John kuckian calls TheJosh's workplace accusing him of pedophilia support.

7  2017-12-27 by Lechateau


This, but unironically.


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YouTube John kuckian has a drama channel where he talks about beauty YouTubers. He recently decided to launch his own makeup line which ended up being a private labeled mess.

Right before Xmas he made a huge video accusing Peter monn,another YouTuber , of being a pedophile based on his tumblr.

Youtuber drama is normally so boring but this is some good shit because Kuck is legitimately fucking nuts. Good post.

While this is happening he is posting on Snapchat about having friends over and about the presents his Chinese factory sent him.

Holy fuck, I am : 😳

It's my understanding that Monn hasn't been a councelor for several years (like 10), so Kuckian wants to take away a licence that does not actually exist. He is literally accusing someone of pedophelia because Monn made a video about is (highly fraudulent) makeup launch.

The man is legitimately ill, he has to be.

John KUCKian? How do you not change your name before you try to become a public figure?

That was actually his grandfather's names, he took it because he thinks it sounds fancy. He is British but did a barf inducing french video for his cosmetics launch with the voice from SpongeBob.

I wish I was joking

It sounds Armenian, which is one of the least fancy countries on earth.

I think his family is from India, but I am not sure.

It sounds like he lets his wife get fucked by another man while he watches.

Con artists hate being exposed. They always lash out the moment someone pulls back the curtains. Classic deflection (and revenge-seeking).

This is far beyond just being a con.

This looks legit pathological.

Goes with the territory, I suspect.

Supposedly from what I read on Twitter which can be taken with a grain of salt. TheJosh can't be reached and people are saying he killed himself because of this and all the things joysparklebs said about him on her most recent YouTube streams on her spurpinkle bow (spelling) channel.