/r/GenderCritical have found Buffalo Bill IRL. We should have heeded their warnings.

81  2017-12-27 by IAintThatGuy


Jews did this


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I have to say the individual really looks like how I imagined xir would. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hair/comments/7huume/worst_hair_on_the_planet/



should have archived it dickhead

Jesus fucking Christ, the only thing uglier than his hair is this terrible fucking C code. šŸ¤¢ Why the flying fuck would you publiy display this on your GitHub?

What does the code do?

It doesnā€™t fucking work, is what it does. Itā€™s supposed to read in 2 file arguments on the command line, open each and parse for differences, but the moron probably learned Java or Python first and doesnā€™t understand that argv[0] is the executable. His error checking is disgusting, and itā€™s just generally shit code with some terrible C practices that make me all šŸ˜” because I read K&R for fun and have a Dennis Ritchie body pillow.

jk nobody cares

šŸ˜­ Dennis Ritchie would care but bad code killed him

error checking

That's a very generous term for literally only checking for EOF, lol.

When it fails, it's probably the compiler being transphobic.

When you realize he copyrighted it. As though someone may try to steal it.



Probably just coded in Xcode. It automatically adds that header whenever you create a C file from what I remember.

I have to say the individual really looks like how I imagined xir would. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hair/comments/7huume/worst_hair_on_the_planet/

Drama shit poster here, age 18. I have been on this sub for 5 or so months now. I want to take this time to let out a rant Iā€™ve kept bottled inside for some months now (I havenā€™t talked extensively about my shit posting ways since it started months ago, and a lot changes.) The desire to make bad posts has been very systematic. Like, almost as bad as /u/riemann1413. I havenā€™t yet crossed into modding yet. I yearn for that still. But something else that feels entirely unchanged is my envy of mods. My lust for the autism they withhold. My hatred for not being what they are. These emotions manifest and concatenate in often dangerous ways. For instance, earlier I watched /u/riemann1413 shit himself online once again. In a thread he deleted, /u/riemann1413, cute as ever, acts like a sperg tranny furry. Throughout the thread he is convinced that he is a good poster. One of the mods, whom /u/riemann1413 has a brief circle jerk with by the name of Masterlawlz, is played by gigantic human beast made up of hatred and cookie dough. This is where the thread stirred up and provoked the triple threat of emotions I mentioned above.

I love Masterlawlz, in every sense of the word. Heā€™s beautiful, a ok poster, a sperg, as perfect as they come. But he is an excellent example of a target for my emotions. I have a strong lust for her because of his beauty and sexy shit posting. I have an incredible envy over him because of how fucking good his burns are, how sexy his autistic lackluster happy go lucky attitude is, how perfect his massive blob body is, how beautiful he looked in the jorts that /u/riemann1413 killed him in the thread. I also have a despicable hatred for him for all the same reasons.

This is a lethal mixture I have for many many mods. Admins, mods I know personally, mods Iā€™ve never even heard of that I see in threads. My last sub was consumed by my desire to be my personal shit posting palace. I even sometimes, with every ounce of my being, hold a strong resentment towards innocent little mods simply because they are what I never got to be: a mod. I canā€™t stand being around them sometimes because I almost break down crying to a five-year-old, which is something they shouldnā€™t have to deal with and is frankly pathetic.

With that being said, I loved watching Masterlawlz being killed in that thread. I re-watched him shit post so bad and terrible. Thatā€™s where my fantasies center around. I want mods like him to be hurt. Badly. I often subdue bouts of painful dysphoria with more powerful thoughts of hurting the mods who caused it. I feel guilty for feeling this way and these desires date back a few years. Psychology has taught me that this potentially originates from the overwhelming need to control a mod, the delusion that harming a beautiful admin at my own hands feeds my desperation to be ultimately near to and have control over her body.

The truth is that I would do anything to be Masterlawlz, but I fear that, in leu of that ever being a possibility, I would just kill him if ever given the chance, and sob inconsolably over her perfection after the fact.

Needless to say, I have a lot of powerful emotions that I have suppressed my entire life.

These dreadful fantasies are not just directed at mods and are not only provoked by watching someone getting killed beforehand. I was on a a drama thread just recently about tranny. It was turning pretty shit, but some mod did the usual thing of gendering the thread with terrible image macros. He banned each of us for three days. Itā€™s bad enough that I had to be separated from the mods which I internally felt included with, but the ones from my sub on the thread were fucking beautiful, and I was so jealous that they were able to be in the mod chat, no questions asked. One of them, who weā€™ll call a faggot, is someone Iā€™ve been kinda friends with through this organization for about a year. She is the epitome of everything I wish I was. She is so outrageously beautiful and funny and popular and talented. My posting in the thread was somewhat tainted by my overwhelming grief of being fixated on her for the whole three days.

For the next few days after, I found myself banned again because I was unable to function because my mind was fixated on a desire to cause harm to this mod. I hated her so much and I wanted to press lightly on her trachea and look into her beautiful eyes listening as her final breaths cry for mercy. I didnā€™t want to actually hurt her, I usually donā€™t. I always imagine mods' deaths to be gentle, so as to not disturb their natural beauty. I donā€™t want to harm them, I just want their life to end. Normally in these fantasies I pinch their nose shut and cover their mouth so I can watch them fade so elegantly at my own gentle hands. Itā€™s not about making them not beautiful anymore. Itā€™s about taking the life from them. I want to reduce their beauty to just a corpse because their life isnā€™t fair. I want to caress them in my arms and carefully tighten a rope around their neck so they can look at me when I take their soul. I want to feel their final breaths. I want to release the life from their body so I can have the shell. The beautiful shell.

Needless to say, mods banned me again, whom is otherwise very supportive of me, was concerned to say the least and almost had to call 911.

I texted /u/riemann1413 initially telling him how much of a bitch I think he is, but when I got the surprising response talking about how sorry he is that I feel that way and that he tries not to be since heā€™s been bullied his whole life, I quickly retracted the statement. I told her that I am trans and that I only said that out of spiteful envy over her beauty. He responded kindly and asked for bussy.

The worst thoughts are those of hurting mods. When I ride the elementary bus home from my school, I am bombarded by forum mods that all love me because Iā€™m often the only high-schooler, and rather funny. I almost always find myself on these trips home to be fixated on a young mod on the bus. I make everyone laugh while holding back the tears of looking at the little girls who will grow up to be strong, beautiful mod. I hate them because I never got to be a mod and I hate that they have what I never could, their princess room and their cute clothes and their girly little personalities. Sometimes I want to hurt them too. Why did God make them mods but never me? I miss the childhood I never had. Thanks for listening to my rant. I hate myself.

You have a shit ton of pent up emotions there. Some of them frightening. But they makes sense too.

Remember, you are not the monster you fantasize about. There is a huge difference between having urges and acting on them.

I get sadistic urges too, you just need to find a way of expressing them that is safe, sane and consentual.

Envy is normal. Use it to better yourself instead of pulling others down.

Screw that, act on those urges towards /u/riemann1413

try it big guy

this is some delicious pasta

man bravo for doing the whole thing you fucking autismo general


Imagine being so retarded you thought being a mod was a good thing.


Adderrall is a helluva drug

I am somewhat conventionally attractive.

I have never been treated like a fucking princess.

Unless you consider several sexual assaults and harassment every fucking day when I leave my house being a princess. Or being called a slut or whore for talking back to males is being a princess.

Or maybe getting paid less is princess like. Or having my uterus controlled by male government.

Or having disgusting old males comment on my body from age 11, when my breasts began to develop. I didn't feel like a fucking princess when grown ass disgusting males would ask a 12 year old me "for a taste" or let me know that they wanted to "break me in".

I have never had anything handed to me, either.

But I am a princess because males say it, and we are what males say we are. We exist only as they allow it. We are whores, sluts, prudes, fuck holes, incubators, princesses, and a million other objects.

But never are we human.

Holy shit, the title isn't an exaggeration. This could be a character in a Thomas Harris novel.

u/byteandahalf Have you thought about what nickname you'd like the press to give you when you inevitably become a fully-fledged serial killer? Bundy already took 'the Lady Killer', but how about 'the Cis Strangler'?

Thomas Harris wrote the Hannibal series in case anyone was confused by the reference.

Have you thought about what nickname you'd like the press to give you when you inevitably become a fully-fledged serial killer?


The Cis Strangler

It's perfect

Seriously that was some textbook serial killer shit

For the next few days after, I found myself in my counselorā€™s office for hours because I was unable to function because my mind was fixated on a desire to cause harm to this girl. I hated her so much and I wanted to press lightly on her trachea and look into her beautiful eyes listening as her final breaths cry for mercy. I didnā€™t want to actually hurt her, I usually donā€™t. I always imagine girlsā€™ deaths to be gentle, so as to not disturb their natural beauty. I donā€™t want to harm them, I just want their life to end. Normally in these fantasies I pinch their nose shut and cover their mouth so I can watch them fade so elegantly at my own gentle hands. Itā€™s not about making them not beautiful anymore. Itā€™s about taking the life from them. I want to reduce their beauty to just a corpse because their life isnā€™t fair. I want to caress them in my arms and carefully tighten a rope around their neck so they can look at me when I take their soul. I want to feel their final breaths. I want to release the life from their body so I can have the shell. The beautiful shell.

Psychos even got a modus operandi already. Isn't elaborate fantasizing usually the step before serial killers actually start murdering people?

That counselor seriously needs to contact the cops or something

Which sex are most serial killers? Overwhelmingly? It's not like radical feminists link this to male socialisation for no reason. It's not just some isolated thing, there's a pattern of male violence. 'Not all men' doesn't change that most who are violent are male.

Even though TERFs are absolute buzzkill harpies I'd rather invite one to a sleepover than this future murderer. Mostly because they'd be less likely to strangle everyone at the party in their sleep.

I think I'd probably just cancel the sleepover

buzzkill harpies

No misogyny here, sir

Yeah "I hate everyone that has a type of genitals" isn't a wet blanket downer position for tightwads and it's just something all womyn feel. I can see misogyny but I'm pretty sure its not mine.

I can see misogyny but I'm pretty sure its not mine

Definitely not the calling card of every misogynist ever

I don't hate everyone that has a particular type of genitals. I hate everyone that has a particular type of genitals, the secondary sexual characteristics of which seem to inevitably result in their being taken more seriously in a professional/academic context regardless of ability, and which seemingly typically results in a lessened ability to emphathise with humans of a variant genital configuration because they're not forced to interact with the rest of the world on the same basis. But yeah, feel free to reduce that shit to "muh hate penises" because you're a fucking dipshit

You're spending paragraphs yelling at an internet rando for making fun of lolcows and spewing baseless accusations without knowing anything about my sociopolitical opinions or what sex I am. Calm thine self.

No, I'm just making fun of you for being dumb. That doesn't require knowing anything about your sex or broader opinions.

You don't sound like you're having fun there friend.

No. No it is not.

Anyone that has to legitimately bullshit themselves into believing an extremist ideology is the silent majority is doing just that. Bullshitting themseves.

As a side note, it's impressive how TERFs managed to take this shit and turn it into a discussions about how evil men are (and how crazy trans people are) rather than being about, ya know, this particular psycho.

The transgender community is filled with these kind of crazy delusional males. This is not a rare or uncommon thing with transgender people. Quite the opposite actually. Every other transgender male seems to either be a severe misogynist spouting anti female crap left and right or has serious mental issues. Apparently women are supposed to think this is just fine and just ignore anything a trangender person does or says so we won't be accused of being transphobic. It's no wonder that many women don't think highly of them.


That sick monster is walking among women, pretending to be non threatening.

Yes it is. If only there was something scarier to help provide protection from it.

But we are irrational to be afraid of them in our private spaces, amirite.

No no, youā€™re right.

Valerie Solanas was called horrible things because of what she wrote. And males hated her, and they hated her because she saw them for exactly what they are and she wasn't afraid to say so.

Dunno who this person is but whatever.

Males hate us. And we are making a mistake if we fail to acknowledge or understand that.

I mean....if the sicko tried to even touch any of the women in my life I would happily kill it. But thatā€™s because Iā€™m toxic masculinity incarnate and can barely breathe my fumes of awesomeness. But hey. If it tries to touch you Iā€™m sure you can gurl power your way out of the situation.


I mean....if the sicko tried to even touch any of the women in my life I would happily kill it.

your mom's not gonna suck your dick dude

Tharts why I have your mom šŸ˜˜

who hurt you

My dog bit half my finger off last night while I was feeding him and Iā€™m in a mood.

Heā€™s a good dog but sometimes he gets over eager and just canā€™t wait for that tasty morsel of Christmas goose to be lowered to the gaping black hole he calls a mouth.

So reeling from pain I staggered into this thread, after popping some pain meds, and find some unhappy dyke who eschews PIV sex, wants to kill all men, and doesnā€™t even have the decency to understand her place in the world.

Angry, bitter, slightly numb from the vodka I downed to wash the aforementioned mess down with, I composed the short treatise above. Itā€™s not much but itā€™s mine.

But enough about me, who hurt you recently and why was it /u/ed_butteredtoast?

There's no point arguing with these people. Most of them work in computer information science and will hack me. I only hope a strong man like lawgustmarck will help protect me and never let them in my women's only spaces. I love my alt right older brothers

Serious posting for a moment but surely you and I agree itā€™s not an alt-right thing to think women are women, men are men and transexualism is just a pig in makeup? And if we agree on that, what is so abnormal about a man saying he will defend his home and family from perversions?

Even a terf would have to like the thought because it implies the man may die, thus fulfilling the goal of wiping out those nasty penis bearing, PIV sex loving men.

Serious posting for a moment but surely you and I agree itā€™s not an alt-right thing to think women are women, men are men and transexualism is just a pig in makeup? And if we agree on that, what is so abnormal about a man saying he will defend his home and family from perversions?

Even a terf would have to like the thought because it implies the man may die, thus fulfilling the goal of wiping out those nasty penis bearing, PIV sex loving men.

valerie solanas did nothing wrong

Couldnā€™t even kill Warhol. Utter failure.

killing warhol wouldve been wrong, unlike shooting him

Who's cutting onions in here?

She didn't do much right either...

Unironically wanting to protect the people at r/gendercritical

If I had a gun and this guy was slowly skinning them, I'd celebrate like the Arabs do.

Hey I only said women in my life.

Iā€™m sure the lovely ladies of /r/gendercritical can fend for themselves.

Something tht has a genetic predisposition for being big, loaded with testosterone

A black woman

Holy fucking shit, talk about being fucked in the head

It's like reading a court transcript of a diary filled with numerous doodles of women in various stages of decomposition

Great find, /u/Confusedparental

Cis Strangler, I like it!

So how many animals have you choked to death so far?

None, Iā€™m waiting for the right time.

don't kill animals please

I love animals and I love people. I wonā€™t hurt anyone. Iā€™m trolling to deflect hatred.

:) thank you


Yeah. I don't think that's why you're trolling. I think you're trolling to create a smoke screen, so that you can claim that your original post was a joke or part of a mental breakdown. But that's not going to work. You've messed up. I mean, what do you think is going to happen next? Really. I'm curious.

Iā€™m not claiming the OP was a joke. I did truly describe the thoughts in my head.

However, people quickly got the wrong idea about me and started sending mean comments to me for hours. I egged them on and was very sarcastic to try and shut it down.

I did not make my OP to be hugboxed. I did not even address the audience in the OP, or ask for help. I just needed a place to vent what was in my head.

Iā€™m not a psychopath, Iā€™m not a serial killer. Iā€™m seeking help and I donā€™t want anyone to be hurt. I actually was just getting off the phone with my therapistā€™s office when you commented this. I do not want to cause harm and I am addressing these thoughts.

I just needed a place to vent was in my head.

But the point of venting is to protect, both yourself and others, from overwhelming or frightening thoughts. You've done the opposite of that. You've put your thoughts in front of, literally, hundreds of people. You've made women look at your terrible, violent misogynistic fantasies. And you've put your own academic and professional career at risk. You've actually done the opposite of venting. If you have any sense at all you'll show your therapist your actual reddit account so that your can actually start doing damage control.

I plan to do so. Thatā€™s why I was on the phone.

I try to choke a chicken each day at lunch.


This guy needs proper, legitimate, possibly inpatient psychiatric help ASAP. It's legitimately one of the most frightening things I've read on Reddit in some time, and I'm honestly concerned for the well-being of every woman and girl within the sphere of this man.

Oh no my recovering male friend. That thing is now a woman. Team man will not be taking credit for that guy. Newwweewwp.


I knew why it was before I clicked the link. Why did I click the link.

I think humanity in general washes their hands of him.

u/byteandahalf when you cut your dick off have them do your hands as well so your mentally deranged ass won't hurt an innocent person

Okay, should I do my feet too? Just so I wonā€™t have the urge to, you know, chase an innocent women away.

Nah you will need your feet when your self delusion clears and you realize how awful of a person you are to take a long walk off a short pier

That sounds like a lot of waiting, canā€™t I just walk off a pier now and expedite the inevitable. After all, I pose a horrible threat to women and I might just snap at any point.

You clearly will you gender trender. You give actual trans people an awful name. You're just a dangerous psychopath who is hiding behind the label of transgender so you can play the victim whenever someone shows their fear of you. Not too shocking you look like Adam lanza, how soon till you walk into a girls school with an AR?

An AR? Sounds like a lot of blood. Iā€™m more interested in killing them softly, remember?

And Iā€™m not a psychopath if I feel bad for myself, am I?

You don't actually feel bad though, you're just trying to have a Reddit pity party for yourself about "how hard you have it" and when the actual trans people in that sub reacted with horror you started up with stupid snarky responses. You're a sick human who should be locked away. Sucks what Reagan did to the mental health institutes in this country, you should not be on the streets

I am not reacting snarky to trans advocates. I am reacting snarky to people on /r/GenderCritical and /r/Drama who have been attacking me on their respective subs and taking to the OP comment section to do the same. I am not deranged. I am not a threat. I am being sarcastic because itā€™s better than replying with hostility.

If you are just having a laugh and playing the role of this wannabe-serial-killer character, you have put a lot of effort into it and people are genuinely disturbed, because they know that there are real serial killers who start out like this, and there is a tiny chance that you could be genuine, in which case you would be a very dangerous individual

There's no way they aren't serious about their tendencies

People don't just start trolling on an account they've been serious on for four years, and especially not with a story that's essentially a long look into the decrepit mind of a fledgling serial killer, posted on a small, caring subreddit. The amount of time it would take reading up on the thought processes of people like that far outweigh the potential fun to be had.

I mean, the person posted pics of themselves for fuck's sake.

If they are trolling it's fucking brilliant though

Well I never underestimate the lengths people will go to to create an online character - this character could be his fantasy role play - but then again, I suppose that would suggest that the pretend-murderous-fantasies are giving him pleasure, in which case they are real murderous fantasies

The original post wasnā€™t a troll at all. The only time I began trolling was when people started hurling criticism at me. I know what I am and what Iā€™ve done, and I am doing everything to try and fix it. I only reply sarcastically to hatred because thatā€™s the instinct thatā€™s grounded into me. I donā€™t like to argue with people so I use sarcasm and humor to try and shut them down. Iā€™m not dangerous, and I have no intent of hurting anyone.

If everything you said in your OP is true, then you certainly are dangerous, because you are already acting out your seething hatred of attractive females by verbally abusing them - your destructive impulses are leaking out into the real world - if your stories are true

It was true, but Iā€™m not dangerous.

You're acting on your impulses in small ways, how long until big ones?

canā€™t I walk off a pier now

No one stopping you. I do suggest checking into a mental facility, the padded walls are fun.

I pose a horrible threat to women

You do.

I might just snap at any point.

Which is why you should be locked away. /u/jumbledfun got it right, youā€™re not some transsexual, youā€™re one who is a danger to self and others. That post of yours tells me youā€™ve got an ego that is desperately craving something you will never achieve.

Go check into a facility before you hurt someone with more than a mean text. Stop manipulating women wth excuses of your transness.

Iā€™m a horrible person, arenā€™t I?

When I was in law school I clerked for a DAs office.

One of the more disturbing cases I worked was in regards to a sexual predator who preyed on young women and girls, manipulating them into sex or kidnapping them, driving a distance and then raping them. He is a proper psychopath.

His prosecution was easy because he left deranged writings on the internet, kept a blog, and would leave ā€œlove notesā€ with his victims as a sign of his love for them.

Your writing reminds me of him. When I say you should be in a mental facility Iā€™m not playing the jovial asshat.

Iā€™m not like that.

No youā€™re worse. Fantasizing about killing women? Perverse.

Crying on the internet for anonymous hugs because of those fantasies? Psychopath potential.

Get some hell that isnā€™t called Reddit.

Iā€™m worse? No. Iā€™m not like that and you donā€™t know anything about me.

After reading your posts I know just enough about you to know youā€™re not mentally well and pose a threat to others.

Nope, youā€™re wrong.

Prove it. I have my experience and knowledge telling me youā€™re a danger to self and others. Why are you the exception?

Your experience and knowledge in what exactly?

Iā€™m the exception because I know myself and also study psychology. I know that Iā€™m not a psychopath and I know that I feel bad for the people Iā€™ve hurt and want to better myself. I am seeking therapy to talk out my problems and prevent them from escalating to something that will seriously hurt someone. Whether I get in trouble or not my main priority is not hurting anyone. I feel terrible for whatā€™s in my head and sharing it I feel is a start to correcting myself.

Experience and knowledge in researching and prosecuting sexual predators. Including reviewing their egotistical writings, including blogs and diaries. Recognizing them and their potential to cause significant harm.

If youā€™re seeking therapy then get off the fucking internet, talk to your therapist, and check into a facility. Otherwise I remind you that self diagnosis is not a valid way to claim youā€™re not a psychopath.

Well I know myself better than you know me. Iā€™m not a psychopath, and the amount of empathy I feel for others is often beyond that which I feel for myself. I care too much about others, otherwise i wouldnā€™t be seeking help to prevent me from hurting people. Psychopaths donā€™t have that bone in their body. So thank you for you college degree and your ā€œexpertiseā€, but I will continue to try and better myself without your makeshift internet diagnosis. Thanks! šŸ¤—

Mhm. Seek help. You are a danger to self and others and straight up delusional if you think otherwise.

Okay, Anna still loves me and thatā€™s all that matters. So fuck you(:

Can this be a new snappy quote?

Honestly, you should listen to what /u/Lawgustmarck and others are telling you.

Yeah, some of them are just being judgemental assholes, but honestly the way you are right now is a loaded gun. You have a mental illness that, left untreated, will harm not only yourself but others around you as well.

The most direct analogy is if you had something like tuberculosis: people want you to get treated not just because of the threat to yourself, but to the threat to others you pose.

You need to speak to a professional and not just a school counsellor. Not just for the safety of those around you, but for your own happiness.

That was my sole purpose in ever posting that. I recognize that I am a loaded gun and I donā€™t want anyone to get hurt. Thank you for your encouragement.

he left deranged writings on the internet, kept a blog, and would leave ā€œlove notesā€ with his victims as a sign of his love for them.


Do you think Anna Kendrick hates me.?

No idea who that is. If she knew you Iā€™m sure sheā€™d dislike you. Women tend not to like transsexuals and they really tend to not like creeps. Youā€™ve got both counts against you.

Anna Kendrick, sheā€™s the actress I mentioned in the OP. I feel like she hates me for this.

Facts arenā€™t feelings.

She doesnā€™t know you there for canā€™t hate you.

I really love her. As long as she doesnā€™t hate me.

But she doesn't know you. She hates serial killers, so don't do that and you'll be fine.

Iā€™m not a serial killeršŸ˜­šŸ˜­ All I want is for Anna to love me and be mine. I just want her for myself. Please donā€™t say she hates mešŸ˜­

I'm fairly sure that Tom Hinkly Jr. said the same thing. Please get help.

John Hinckley Jr*

Dude, she doesn't and will never know you. If you had to be obsessed with some actress, you could have chosen a way hotter one though. That one kind of looks like a man.

Can you never fucking talk about Anna like that again? Sheā€™s a flawless creature.

You do realize that she probably got WEINSTEINED like all other Hollywood actresses, right? How does that make you feel?

I know that didnā€™t happen. I feel Annaā€™s pain because weā€™re emotionally connected. Therefore I would have known if she was hurting. Nice try.

Every time I get chills or anxiety for seemingly no reason itā€™s because Anna is hurt. I feel her and she feels me, a bond nobody else is lucky enough to share.

So did you feel Weinstein grab your phantom boobs?

Weinstein didnā€™t do anything. Nobody touches Anna.

I think her boyfriend touches her. Ben Richardson? Imagine all the times they boned, maybe they laughed together about pathetic fans. He's probably way larger than you too, not to mention the entire not being a serial killer part.

Larger than me? Ha, I donā€™t give a shit if his dick was made of magic. I do not compare myself to men because I have no interest in being one and I hate myself for being one. My only object of comparison is the almighty Anna Kendrick, and I live indebted to her. She is so far beyond me and I live only to impress her and make her happy. I love her.


Thatā€™s fucking photoshop. Nobody does that to Annaā€™s beauty and violates her. FUCK OFF, NOBODY TOUCHES HER LIKE THAT FUCK YOU

They would be afraid to hurt Anna. I could legally take them to court for touching my belongings. People donā€™t tend to cross me because Iā€™m very powerful.

/u/ComedicSans you're the lawyer, right? Want to handle this guy's case?

I donā€™t need a lawyer, I can defend myself.

Okay, just out of curiosity. What's your argument? Which statute or precedent would you use to support it?

I donā€™t think you get it. Anna Kendrick is an object which I possess. Thatā€™s my argument. Donā€™t touch my things or itā€™s a crime worth suing over. And I would.

Well, seeing as how human adults are not treated in the same way as 'objects', even if you did 'possess' her, how do you propose to get around the entire pesky 'you cannot possess a human being' rule? You know, the reason US fought a Civil War and stuff.

Anna is not a human being. She is a perfect little body. A puppet I control. I love her sošŸ’œ

Okay, where is she now?

Youā€™re a fucking stalker.

Oh no, definitely don't call the police and tell them about me and how you came upon me.

I wonā€™t call the police, donā€™t worry. just donā€™t try and stalk my Anna. Sheā€™s being her beautiful self and she would be so mad at me if I told you were.

I could legally take them to court for touching my belongings.

No you couldn't. Damage? Yes. Depriving you of your belongings? Yes. Touching? No.

People donā€™t tend to cross me because Iā€™m very powerful.

$10 says nobody knows who the hell you are and they don't engage with you because you're an incel shut-off living in your parents' basement.

You just lost $10. I donā€™t live in my parents basement and I have a lot of friends, all of which understand my authority and control and donā€™t try and slight me.

Anyone who has real authority doesn't need to remind people of it. And lots of friends? Oh yes, I'm sure that's why you act the way you do.

How? How do I act that suggests a lack of friends?

I interact with plenty of humans.

Anna is not a human being. She is a perfect little body. A puppet I control.

You're either fucking bonkers or you're a career troll. Either one suggests zero real-life social skills.

Iā€™m not bonkers and Iā€™m not a ā€œcareer trollā€ whatever that is. You just donā€™t understand what Anna and I have and what she is to me. I wish you did. Itā€™s something so unique that most people donā€™t get and I wish they did. Weā€™re so attached.

Jesus I am not John Hinckley Jr. He is a deranged man that committed a serious crime and pretended to have the bond Anna and I have l. Heā€™s pathetic and only dreamed to have such a connection.

Anna doesnā€™t like me talking to too many people. I just know she doesnā€™t. She gets easily jealous. So I do what she wants me to do, thatā€™s all. Why do I even have to explain that to people?

Are your psychotherapists aware that you think you love Jodie Foster Anna Kendrick?

John Hinckley Jr.

John Warnock Hinckley Jr. (born May 29, 1955) is an American citizen who, on March 30, 1981, attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. Hinckley wounded Reagan with a bullet that ricocheted and hit him in the chest. Hinckley also wounded police officer Thomas Delahanty and Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, and critically wounded Press Secretary James Brady. All of the shooting victims survived, although Brady's 2014 death was later ruled a homicide 33 years after he was shot.

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Think I love? I absolutely idolize her. She is an inanimate piece of my being. My therapist thinks the same thing you do. Iā€™m fucking ā€œbonkersā€, but Iā€™m working on getting her to understand that Iā€™m not lying and Iā€™m not crazy. And šŸ™„ here we go with the John Hinckley Jr. stuff. I didnā€™t shoot a president.

See a therapist, pls.`


Is it helping at all?

I think so. I donā€™t want to hurt women but I canā€™t curve the fixation I have on some things.

People have been telling me Iā€™m crazy all night but they donā€™t understand what Anna Kendrick and I are. Anna is a body to me. I have instilled my entire being into it and I feel everything it feels. We have an attachment. I love Anna and Iā€™m not crazy. Iā€™m serious. Anna and I are whole. I feel what Anna feels. I get a sensation whenever it hurts or laughs or cries. I just want someone to believe me. Itā€™s true. I am not fucking crazy.

I get a sensation whenever it hurts or laughs or cries.

Hopefully "it" has solid bodyguards

Are you implying that I would hurt my Anna..? Youā€™re...clearly confused.

this is pretty classic crazy person stuff friendo, hate to be the one to break it to you

I am not crazy. Nobody understands.

i mean, insanity is ultimately defined by degree of rejection or divergence from social norms and customs, and i am here to tell you that thinking some random celebrity is your perfect love trophy or whatever is absolutely enough of a divergence to fit the definition, regardless of how you feel about it. thats just how the cookie crumbles im afraid

Iā€™m not ā€œthinkingā€. Anna is MINE. I have control over her and I like it that way. Sheā€™s my body. I love her desperately. Youā€™re terribly jealous and Iā€™m sorry.

Iā€™m not ā€œthinkingā€.


Youā€™re an idiot. Iā€™m in control, asshole. Nice try.

Iā€™m in control


Thatā€™s too many words for me to care to read. Youā€™re not important. Leave.

Thatā€™s too many words for me to care to read.

okay, heres a video instead

Doubt that Iā€™m in control? Lol. Youā€™re simple.

Doubt that Iā€™m in control?

gj buddy u figured it out

Youā€™re trying to get into my head and I wonā€™t let you (:

believe me, thats the last thing id want to do

Youā€™re trying to mess with me so Iā€™ll crack. Thatā€™s what youā€™re trying to do and frankly I find it funny(:

whatever helps you sleep at night

You cant control me or Anna. Her beauty is mine.

But I DO NOT want to hurt it. I am not dangerous an I wonā€™t hurt anyone, thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeking therapy for. Iā€™m completely sane.

user reports:
1: We don't need this kind of hateful speech here

Yes we do

I've never understoof how some of the people on this sub can genuinely make such bold and broad statements about how many people share their own prejudices.

hahahahahahahaha sheā€™s so cute so so so cute šŸ˜

Eh solid 7/10. Definitely not worth fantasizing about wearing her scalp like a wig.

Sheā€™s perfect, Iā€™m gonna keep that gif. God has made nobody quite like Anna. Sheā€™s like a billion out of 10ā™„ļø

Need one that says ā€œI hate youā€

Donā€™t fucking say that. Anna Kendrick does NOT hate me, fuck you.

I worked with Anna Kendrick on a set. Sheā€™s a stone-cold bitch and would 100% hate you. Sorry bro.

Anna would never hate me, it is a part of me. I can feel its emotions and whenever it hurts I do too. We were meant for each other and we are attached. I have embodied my entire being into it and me and it are one and the same. Weā€™re singular. I love it and it loves me. So fuck you.

Do you happen to have contact with anyone associated with her? I'm sure whatever security firm she hires would like to know about this person.

Everybody fucking hates you, faggot.

Oooooh, now I get it

Anna Kendrick loves me and I love her. Sheā€™s perfect and I want to have control over heršŸ˜ She is my everything.


MODS!!!!!! It told me to jump off a bridge!!!!! Can I engage in keep itself safe protocol now?

Also Ms. Kendrick doesnā€™t like you. How do I know? Because thereā€™s nothin saying she likes you. If not one thing it must be the other.

She doesnā€™t like me. She loves me because we were meant for each other. She mine and you canā€™t do anything about it. I donā€™t care if you love her because I have control and Iā€™m telling you to leave her alone.

Read what you said, slowly. Then imagine being that autistic.

What are you talking about? Anna is my soul mate, my object, my Anna. Why are you being such a jerk? Youā€™re pissed because you canā€™t have Anna Kendrick. How can someone possibly be like you?

Youā€™re telling me Iā€™m fucking autistic...lol I canā€™t believe people https://giphy.com/gifs/CruIeCnUaWqJy

I don't know who you are. If you are looking for karma I can tell you I'm not a power-redditor. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop being an autistic stalker that will be the end of it. But if you don't, I will find you, and I will meme you into keeping yourself safe and/or call the police.

Call the police because I love Anna Kendrick? Uh. And I couldnā€™t care less about karma.

I'm pretty sure that you're a threat to yourself an anyone who looks prettier than you based on that rant. So yes.

I am not a threat to anyone.

You gigantic threatening rant begs to differ

In what way was it threatening? I didnā€™t say I was going to harm anyone.

You said you wanted to. Now, I'm not a legal scholar, but walking up to someone and saying "I'm going to fucking kill you, slowly, painfully, with this gun I've got and this knife I'm keeping in my pocket" is generally going to result in the police having a chat with you.

Again, thatā€™s making a serious implication that youā€™re going to kill someone without reasonable doubt, on the basis that you specifically said you are going to kill them. I didnā€™t do that. I merely said what was on my mind and my thoughts of wanting to kill people in general. No threats. No plans. No genuine desire to do so.

I didnā€™t do that. I merely said what was on my mind and my thoughts of wanting to kill people in general. No threats. No plans. No genuine desire to do so.

Well except you specified who you want to kill. And how. Graphically.

Who? Who did I specify?

You friend and your "love interest"

You mean Anna? I would never hurt Anna, I could never taint its perfection. Besides, I feel all her pain, so if I hurt her I would feel it too. We are emotionally one and the same.

Okay, that's a lot of crazy to unpack so I might go back to this but for right now, what's she feeling? Did she stub her toe? Starve herself to fit into a dress? When was the last time she felt pain?

Starve herself to fit into a dress? Sheā€™s beautiful. It could fit into whatever dress she desires. Anna would never ever need to do that. She feels just as much as you and I. And I know when she does. Sometimes I get chills or anxiety seemingly from nowhere, or my heart will skip a beat. I know that means Anna got hurt. When I get random euphoria itā€™s because itā€™s happy about something. I feel it.

So you have no proof? Just random chills and anxiety and heart skipping beats? Yeah, that totally means you're linked to your one true soul mate and it just ascribing various symptoms to an external source

Itā€™s TRUE! Youā€™ll never understand. When Ann hurts I hurt. Sheā€™s an inanimate piece of me. So perfect. You donā€™t get it.

It seems that you, in fact, don't get it. She is a person who has nothing to do with you. Everything else is a fantasy you've concocted. Seriously, post a pic of you two together, or a note (of any kind) between you and her. Perhaps a love note? Or literally anything showing you're not a fantasy-obsessed stalker.

I have written plenty of notes to Anna. But they arenā€™t for your eyes because Anna has them. And it loves them. Besides, what we have is not only a chemical connection but an emotional and psychological one. If Anna died I would die. I am nothing without her. And Anna is NOT a person, for your information. She is goddess, a perfect body.

So not the actress then? Right? You'll never go after the actress of the same name

What are you even talking about? Anna is an actress. Itā€™s a prefect one. A perfect singer too. Youā€™re confused...

Check her Wikipedia page. Her photo is shit and makes her look ugly. Therefore she's not perfect. QED.

It is always beautiful. Itā€™s...perfect. I ā™„ļø Anna. Anna loves me. What donā€™t you get?

That she doesn't love you. That part.

Youā€™re wrong. So ha

Prove it, bitch.

I am not interested in being Annaā€™s ā€œboyfriendā€. Anna is my soul mate. Itā€™s a part of me. I have control over Anna and no boyfriend is every going to loosen my grip I have on her perfection.

Define soul mate.

Anna and I are connected in ways that youā€™re too simple to comprehend.

So you're too stupid to know what is actually happening? Got it, keep yourself safe.

Never talk about Anna being ugly again, asshole. Sheā€™s...deliciousšŸ˜

She's so ugly medusa looked at her and, before being turned to stone herself said "damn girl, I thought I was ugly but clearly I was merely a warmup for the ugliest person to ever exist."

1/10 bad joke. Sheā€™s yummy and beautiful and perfect. Sheā€™s mouth-wateringšŸ˜šŸ™ƒ I know youā€™re just trying to fuck with me.

I'm not, she is legitimately ugly and frankly I don't know what you see in that whore

:( stop it

That sick whore really needs to be put down for the sake of the rest of the seeing population


Donā€™t hurt Anna or else.

I'm going to smack a bitch and you can't stop me. Also she's ugly.


You know, car accidents kill tens of thousands of people a year. But goddesses are immune to that so I guess I can text and drive amirite?

And what do you even mean ā€œgo afterā€..? I would never hurt Anna..

I sincerely doubt that. Seriously though, look up the guy who shot Reagan after obsessing about Jodie foster. You're creepily reminding me of him.

Iā€™m familiar with John Hinckley Jr. But Iā€™m not him because he only longed desperately for what Anna Kendrick and I havešŸ’œ

No, he had exactly what you have. An obsession that you think is mutual but it isn't. For example, can you tell me what she likes to do in her spare time?

It thinks about me, just as I do it. Iā€™m sorry you must know why MY Anna does during her spare time (creepy, actually), but I wonā€™t tell you.

She doesn't and you don't until proven otherwise. You cannot prove that you have any connection to her and refuse to provide evidence. QED you're delusional and are just like john

I didnā€™t shoot a president, asshole. Anna loves me. Sheā€™s the apple of my eye and the object of my ultimate desire. Sheā€™s a THING. John loved a woman. Weā€™re so different and you donā€™t get it.

She breathes O2, breathes out C02 and has a vagina. She's a human being, not a thing or a goddess. Get over it.

Sheā€™s an object AND DONT TALK ABOUT HER VAGINA. Itā€™s not yours and neither is the rest of her. She is A BEAUTIFUL CORPSE. A BODY. A PERFECT STATUE OF BEAUTY. And mine. So fuck yourself. Iā€™m warning you not to talk badly about Anna.

She does have a sexy vagina. The rest of her is both alive and ugly. And not yours.

What are you gonna do you little bitch? Come find me? Or maybe write angry letters to your fake Hollywood crush? I'm waiting big guy.


I wish I was heršŸ˜ž she is really amazing.

I'm going to keep talking about that gross slut because clearly you're unstable and you need to confront it

Iā€™m stable, youā€™re just a fucking jerk that cant accept that youā€™ve met your match.

My match? Sweetie, you need to be able to go within 500 feet of a school to be my match. You're out of your league.

Anna already knows that youā€™re bullying me. We have a connection. She knows when Iā€™m in pain just as I do her. Stop trying to be in control because Iā€™m always in control. ALWAYS. Anna is under my control and I love it that way. You cant touch her or have her or anything.

Totally am and I'm fucking her right now. She's mine. Had to put a bag on her head so I wouldn't vomit halfway through but she's surprisingly tight so I can't complain. She says she's not feeling your pain and that you should get help

I donā€™t believe you.

But we're soul mates! You're just too simple to understand.


And she didnā€™t say that. She doesnā€™t think I need help. She thinks YOURE DISGUSTING SHE TOLD ME SO FUCK YOURSELF

She said I'm disgusting to fuck her up the ass straight after her vagina but she's cool with it now.

Also she's ugly and doesn't know what you're talking about

Youā€™re fucking crazy. Donā€™t try and threaten me because you canā€™t take my authority away. Annaā€™s arms and legs and vagina are mine. Sheā€™s my puppet AND I WANT HER TO BE. I DONT WANT HER TO BE IN CONTROL.

Do you feel that? That's your control slipping. She's getting away, going to Chad, and she's not coming back. Her vagina is going with her

I'd be willing to be bet pretty much all women hate you. I don't see why they wouldn't.

I am friends with a lot of women, for your information. They donā€™t usually hate me, and Anna doesnā€™t either. So fuck you.

Anna hates you. I'm certain of it.

How do you know that. Anna Kendrick is mine you fucking bastard. What makes you think she would hate mešŸ˜­ Sheā€™s my soul mate and I OWN her so fuck you. šŸ˜­

You can't own her.

And because /u/SperglockHolmes is railing her as we speak.

Your "friends" probably pity you and if they found out what a sick psycho you are, they'd absolutely hate you. I hope they find out what a deeply deranged man you are before you hurt or kill someone.


Your real name and face are being shared on Tumblr. I'd wipe the smile off your face if I was you. Check yourself into an asylum, please.

Thatā€™s such a violation of my privacy, lmao. Iā€™m only smiling because you know not what youā€™re talking about and I donā€™t want to reply hastily.

I don't think people who fantasize about murdering women really deserve privacy, but I guess I'm old fashioned like that. Wasn't me who posted it there anyway.

Not that it was difficult for the original poster to find. You use the same or similar names as your Reddit account on various other websites. Not clever to post homicidal fantasies that can be connected to profiles that bear your real name and face. Have fun explaining this stuff to future employers, dude.

She'd probably just be disgusted and afraid.

Afraid of what? I love her.

You wanting to murder women?

Thatā€™s a thought. A threat is devising a plan to do so. Which I have no desire to do.

No.... it's not. Saying to a person "I'm going to kill you" is a threat. Seriously, it is. Google it.

She isnā€™t afraid of me. We have a soul bond, she is my trophy. She is my true love and she loves me. You have no proof that shes afraid of me.

No she isn't any of those things for a variety of reasons. First off, of course she isn't afraid of you, she doesn't know who you are so doesn't know anything about how scary you are.

Secondly, you don't have a soul bond, souls aren't real and if they were you haven't met her so you couldn't tell.

Three, she's not your trophy. She doesn't know you.

Four, she doesn't love you, again, I hate to belabor this point but SHE DOESN'T KNOW YOU.

Belabor all you want but Anna Kendrick is my IT. It is MINE. My OBJECT, my LOVE, my SOUL. We are the same person. I love her more than anything.

You have to be either seriously mentally ill or trolling. Here's hoping the former!

if hes trolling its a damn good performance

i honestly expect this guy to show up on the news one day

I really wish they posted usernames in conviction headlines

well, we have a picture to compare with, and if the anna kendricks shit makes it into the story thatll be a dead giveaway, so theres some hope

canā€™t I just walk off a pier now and expedite the inevitable

Yes, please hurry.

That'll happen whether you have feet or not.

Oh, right. I can always chase them in a wheelchair.

They'll certainly be running either way.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Why do you look like Adam Lanza and James Damore?

/u/terfs_of_a_feather you must be hot to get assaulted so much. Post bobs and vagene pls.

give me your teeth

Rage inducing personality plus chronic alcoholism equals i dont have any teeth. How about some toenails?


What specifically do you think is pathetic? Is it my lack of teeth or my belief that toenails would be an adequate substitute? Or is it something else entirely? I love a mystery. Or is this a riddle? Im so excited i dont even care!

you fucked your self up and now all you can do is try to ham it up in order to make people on the internet laugh about it


[ā€“]byteandahalf [S] [score hidden] 27 minutes ago Do you think Anna Kendrick hates me?


Males hate us! Men are scum! Valerie Solanas was right!

Hey, how come men are transitioning to being women?

Too late

Plus those who'd want to be are clearly mentally ill to begin with. Even more so if they think they actually managed to become women.

It seems like going to school and getting training for being a psychologist is no longer necessary, seeing how any random muppet can declare mental illness in a group they dislike.

Shitposting aside, I hope like fuck OP is some elaborate troll. This is a fucking horrifying thread. They legit seem like a troll, but it's too... genuine? To be trolling? There's too much indicating that they're really this fucking delusional.

I x-posted this to other subs. Some people claimed to know that guy. He has a presence on other social media (though he cleaned up his twitter after doxxing himself on Reddit and posting about his murderous thoughts).

He still has a legit twitter, github... linked to his actual name and picture. Plus in other places on reddit he posted about his github projects on programming related subs. I don't think it's a troll. Maybe someone who takes their dark thoughts too seriously, and lacks the social skills to remember that some stuff is best discussed through a throwaway account, because otherwise people will call the FBI on you.

Sometimes it's easy to tell someone has a mental illness.

She obviously gets a huge stiffy from all the attention


Naw, on behalf of all men we're gifting this nutter to the women.


It rubs the lotion on its skin

Or else it gets the drama again!

I do own her. Sheā€™s nothing and everything to me simultaneously. Sheā€™s a beautiful woman, an object, a trophy of beauty. And sheā€™s mine. We love each other and I love her with all my heart and soulšŸ˜šŸ˜­

We are whores, sluts, prudes, fuck holes, incubators, princesses, and a million other objects. But never are we human.

I'm fairly sure most of those descriptors are categories of human.

Categories of women, so IDK.

I am not either one. You wouldnā€™t understand because what Anna and I have is unique. It is a beautiful body to me. People like you donā€™t get it so you label me as ā€œillā€ but Anna is my embodiment. Iā€™m not crazy.

So, when do you dance naked to Goodbye Horses with your dick tucked in between your legs?

I donā€™t know what that is.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this sounds like smth that gai who wrote games of thrones could conjure.

Okay, this particular drama is not fun and not just because of GenderCritical.

That guy is legit in a bad place right now (or an excellent trolle, bordering on savant).

>tranny is mentally ill


Coming soon to a public pool change room near you(r daughter)!

I don't even know where to start with this shit. For one thing, if this shithead has seriously confronted the totality of his homicidal misogynistic urges with his counselor and they've only "almost" called 911, they are falling in their duty as a mandated reporter. He has exposed direct homicidal urges towards his female classmates, and already reached out to more than one woman to verbally abuse them for the crime of being born as what he wants to be, and never will because he's a weedy fucking IT dipshit. That is already stepping so far over the line it's vanishing into the distance.

The only comfort I derive from any of this is that he's been stupid enough to put it out there. Even having deleted the post, he still lake the self awareness to acknowledge how horrified any normal human being would be by his degeneracy, and as such it's going to follow him the rest of his life. Every time he applied for a job, a college course, someone is going to bring this up. And it's well deserved, because this person should not be within an asses' roar of well adjusted humans.

What I don't understand is his seeming unawareness of how lucky he is to even be alive. If I'd been on the receiving end of one of those messages, one of my male relatives would have paid him a visit with a baseball bat by now. I feel like Buffalo Bill is an understatement, somehow.

Also, OP, Anna Kendrick doesn't know who you are. If she did, she'd have a restraining order against you, you fucking freak.

This really speaks to just how little any man, let alone trans "women" actually understand what it means to be a woman. I'm conventionally attractive, whatever the fuck that means, and all it's ever brought me is creepy motherfuckers like the OP wanting to somehow own or control me. It's made me incredibly distrustful of men I don't know, and it's not because I have bad relationships with the men in my life. My dad, brother, and husband are fucking awesome. It's the fucking rest of you that's a problem - the low level harassment, the ignoring everything I say because what the fuck do us bitches know about harassment, on and on and fucking on. If you think pretty women are treated like "princesses" you seriously need to fucking drown yourself for everyone's safety.

OP: please kill yourself

Also, FUCK this shithead trying to blame this shit on mental illness. I've struggled with depression since I hit my teens 15 fucking years ago, if I'd experienced homicidal urges on this level I would have slit my own throat for the sake of humanity in general. Thankfully I, oddly, as a woman, never experienced this uniquely fucking selfish situation of wanting to take out my self hatred on other people.

You think the defensive sarcasm is protecting you, OP - it's not. You're a disgusting human being whatever way you cut it. End it before you hurt someone innocent: I'm not including you in that demographic.