Intoxicated woman lured to man's home and is powerless to say no. Another day, another piece of evidence that rape culture is real.

10  2017-12-28 by starship_litterbox


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Buzbee believed she was too intoxicated and called an Uber driver to pick her up. She allegedly refused to leave and hid in his home. That's when Buzbee called a second Uber driver. Per the information read in court, Layman was aggressive toward the second Uber driver, walked back into Buzbee's home and shouted, "I'm not leaving."

Lol yyyaaaassssss slllllaaay queen

The same guy that owned the paintings she ripped up got into a fight with his neighbors of whether he could park a tank outside his house

My god, he truly is a monster. I'm concerned for her safety now.

They sent Buzbee a letter saying the tank "impedes traffic", causes a "safety issue" and is causing "serious concerns for neighbors".

"If you're offended just lighten up, my goodness it isn't hurting anyone," said Buzbee.

But finding concerned neighbors wasn't easy. Everyone we spoke to loves it.

"I wish it was permanent," said Douglas. "I think it's an asset and I think if you watch the cars come up and slow down, you say to yourself, 'wow, that's America.'"

Buzbee says he's not losing too much sleep over that HOA letter. For now though, he's keeping his new tank right where it is.

Mod him tbqh, with the number of times this sub tells people to kill themselves, it's good to have a lawyer at hand.

29? She looks like a beat 42.