/r/PoliticalHumor can't decide whether or not they like Churchill, but they know he's better than Trump. Also, so was Hitler

115  2017-12-27 by lmao_how_old_are_you


Do we have dramanouts from India? I would lije to hear their opinion about dear old Winston.

Because, you know: Bengal famine, using chemical weapons on tribes, a contraversional opinion on Jews, white supremacy, eugenics - that's all on dear Winston...that and also Katyn cover-up.

Still better than Trump!

Which, I mean, he was, but there's some interesting mental gymnastics at play for those vote totals to shake out. They gotta make sure to criticize Trump but then downvote anyone saying Churchill sucks while also upvoting people saying Churchill sucks.

Does the sub do anything other than just be anti-Trump?

Does the sub do anything other than just be anti-Trump?

No, which I exploited for karma

Eh, that's fair

No, it's also anti-humor.

Well, a brick would be a better president than Trump, my point still stands - no major political leader was ever without sin.

Yes. They also delete conservative posts for no reason other than conveying the wrong message

no one knew or had even heard of that sub before trump. they owe their existence to him

Churchill was actually way, way, way worse than Trump. Hell, he was a paranoid fool about fifty different things, that weren't Nazis. He just happened to get the Nazi thing right. Shit, his own country threw him out of office pretty quick after Hitler, because that was pretty much the only thing he was ever right about.

Churchill is pretty universally hated here. First, if you are Bengali like me, you would be rooting for the Axis since we had our own version of Mannerheim, Bose. Then, there's the entire part about refusing food aid from Canada, Australia and Japanese Burma that points to actual malice instead of simple mismanagement.

Overall though I'd say those years weren't that bad. We had our own government, however weak. If the bloody Muzzies hadn't started Muzzing, 20th century would probably be the best century in India since the 11th.

Didnt churchill want to use weapons on tribes that specifically would be the least damaging?

I love how the guardian puts this quote by wilson in its article

*I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes. *

But shockingly omits the rest of his quote:

The moral effect should be so good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum. It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gasses: gasses can be used which cause great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected.

am Indian, can confirm that my family is left leaning and dislikes Trump, but hates Churchill like 1000 times more. seriously i don't know when Churchill became a hero to the left bc he's a complete shithead

He's never been, which is the main source of drama in that thread. Someone pointed out that usually these exact same people that are getting outrage that Trump could be compared to Churchill also fucking hate Churchill, so most of the thread is pretty disingenuous.

A: "Hahaha Trump isn't half the warrior or patriot that Churchill was, what a dipshit!"

B: "Yeah but don't you guys also hate Churchill as a war criminal and shit. Why are you upvoting this anyway?"

Followed by a flurry of downvotes.

Virtue signalling is cominv to a head

Winston is pretty hated over here. But then again, he has been dead for a while. So nobody minds him.

The whole Churchill vs Trump comparison begins and ends at " Churchill fought FOR his country".


To be clear, Trump stands with Nazis.


No no no, Churchill stood unequivocally against the Nazis.

Trump is no Churchill.

DAE Trump is hitler? No, that's offensive.

When the time to serve his country came Hitler didn't pretend to have bone spurs and spent the war banging hookers. Hitler was an accomplished speaker, experienced politician, and he came from a blue collar background. Trump is no Hitler.

These people seriously need to step outside and get some sunshine before the Rage stroke causes them to bleed to death in' dem cancer filled brains.

Churchill also was a white supremacist. It's why it's important for people to know why nazism doesn't equal white supremacism.

BUt this is Political "humor" we're talking about.


Don't use DAE ever again, capiche

Everything but capiche

To the front page! Gold for you, le kind gentlesir! Doin gods work son!

You could make a dank meme out of this.

Anybody: "drumpf"

/r/politicalhumor: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv9-ojhWAAAsa3c.jpg

Churchill appreciated Hitler as a man and had pretty clear fascist sympathies. These morons would call Shias Islamophobes because they stood against Sunnis.

Trump has completely broken people's brains lmao.

Trump has completely broken people's brains lmao.

I think Trump just showed the defect that was already there.

Idk, I'm pretty sure that the industrial murder of homosexuals, socialists, Slavs, Jews, and Roma is roughly equivalent to insensitive remarks.

Stop dog whistling Himmler.

Fuck you, nazi!

Literally exactly the same as tax cuts, for sure

I remember the election when everyone was like "it'll all be forgotten by Christmas". Nah. We fully descended to some entirety new worldwide level of actual downs syndrome all because the burgers got a meme leader.

Ehhh, it would seem that many of these people were barely functioning to begin with

These people seriously need to step outside and get some sunshine before the Rage stroke causes them to bleed to death in' dem cancer filled brains.

Can't go wrong with a bit of postmodern natural selection.

"I hate Trump because he is a literal Nazi but at least the Nazis weren't so bad" HAHAHA leftoids be trippin

So Churchill was better than Trump. Okay.

But Churchill wasn't so great. Okay.

But saying "Some people will say Churchill wasn't so great" is something people are arguing against? I'm not even sure how that makes sense, like logically and consistently.

And finally, Hitler was better than Trump? I honestly didn't know that sub was reaching TrollX/Ghazi/LSC levels of insanity but I guess anything is possible in Trump's America after all.

I don't even know who to ping to hear a weird, rambling non-answer.

Whoever breaks the circlejerk gets punished and downvoted. You can explain why that comment is actually reasonable and be upvoted, but you can't be the one that breaks it.

You could make a flowchart about it. Could criticizing (or saying other people will criticize) Churchill be construed as defending Trump? If yes, downvote. If no, the thread doesn't have anything to do with Trump, upvote.

/r/politicalhumor flowchart:

1) Is it funny?

  • If yes - downvote

  • If no go to step two.

2) Does it attack Trump

  • If yes - upvote

  • If no - downvote

3) Is it completely retarded

  • If yes - upvote

  • If no - can't happen because everything posted to /r/politicalhumor is literally retarded.

A simpler explanation other than hordes of zealous liberal serious-posters is that the company called Shareblue emoloys people to manipulate narratives on social media websites.

Try /u/42words. It's their favorite sub ever

Huh, weird. I was just talking about you, too. ❤️

Can you explain how "Hitler was better than Trump" was upvoted but "People on the left hate Churchill, so it's weird you guys are praising him" was downvoted?

Or is this really just about using any means to attack Trump? Cause that's...weird.

What in God's name makes you think I know anything about politics or history or whatever r/theoryofreddit shit about voting behaviors it sounds like you're asking me about right now? Have you SEEN my post history? I'm amazed people let me drive.

A simple no would suffice.

Then username summon /u/ASimpleNo next time.

reddits been a trash heap since trump got elected. i left the site two years before trumps election, and the salt was from here was wafting across the internet so hard i came back around nov/dec 2016

so i saw the place well before trump, took a big ol break and came back right after trump, and the difference is yuuuuge

the left has been soiling their panties harder over trump than anything ive seen in my lifetime. its glorious

Not just the left. Mostly it's the pro-free-trade elite and the media organs they control, using the left as cover (hoping that conservatives will blame them, instead of Republican party leaders. Judging by conservative media, it's not working very well. Turns out you're not limited to hating one person at a time). That's why you've got weasel-men like Joe Scarborough (R-Dead Intern) shilling against Trump.

Morning Joe has been regarded as a RINO since at least 2004. John McCain had a similar reputation when he ran against Barry.

Red tribalism tends to be fairly weak at the level of actual power. Not nearly as cohesive as with the blues.

At least Hitler built roads. What does Trump build?

That sub is cancer so bad it has become Nega Cancer that still gives you cancer. i stated there that

"i dont blame anybody that flees a draft, nobody should be forced to go to war"

it got downvoted

Yeah. The term "draft dodger" is like calling a slave who used the underground railroad a pussy.

Forcing someone to fight in a war against their will is slavery.

Wew fucking lad

Is it bad form to link a comment in /r/drama to a comment in /r/drama because ho-lee-shit son...

Especially for fucking Vietnam.

They aren't wrong, though. It is literally slavery. And if women can't be forced to even bring a baby they fucked into existence to term, then why the fuck should men be forced to kill and die?

So the men drafted to protect this country during WW2 were slaves? Look I might not agree with every institution of the draft in history but I'm certainly not going to compare it to slavery because the two things are completely different.

And if women can't be forced to even bring a baby they fucked into existence to term

Sounds like you are pretty angry at women. I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and say your comment history is cancer. I won't even bother checking because I've developed a sixth sense for this type of cancer and can literally smell it on you through the computer monitor.

So the men drafted to protect this country during WW2 were slaves?

Yes, for the most part. Even if the draft was for the greater good.

til being conscripted to defend your country and possibly life = working against your will for someone's profit and personal gain

Slave dodger

and to add insult to injury, they were only having to enslave men to fight the war because it was such a fucking bungled mess of a conflict to begin with

WWII used a draft. Like every war for most of history used a draft in the USA. Many countries still use it today.

i know its been common for millennia. i also know the englishmen who founded our country specifically avoided it on matters of principle

What are you on about? The country had a draft for like two centuries. Blaming anything on England two centuries after the fact is a bit absurd. It also isn't slavery. Using that logic could lead to taxation is slavery next.

forcing innocent people to serve you is the definition of slavery. you might argue that the ends justify the means, but there is no mistaking what those means are

Serve "you" and who is you? The country is fighting collectively. People are forced into working and giving up their wages. That is slavery too according to your logic.

War is a part of a country. Just the way it works. The bodies get sourced collectively from citizens.

Slaves aren't done for short term either. This conversation is ridiculous.

thats the same arguments levied in defense of forcing negroes into the fields. the economy is a tightly interconnected, collective effort. their labor is needed to feed the nation, and to fuel its industries with raw materials

with this forced labor the country can be fed, clothes can be put on our backs, and taxes can be levied on the imports/exports to provide for common services- transportation, national defense, etc

and since all this effort goes toward the collective benefit of the nation, its not really slavery at all. its happy-funtime-compulsory-labor

Stop being retarded. No country needs cotton to survive. It also doesn't benefit the country as a whole and the profits go to only private citizens.

cotton was a lot more important to the health of this nation than a war fought in swampy jungles thousands of miles away was, so whats your point?


cotton was a gain for the nation, vietnam was loss

Draft was not exclusive to Vietnam. Cotton still can be farmed without slavery.

irrelevant. if value to the country determines if something is slavery or not, then negroes in the fields werent slaves and vietnam infantry boys were

Every country used to use slaves, too, though. Many still do today.

If the government can't make abortion illegal because of a woman's sacred bodily autonomy, I don't get how the fuck it's acceptable to force men into war.

lol they got so mad at /u/CirqueDuFuder holy shit

You got to at least link it.

I upvoted you because you seem nice.

I just found all of this very pleasant and warm

I got a PM.

For the sake of unending back and forths in the comments I'm just going to pm. You actually didn't make any point, you started by trying to defend the indefensible, then flopped over to whining about not getting any funnies from the comments. Looking at your post history it seems like you're no stranger to people just telling you to shut the fuck up. But, I'm sure you justify all the hate you get as "my political and social opinions are just ahead of the buck" when in reality you don't even know what you stand for yourself. How many people have to take time out of their day to tell you that you need to rethink a lot of your ideological ideals for you to start thinking that maybe the problem is with you. I've officially wasted more time on you than I would have liked to, so I won't be participating in this conversation anymore.

How many people have to take time out of their day to tell you that you need to rethink a lot of your ideological ideals for you to start thinking that maybe the problem is with you.

hahahaha this is amazing

I only really went there and was asking where the jokes are at and why everyone is so angry all the time.

I think the responses to that comment are about as "same" as any comparison can be without using the literal same exact words. In both instances, they're so excited to yell about Trump that they ignore what they actually believe in order to "GET 'EM".

i dont blame any person for that. forcing somebody is fight in a war is a crime against humanity imo.

Is about as reddit idealist/"fuck you dad, you can't tell me what to do" (no offense) as you can get. But if it doesn't attack Trump? That's a downvotin'.

"I agree with you, because I am very reasonable. That said, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCK DRUMPFH!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE"

That whole thread was unreal.

Can we tell them that Churchill hated Indian people?

He was a wise man.

Historical figures who did something great for their country do not hold up to current social mores. Film at 11.

To be clear, Hitler did nothing wrong.

Trump is bad but he is nowhere near Churchill level of bad. Or even Bush.

Praising Hitler to own the fascists.

🤔🤔🤔 le thinking Nazi emoji

I can guarantee you Hitler never used the thinking emoji.

Has anything in that sub ever been funny?

on purpose? no.

The comment sections are unintentionally hilarious so kind of.

Nothing that wasn't immediately reprted by cucks and removed

My inbox is currently a goldmine

Holy Downvoting Dildoshills, Batman!

O           Y
Y           O
B           B
O           Y
Y           O

At least try and meme properly, nerd.

O           O
Y           Y
B           B
O           O
Y           Y

The fuck you talking about. Say that to your computer screen and not on mobile and see what fukken happens m8.

I can out-meme you in ways the little speck of grey matter you call brain is not even capable of computing. Don't fucking test me, kiddo.

I've been jerking it to shitting dick nipples before mods could even cheesegrater images, you silly sausage.

Disclosign the kind of degeneracy you partake in only reaffirms my assumptions. Do us all a favor and cease your oxygen intake permanently.

I only want to suck the oxygen out of your chocolate starfish, big boy.

The only thing getting sucked out of me is my hope for humanity, knowing I share a species with the likes of you. Your existence should be considered a war crime.

Will you hold my hand when Papa Pence shocks the gay out of me?

The only way I'm ever getting near you it's if he sets it up like a voyeur session. Wouldn't miss that for anything.

Would you be pulling on your big daddy dick while watching? Would my cries make you hard?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I have already decided whether or not I like Churchill. I don't. He, like Trump, was a cunt.

>liking churchill in current year

fucking liberals

Say what you will about Hitler, the man got laws passed

hmm churchill yes a leader with such venerable quotes and actions that truly represent peak social justice such as:

I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place

I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes

or that one time while india was having a famine he shiped 170'000 tons of food from australia to be put into storage in britan and allowing 3'000'000 people to starved to death, people who churchill said had it coming for "breeding like rabbits"

but ya haha dhubf BTFOED again