep the sub and clean it up or it's gonna get shut down like fatpeoplehate... The reddit admins are currently sweeping reddit of all hate subs and bigotry. You are in clear violation of Reddit law and I have taken the liberty of reporting you to the authorities.

Don't ping random people telling them to kill themselves you fucking retard.

Dirty tranny sympathizer. Should be ashamed of yourself.

Don't we all deserve to die by our own hands? Isn't that what the ultimate point of allowing and encouraging all the teasing of trans people is?

How many people who say these awful things honestly ever felt the effects of the first years of female puberty via estrogen? Certainly it's not women who are saying it (and if so they are an extreme minority). Estrogen puts the brain in one of the most emotional and vulnerable states imaginable. The only other time we see it besides trans people is in early teenage girls.

This is the kind of place you are running, one which seeks out people going through that experience and bullies them relentlessly. I can't imagine how far gone an intelligence must be to enjoy the thought of someone else hurting themselves in self-loathing.

Maybe they enjoy it because they themselves are steeped in self loathing and don't have the courage to do it to themselves, so in a weird way they are looking for some kind of peer support in their desire to hurt themselves.

Either way, it's gross and unhealthy.

But yeah, thanks for moderating that guy. He was over the line.

I could watch that for hours

Don't we all deserve to die by our own hands?


Isn't that what the ultimate point of allowing and encouraging all the teasing and bullying of trans people is?

No, it's because it's funny.

Don't we all deserve to die by our own hands?

Yes. Obviously.

Does anyone think that teasing a trans person is honestly going to change the fact that they are trans?

Might do. Might change them from a tranny into a deceased lump of organic material, which no longer has any sexual identity and thus is no longer trans.

Sounds 100% effective to me.

transition... puberty... estrogen

Stop using long science words. I only understand things like "MAGA" and "All Live Matter", because unlike you I have a PhD in a useful field but no formal schooling in Social Faggotry.

Estrogen puts the brain in one of the most emotional and vulnerable states imaginable

Settle down there, caveman. I thought progressives have been telling us for decades that women aren't more emotional at all and that hormonal differences don't impact rationality or behaviour? But now I guess estrogen is made of magic whenever convenient for your faggot ass.

I can't imagine how far gone an intelligence must be to enjoy the thought of someone else hurting themselves in self-loathing.

Somewhat less far than it has to be for it to enjoy chopping its dick off and playacting at something it's not. Cry harder faggot.

Either way, it's gross and unhealthy.

So is gussy, or wanting to have gussy.

So stop pretending you're a "girl" and just post bussy already. You know you get off on the abuse anyway. Bet you're dying for half this sub to run train on you until you prolapse.

So it's gonna sound like I'm blocking and reporting you, but...

But you're actually aroused and shoving a silicone dogcock up your bussy. Got it.

Wow you’re letting him off that easy? He really lucked out on that one


Are you still in kindergarten?

and reporting you

Reports are only visible to this subreddit's moderators. It's the equivalent of going to a bully's parents and telling them that their kid is bullying you.

Worse it’s like going to the bully’s parents and finding out that the parents will happily help the bully.

Verbose versions of "kill yourself" are even cringier.

And it's much worse when you do it to someone early in transition.

Interesting. Could you elaborate? When is the easiest point to try to push a transgender to suicide with minimal effort? Asking for a friend.

Trans women are not going to be the butt of your jokes anymore.

what are trannies going to do about it?

Be the mouth of our jokes?

Complain on reddit.

Post some hella dick tweets and hope they make it into weird Twitter hall of fame.



Commit suicide if you don't accept them

Yeah, /u/katiecharm, what exactly are you going to do about tranny jokes? Kill yourself at us?


One day, trooning out will stop being funny.

Wait a second - isn't this the same 'Katie' that got chased out of a bunch of women's restrooms at Las Vegas? The same 'Katie' that made those super-creepy videos where s/he is dancing in underwear in front of a mirror? The same 'Katie' that's displayed some seriously creepy behavior toward his niece/nephew (who's also trans at age 14)?

...This person is quite fascinating.

idk, is it?

...It is! Katie Charm aka James Daniel Davis aka americanpegasus.

Has a page on Kiwi Farms / GenderTrender. Was kicked out of multiple different venues in LV on multiple occasions for aggressively trying to use the women's bathroom despite making no attempt to pass as a woman and generally creeping the fuck out of the female patrons. Apparently quite well-off financially (former military?) and known for making videos where s/he is bawling like a three year old on a regular basis.

Aww! So cute! It's almost like you don't know that doxxing isn't against site wide rules!

Aww! So cute! It's almost like you don't know that doxxing isn't against site wide rules!

/r/serialflamingo yet another one of your wayward children.

All of the information I've given out has been made publicly available by you. So no doxxing here, sorry. And if they do nuke my account, I'll still happily keep reading all your wonderful tales over at KF, Katie!

PS. I meant what I said. I'm a genuine fan. Don't go changing.

Fyi mr guy, you use /u/ for pings, not /r/.

Also, information easily found through a google search of a reddit user name isn't doxxing.

He didn't post your social security number or address, and names are never doxxes.

r/Serialflamingo, for all your u/Serialflamingo news and updates.

Not fixing if the lolcow publishes their info like a goddamn retard.

Not doxxing if the lolcow publishes their info like a goddamn retard.

Do you hang out in my tribute thread over in Kiwi Farms? Tell those guys to bump it to the front page please, it's been a few days and I'm worried they've forgotten about me. Better they spend their time picking on me than some other trans person while they all slowly learn to accept that they're gay/trans/lesbian too.

Also that person in question is 18 years old, and my legally adopted son btw. But yeah, I do sometimes dance in front of mirrors in my underwear (though I am cuter now) and did get illegally barred from a bathroom in Vegas. Nice to meet a fan! 💜

After looking at that kiwifarms thread you told me to check out, honestly, the biggest joke of all is that you have the idea that you think you look like a woman.

Fucking laffo

You rape your own son?

It’s not rape if you believe it isn’t 🤗😫💋💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

Katie - all I can say is, don't go changing. Oh wait, you already did. My bad.

BTW, how did that little encounter at the hotel go recently? You know, the one where you were hoping that you'd hook up with one of those two young people you were with, and then you were horribly crushed because it turned out neither of them wanted you at all and had sex with each other and you ended up sneaking out in shame even though you paid for the room? That must have sucked.

...Anyway, hope things go better in the future! Lots of love from a fan!

I don't speak to either of those people anymore. I'm flattered you've chosen to spend your holidays by reading a ratchet version of my autobiography.

The official version will be much more riveting, I assure you.

you got a kiwi thread? Link that shit.


No. That site is barred from reddit for doxxing.

Someone is triggeeeeeerrrrreeeeddddddd

I've never seen a sub that brigades like /drama. I remember when the guy in the formula one sub said he was sick of seeing net neutrality posts, since most of the sub was European. Before being posted to drama? +1200. After? -3000, maybe more.

u/DaniFarFromCali be sure not to trip trying to lightly slap a chadservative.

You know what the best part of the tranny community is?


Their high suicide rates.

Ba dum tish

All the parties I go to have LGBTQ people so yeah I sure am fun at parties. What parties do you like? Frat boy parties?

I can't even imagine being this autistic.

Yeah. Stop telling pinged ppl to keep themselves safe. I'm just gonna ban everyone who does it.

Is that starting now or retroactive?

Can we do it ironically to ppl who are users here?

What he said. I thought if the lolcows came to pasture they were fair game?

You can't ping ppl here while telling them to kill themselves. After that, use some judgement. If they're engaging in banter and there's some back-and-forth then whatever. If all you're doing is telling them to kill themselves then find some better chat.






Rude. Reported

He says to stick to telling people to keep themselves safe

Trannies are so sensitive jfc.

Apply it retroactively and we can have a r/drama night of the long knives.

mfw drama is canned before SRD

mfw cuckt

Maintain your safety mod

It's ok to tell me to kill myself.

/u/ironicshitpostr kill yourself

Already doing it slowly, thanks.


I feel so sorry for the LGB community that is forced to be associated with these narcissistic autogynephiles.

> my existence is not a fucking punchline


/u/katiecharm if you weren't a joke before you are now.

u/KatieCharm and u/MadEpix were made to be together. They're the next r/Drama power mod couple

/u/katiecharm, you should use a shampoo than gives you some volume. Also get a really good conditioner. Maybe a little colour? Also groom your eyebrows.

u/Katket u/UnsureandWondering u/FrancesJue

You can put lipstick on a pig...

The Fuck you want from me

how does it feel to have too many chromosomes?

Wouldn't know

So you're just retarded on your own.

I figured that she was just really good at handjobs because she had a place to practice all her life

u/aarundone can you ban your subreddit from the internet?