Larping tankie shows his support for che in r/liberalgunowners . Doesn't go as well as he expects.

71  2017-12-27 by Russiangreyman


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Truer words have never been spoken! ❤❤❤


Kindly explain the following passage from Che’s personal diary and tell me how it is not racist

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

Also kindly explain how Che came to be known as Fidel’s personal executioner?

How Che sent gays to gay camps to be re-educate?

And how Che admitted to raping women to exert power?

And when you disprove me give me legotinate citations, not your inane babble.

And how Che admitted to raping women to exert power?

Til che was a male feminist.

Comrade Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria was male feminist number 1 then.

Genghis Khan was the original male feminist

fuck that

Che said that nuclear warfare was a good thing because it would remove the current power structure and that the revolutionaries should be honored to die in the nuclear fire that would bring change

Honestly, that kind of makes me respect the guy a bit.

Che encouraged the USSR to send nukes to Castro because he thought that the US would use nukes in response or Castro would snap and try to use them on his own

Well, if it gets rid of the mayos...

Che was an ancap ally

wtf i love che now


To get a real hoot you should see how Tankies argue how great the revolution was for blacks in Cuba and such.

They’re still dirt poor even after being promised so much, really makes you think if Commies actually care about “minorities” or whatever topic they choose to cling onto.

I'm starting to actually like commies now.

Of course you quote a bastardized “translation” of his work. One must read the original in context to get the full nuance.

Yes I clearly missed the unironic nuance of a paragraph written by a racist saying blacks were shiftless. Would you like to provide me with the full quote to prove how horrible I am for taking Most Holy Che’s quote out of context?

Did I miss the nuance when he and Fidel sent the gays to happy camps?

this girl is a shitRedditSays poster, btw. so of course shed defend other leftists who rape and call niggers lazy; its what the far left does

this girl is a shitRedditSays poster, btw.


i never realized che was such a boss, i just assumed he was a trashy communist

LARPing tankie should try unironically voice his views in my country and see what happens.

Well, how would the people of Faggotland react?

I don't know, never been in your homeland.

I’m American, bruh. You seem to be a foreigner, making you the resident of Faggotland.

American ehhh, so you're the one from Faggotland then.

Yeah, sure, say that to our nukes and unstable narcissist president.

Anyway, back to the original topic - as a Faggotlander, how would you respond to this guy’s bullshit?

Is this the reddit version of "I know you are, but what am I"?

Yes, I too want to shitpost sometimes.


Not an argument.

so they can defend minorities

lol No thanks. I'm not trusting some male feminist trying to save my life so he can rape me as payment.

You sure you don't need protection against frog meming skinny kekistanis?

I like how some of the posters thought that the subreddit was some Soviet military worshiping tankie hangout and meltdown when a majority of the posters prefer Western firearms

That and xer also assumes that liberals can hate Marxism too.

Funny thing is alot of dems I know are some of the most unironically racist motherfuckers I know.

Why do you think they bought the guns in the first place?


Western Firearms look more like quality hentai boobies and Chilean fire arms look like sticks and dirt and fucking mud

These people are literally buying guns to shoot innocent people. They really should have the feds called on them.

Ive been following these clowns for a while. And so has just about every alphabet agency as well.