SRS have a heated argument over headcanon for gender identity of japanese videogame characters. Have we reached autism critical mass, or can we sink lower?

51  2017-12-27 by IAintThatGuy


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Only 5 comments of drama??? Plz post more

It's SRS. I caught the spergout early, I'm assuming it'll develop.

It's not even a correct analysis. Naoto doesn't want to BE a man, she wants to be taken seriously like one. If anything her character arc is a look at sexism, not transgenderism.

Don't even get me started on this dipshit whining about the supposed homophobia revolving around Kanji - a character who isn't even actually fucking gay.

Holy fuck what have you people done to me I don't even fucking like Persona

Naoto doesn't want to BE a man, she wants to be taken seriously like one.

Okay, but suppose someone believed the opposite; what evidence would you offer?

The part of the game where she literally says "I dress like a man to be taken more seriously at my work."

I mean to be honest it has been a while since I've had any exposure to the game and I do really, really despise Persona as a series, but I got a buddy who's completely obsessed with it and Naoto especially. I asked him and he said the same exact thing.

The fact that she acts more like a chick once she’s within a group who accepts her for who she is?

user reports:
1: autism

There is your answer.

SRS: Where even the 'women' are neckbeards.

TFW you intentionally misgender a character so you can pretend that they're an example of transphobic writing.