/u/riemann1413 appreciation thread

6  2017-12-27 by HodorTheDoorHolder

Post all nice things about him here!



I don't make the content. I just suggest the content.

Bad top mod

He's mean to me, and hurt my fefe's

sry friendo

His username has one more consonant than vowels.

He exists. Yay happy.

/u/riemann1413 We love you! ❤️

user reports:
1: no we don't

Yes we do

Whoever says we don't needs to kys

I think your low effort writing style gimmick is pretty cool.

Either that or you're just actually retarded.

How should I write good?

I meant Riemann.

But I guess you're retarded too.

I’m not Riemann.

why not both

He's an easy target

have u ever left ur house

no meme real q

See? This is exactly what I'm talking about!

/u/reinman1413 hi! (◕‿◕✿)

/u/riemann1413 hi! (◕‿◕✿)

He’s one of the only few people who I remember exist on this sub

Pretty cool guy doesnt afraid of anything afaik

He's a very easy socialist to dunk on

/u/riemann1413 is genuinely one of the funniest and nicest people I know

Every time I see him leaving for work in the morning he always wears a nice collared shirt.

i mostly wear flannels to work these days

Yeah I know

