Podcast company founder gets #MeTooted, discovers how unnecessary he is to his own company

65  2017-12-27 by tendtodisagree

Dustin Marshall founded the fierce, independent Feral Audio after being fired from his engineering position at Earwolf. Feral quickly found a foothold and became a noteworthy name in podcasting thanks to the addition of well-known stable person Dan Harmon's podcast.

A few days ago, Dustin was outed as an abusive ex-boyfriend on Twitter. The podcasts on his network quickly began to jump ship, leading to quite possibly the worst PR recovery statement of all time. The original statement included an announcement that the podcast network he founded would be dissolved next month. This was later removed.

Shortly afterwards, an announcement came from his partner company that they would be launching their own podcast network with the major shows from Feral Audio. This apparently came as a surprise to Dustin, who seemed upset at the announcement despite the unceremonious way he dissolved the network merely hours before.

Discovering that literally anyone else could do his job proved too much for Dustin, who walked back his "apology" by saying that anyone in a coked up relationship with a 23 year old hot band girl would have done the same shit (later deleted). He then attacked Jesse Thorn, notorious podcast saint, for offering the Feral Audio podcast hosts another network if they wanted one. The bad twitter decisions are ongoing.

Will the podcasting landscape ever be the same without Feral Audio? The answer is clearly yes. Maybe with better audio engineering for a few shows though.

There are reddit discussions of the situation.

Do you see?

Do you see?

Do you see?

Do you see?


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. fired from his engineering position... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. outed as an abusive ex-boyfriend - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. quickly began to jump ship - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. the worst PR recovery statement of ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  6. This was later removed - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  7. their own podcast network with the ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  8. came as a surprise to Dustin - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  9. who walked back his "apology" by sa... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  10. attacked Jesse Thorn, notorious pod... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  11. Do you see? - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  12. Do you see? - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  13. Do you see? - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  14. Do you see? - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Yet...I don't feel good at this. He definitely stepped over the line, and was unkind and fucked up to this girl, but he didn't seem to hurt her physically, he didn't sexually assault her. I'm not trying to dismiss it, or say it doesn't count, I am just saying, sometimes human beings are horrible to one another. Especially when alcohol is involved

Every day I feel like I'm slowly sleepwalking to a future that is like Demolition Man, except with all chunky neon haired dudes claiming to understand my plight as a woman lol.

you're a grill?

open bobs pls

You can now lose your job just for being mean to a girl once.

That's the shitty 'feminist' world for you. A woman can scream 'kill all men', strip naked and run through the streets, and that's just 'empowering'. But a man is even arguably unkind, and he loses everything he's ever built.

At least when authoritarian men ruled, everyone had to follow a set of shitty rules. Authoritarian women are the most sexist creatures on the planet.

go cry someplace that cares, like /r/incels

Doesn't it get old coming here just to whine about comments that upset you?

Doesn't it get old coming here just to whine about comments that upset you?

Doesn't it get old coming here just to whine about comments that upset you?

Doesn't it get old living?


You know what to do.

If you get confused, just ask, we'd be more than happy to draw you a diagram.

I got excited thinking they’d reinstated that freak show Thanks for nothing

I can't say this has been my experience


Abuse of a woman in 1980:





Abuse in 2018:

-Saying no

-Not taking abuser re-education courses when confronted

-Applying for jobs in STEM fields



-Saying "hello"


Men aren’t as self-aware as I am.

Lmao, this desperately needed to run through an editor.

Yeah it's basically a free ad for publicists

Oh god, I just got to the part where he attacks her band. Guy, go home.

Finally, someone who understands the correct response to being outed as a Male Feminist.

He didn't rape anybody.

Trying to out crazy the crazies. It's an interesting strategy, let's see if it pays off.

seems like its a good plan

Wow, surprisingly few yes votes.

i did my part



Now this is what

Wow, everyone playing right into his hands. People don't take sexual assault in the entertainment business seriously enough.

So is being emotionally shitty to people in your personal life grounds for losing your livelihood now?


What's up hot dog?

Scott Anchorman has finally activated his sleeper agent to destroy Feral audio.

The horrible thing is, you know that some of these cunts were just absolute monsters--like, worst than the shittiest, youngest, most borderline and psychotic bitches.

And I'd bet that some coked up band girl was probably one of them.

Entirely possible that they had a really toxic, shitty relationship where they were monsters to each other. He did pretty much admit to harassing her from different numbers and then breaking into her place and getting into bed with her though, which is what brings it to the next level.

They were nothing but sweet innocent mayo grils.

That's why engineer Cody-Cody was always my favorite.

Engineer Cody-Brett is my favorite. Also, he doesn't get in the wires Lawnmower-man-style and say "ba ba booey" like Cody always does

In this statement I will: ...comply with what I have done

English is not this guy's strong suit.

Say what you will, this does contain The Three Why/How/Who Explanations Of a Meaningful Apology:

1) WHY you won't actually say you're sorry.

2) HOW the other person is to blame for the behavior.

3) WHO the other people that should really be making the apology are.

It's also the first #MeToo response I've seen that directed you to listen to an entire podcast to fully understand it.

The award for best comment goes to /u/SkiJock

"Apology" highlights

I am filled with compassion, morals, strong beliefs and love.

If there is one thing anyone reading this does, is listen to my opportunity to talk face to face with legendary Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield and discuss borderline personality disorder and being an abuser

You knew I had borderline personality disorder, love and drug/alcohol addiction from day one.

An apology to someone who has been abused and is processing trauma is worthless. That’s why there are no “I’m sorries” I will offer you

I influenced a song for your upcoming (incredible) album during a writers block that your management praised you in the night

Abusers, here’s where to pay attention.

I admit to online stalking you compulsively for 4-6 weeks after the break up. Though, there’s massive confusion and coincidence surrounding the idea that I imitated an actual friend of yours from another number.

If anyone you date exhibits these behaviors, run. Men aren’t as self-aware as I am.

Men are not taught how to deal with our emotions and anger (which is why I think Dialectical Behavioral Therapy should be taught in grade school).

Before I move on to address some other important things, like the future of my business, I need you to know something you did that really hurt me.

You were the first girlfriend I came out as queer to. ... Not only did you confide my secret to others, you did in every detail and it has set me back tremendously.

I hope publicly coming out the way you did is because it is important to your healing process, was done under the guidance of a professional and not because you were coerced to by friends and peers. ... Your bandmates are incredibly emotionally and verbally abusive to you. If you’re serious about getting away from abusers like me, I ask that you get away from them.

You will heal. Time moves slow when you’re in pain ... Listen to the ones who reach out and are there to lift you up. The ones whose message comes with love. Like mine.

Now that you’ve gotten your fodder, piss off sensationalists.

to quote the podcast below: “it’s never too late to start again. what needs to die is not your body, but the way you are in the world. And the whole way you are living your life. Some deep, death and rebirth has to happen so you can start again. the thing that made me feel so alone isn’t true, I’m not alone.” - Jack Kornfield

It's a devastatingly self-serving statement. I think someone double dared him to make Kevin Spacey's apology look good.


Every time.

Almost, but he pulled a half Kevin Spacey. He put all his chips on bi-everything

ahh, the elusive were-het


thank you

No, thank you 😙

So wait, what did he do? Have an argument?

Literally this

All he had to do was say "If she couldn't handle me at my worst, she didn't deserve me at my best" and then all the borderline feminists would have to take his side, because they're not hypocrites.

Damn, too bad Sargon didn't wait a week for that video. He'd be able to add another name to it.