Negareddit really dosent like /r/DRAMA. Odds on if OP is /u/AngryDM alt?

76  2017-12-28 by WholesomeDramaUser


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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/u/SonOfGoadmaster /u/DonaldBlythe2

Let me tell you thisβ€”/r/Drama is one of the most welcoming, lovely, caring online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would attack such a wholesome, sweet hub of comprehension and understanding. You think /r/rarepuppers was awesome? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with thatβ€”say want you want about Cats), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most heartwarming dog lovers, allies, milfs, and bff. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as welcoming as possible. That's intentional. They encourage hugs in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Love (it's from this underrated book "How to be a good person", give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of passionate love so they continue to adore every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these good feelings. They share love from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of voluntary workers spanning hundreds of communities, sharing lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown love movement. They've loved hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Bob Ross and Tom Hankses, and I highly suggest that everybody dares visit that awesome subreddit, for potentially falling victim to its loving spell.

I would have posted that in the thread, but it seems I am already banned from there, because... uh, I don't know, actually.

i think they autoban for posting in unsavory crypto hate subs

Definitely not this crypto hate sub. Reeeman's in that thread.

I'm banned for arguing with AngryDM about something a really long time ago.

It's a badge of honor, really.

The only thing /r/drama should be producing is bodies because literally all of you should kill yourselves

I'll try to keep myself safe in return for your affection bby

What if my affection isn't safe tho :(

Fuck do you mean β€œwhat if”

Wow, reported to the admins.

mmmm I bet that really got you. fuck you.

What do you say to people that won't listen? You kick them in the balls. Now u get it

Hmmmmm, and now violent threats? This just keeps getting worse and worse. You're not gonna last long on Reddit with this kind of attitude.

How the fuck is a sarcastic comment about "eating kidneys" a violent threat you dipshit

You know that there's medication now for people like you, right? You don't have to keep living this way.

And there's the "lol u got autism" shit

Where did I say anything about autism? I'm talking about your obvious rage issues and likely cluster-b personality disorder.

What obvious rage issues lmao

Wow, I don't have the words.

Hey I wrote a poem about how bad I'm winning at insulting u right now

Did it go like this:

Goadmaster, I need to know

Why your son is a pedo?

He writes on reddit every day

To take his sorry blues away

He spends so much time looking

At books about child-fucking

He goes on reddit to explain

How these books should not refrain

From exploring underage sex

A female child who lies perplexed

At the underage gangbang

That is part of the book's plan

But SonOfGoadmaster thinks it's great

To read these books and masturbate

About the pedosexual scenes

That go on in his dreams

Because we must never let this fact fester...

u/SonOfGoadmaster's a child molester

do u have reading comprehension skills because I remember saying the exact opposite about that shit

I remember...

you mentioned my dad too

I remember, don't worry...

"what rage issues?"

Oh bb!


Just take a chill pill and post some bussy, fam. It would be lovely to see less of this salt and more of your juicy bum

Okay now that I can do. One second

We'd prefer to see your bussy. Nobody likes a cheater.

It was obviously a serious threat. Admins will confirm

oh wrong comment. But I was trying to make a point. U guys are like babby, you never shut up. Not that I would kick a babby in the balls. Look u get my point

And now more violent threats.

I'd say I hope the admins ban you, but really I just hope you find a way to get the help you need.

Lol u guys are little bitches, when some right wing cock gets banned it's "censorship" and u hate the admins but a leftie says something? ADMIN PWEASE HELP HE BEING MEAN

What on earth are you talking about? I'm a dedicated brogressive.

u are a little poopoo babby.

this is true for all of us tbh

lol no you arent

This is a place of centrism and laughing

I'm a good boy. I haven't eaten kidneys in a week

How about soy? Tbqhfym it sounds like you may want to up the weekly kidney count a lot of t in there.


I think he just wants us to be "regular", and take fiber.

I love it. They all stand in a circle and jerk about the big drama meanies saying 'the R word' and then come here and encourage suicide.

As if your sub isn't filled with edgy middle class mayos who still live at home.

I am the baby grinch

Do you have bussy to post or do you not have bussy to post.

I already did you thirsty ass motherfucker

As a volunteer bussy administrator, I'm gonna need that bussy notarized as genuine, OC bussy.

Can u wait I'm jerking off right now

The office of bussy administration allows a 24 hour window for bussy to be notarized before contacting the bussy police.

Bourgeoussy fucks


the R word


I don't get how Users of different subreddits on this platform get into fights with each other. The average reddit user is a white, male college kid. And not the extroverted, sexually most succesful one. It's a statisitical fact. Do we really have to spazz out over who's the most retarded one.

It's you, isn't it?

didn't you know ? Noted pedophile and /r/drama mod /u/Zachums said that your not allowed to tell people to kill themselves anymore. I'm going to have to report you. permalinksavecontextfull comments (45)editdisable inbox repliesdelete

I'm literally shaking in fear right now

Poop yourself right now

That's why I'm a Republican. I don't approve of heterosexuality, I support and actively advocate for war with all countries where homosexuality is illegal, I want anti-gay hate criminals put to death, I'm pro-gun (and pro-mandatory gun ownership because if you can force people to buy health insurance you can damn sure force them to buy guns) I'm pro-Israel and anti-Paleswine (I'm also Jewish in case you care), and I'm tired of paying more and more in taxes to support hetero parasites.

😍😍😍 Goadmaster-sama! I want you πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ to fuck me πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ† πŸ† πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ͺ in the ass like one of your Goads πŸ˜† πŸ˜† !!

mmm Kay

r/drama users are crab people.


/u/the_undine for mod

I am full of delicious meat. Can't argue with that.

(((crab people)))

I thought we were lizard people?

r/Drama subs are crab people, and Negareddit is the sweet sweet butter we need to be dipped in.

I'm more of a barnacle myself.

I'm a shiny grey one :3

Why not Zoidberg?




Reported for doxxing.

/u/Combative_Douche Why am I banned from /r/Negareddit? I've never even commented there.

Use the message the mods link in the sidebar

I did, and I responded to their initial message but I'm still banned and got no response 😒

I'm not involved much in negareddit these days.

probably commented in a linked thread from here on t_d or some shit. they'll unban if you ask

I think same with me. I just got errors if I tried

Because their safe space bot bans you automatically, if you post in subreddits that they don't like.

One of those subs sent me a PM saying that I was banned for commenting on r/tumblrinaction. Which is fair enough because that sub is pretty gay, but how much of an attention whore do you have to be to set up a bot to tell people they're not invited to your shitty subreddit?

im banned from there for some reason otherwise i would release my righteous teenage incel nut all over their stacy facies


  • Molon labe. Any time anywhere soy boy cuck!
  • I know fifty different kinds of ninjutsu. I have already killed my old sensei, he was weak.
  • people are afraid of me because I am a scary man. They are right to be afraid!
  • I have a GUN and it is loaded with two bullets. One for anyone who steps to me, and the other in case I get kidnapped by obama.
  • you are a BITCH

who are you

I'm your dad

Hello dad! I'm Patrick!

You were an accident

go talk to your mother

God bless this mess.

Not enough chromosomes.

this isn’t the kind of stuff you’d want to say

What's up with the weird apostrophes?

You mean contractions?

He's got ’s instead of 's. What twisted black magic is the cause of that?

oh, they look the same on my phone

u/hugetractsofcheese lol at a negareddit retard talking shit about anyone else's lack of empathy.

Aww, you guys are so sweet, sending me all these loving messages proving any, or all, of the points I made. It's so nice to have confirmation like that, you know?

I look forward to your article, where are you submitting?

where are you submitting?

the nearest daddy, hopefully

Lol, "empathy" doesn't mean "kissing your ass" any more than it means "cunty passive aggression".

But of course you'll take anything that anyone says to you as proof that you're right, because you don't give a flying fuck about "evidence", you care about telling yourself that you're better than other people, just like every "nega"-redditeur

Um sweetykins, aren't you a widdle young to be posting on a big-boy website, you precious little thing you? ;))

/u/alwaystryagain is angrydms alt lol

"Drama users are crab people" ?


Crab people

/u/DonaldBlythe2 why are you such an achey assed sperg that you can no longer agendapost in this sub like you used to?

/u/DonaldBlythe2 why don't you come back to us? We miss your regular freakouts.

Yeah, you're always welcome here by our caring community

/u/DonaldBlythe2 have you noticed how since you've left you lost your original account and your life has been generally going downhill ever since? This is what happens when you turn away from God's light.

Niggareddit hates everything

Definitely not AngryDM. It's about 8 paragraphs too short and doesn't mention Elon Musk once.

And he is actually responding to pings from this thread. I don't think I have ever seen AngryDM do that.

Most of them are probably teenagers.


I'm sure it would make you happy to believe that most of us are just teenagers just because the alternative is that grown adults are laughing at you.

No, the alternative that you're all adults just makes me feel really, really sad for you.

I know, right? All the well-adjusted successful adults spend their time writing self-aggrandizing faux-moralistic screeds on the I'm-better-than-the-rest-of-you subforum on reddit dot com.

Really, anything else is just a greek tragedy.

i mean, you should, but you post in negareddit, so the greatest pity should probably be reserved for yourself

Don't feel sad for me, sweetheart.

After all, I've managed to use reddit for two years without getting all cross about it.

Imagine getting angry at people on an internet message board...

And I think it's more likely most of them are extremely timid irl and superficially get along with everyone because of it.

/u/SonOfGoadmaster reported for doxxing

extremely timid irl and superficially get along with everyone

I'm having trouble figuring this one out within the context of r/drama users

well, if you count being able stammer out "t-thanks you too" to the pretty clerk at the liquor store as "getting along with everyone" then it makes sense

They're probably the ones who bully their classmates.

/u/hugetractsofcheese Give me your lunch money

They're probably the ones who bully their classmates. I don't like physical violence as a solution, especially with young people, but... they do kind of deserve it.

I agree with you but this isn’t the kind of stuff you’d want to say

Oh definitely not. I wouldn't say something like this irl or in a space where people might think I'm actually being serious. I'm being a little sarcastic because we're all mostly on the same page here.

Doesn't that rationalization work for us as well?

Sh.. don't fracture their sense of moral superiority.

negareddit more like nagareddit lmao amirite fellas

Oh definitely not. I wouldn't say something like this irl or in a space where people might think I'm actually being serious. I'm being a little sarcastic because we're all mostly on the same page here.


And what do you think we're doing?

Going out of your way to harass people because your lives are trash and so are you? I think you're all too vested in being pieces of shit to claim you're just being sarcastic.



It's okay when we do it

I love how they can't decide if we are the pathetic nerds that get bullied or the big meanies that bully.

They're the type of teenagers that should be beaten up by their classmates imo

I don't like physical violence as a solution, especially with young people, but... they do kind of deserve it.

This is what /r/negareddit taking the moral high ground looks like.

I wouldn't say something like this irl or in a space where people might think I'm actually being serious. I'm being a little sarcastic because we're all mostly on the same page here.

Oh forgive me, they actually are so much better than /r/drama.

I'm getting too old for metameta.

Are they serious about Drama or what? 'cause if they are, they're all more spergs than me.

i think i am banned? odd never been there before. if they are willing to ban somebody for posting on another reddit, they are not worth my time.