Playstation Europe posts a promotion in Arabic

144  2017-12-28 by throwingtoucans


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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What are they advertising, Euro Truck Simulator 2018?

no, it's just playstation store discounts.

"Explosive deals! Guaranteed bang for your buck!"

Check out our bomb sales!



Looks like they're talking about bombing something.

Keep your normie bullshit to yourself

reeeee! reeeeee!

Damn what did it say?

Keep your Borneo bullshit to yourself


More like Euro Truck Stimulator

Euro Goat Stimulator?

What are they advertising, a new flight simulator game?

They really underdeveloped the landing portion of that game.

Allah akbar 2k18

I would vote for this candidate

I'm voting for Admiral Ackbar instead.

It’s a trap, and it’s gay!



Holy shit, get ready for a right-wing SJW meme storm.

I'm pretty sure they're enjoying it.

What does that have to do with literally anything?

I suspect his post may have had an agenda of sorts

I just sit down and roll my turds over the keyboard and correct the spelling of what comes out.

Plus I went to the video game store and they told me I have to wait until the end of January to get the new MH :(

start of the meme storm

Do you know anything of the culture you're clamoring to defend?

What culture did I "defend."

Oh so you're just the type to be against whatever thing you read. Neat.

No, you made the claim, now explain this absurd mental gymnastics you used to come to the conclusion I was "defending a culture."

Is it short term memory loss or you're just low effort trolling?

Either way, I'm not getting wrapped up in your gay little internet fight you so badly want to start. Unless you post bussy

Again, explain, in detail, how anything I said could be construed as "defending a culture."

Let's go retard, don't make arguments you can't support.

In a sub populated exclusively by retards, you stand a shoulder above the rest of us with your terminal retardedness. Reevaluate your choices to continue living.


You're going to have to start making sense at some point.

Are you the new /u/CaptainPriapism?

He's already been around for a while, unfortunately.

Yeah and it's a shame we have snides like you here and all.

lol you dont even understand why you get angry at me

Dance for my enjoyment botchling

hi who are you

The ghost of bussy past

tbh i dont get it

How I feel when my bottles don't have a deposit.

agenda post much xir?

What the fuck are you saying?

A meme I havent seen before

Oh look! I found r/drama's personal /u/gmscreamingmemes hahaha

Take your meds ed

Le xdddd

How dare you make me take Ed's side.

Calm down botchlings

lol are people still trying to co opt sjw cmon now

Trumptards are right-wing SJWs. They have all of the same traits SJWs do.

not really unless you want to misinterpret everything out of spite, which i assume is the case here

i always wondered when the shift was from "sjws dont exist/sjws are actually a good thing" to "actually youre the sjws"

probably once people figured out it was a good insult

sjws are about virtue signalling and looking the part rather than genuinely having any real beliefs, its basically narcissism and wanting desperately to belong to a group

you can call trump supporters whatever you like but theyre pretty genuine in their support

i always wondered when the shift was from "sjws dont exist/sjws are actually a good thing" to "actually youre the sjws"

Has /u/pizzashill actually said that?

Has /u/pizzashill [+13] actually said that?

no i mean in general

there was massive pushback to the term initially, then it was "but social justice is good! why wouldnt you want to be a sjw??" (remember all the social justice d&d classes faggotry) "im a social justice cleric lmao!"

now they just call the right wingers sjws because theyve figured out its a conversation ender

Yes, the Donald, SRS, the circlebrokes, latestagecapitalism, you're describing the entire meta-sphere here.

lol you dont think td genuinely supports trump? what could they possible be signalling

like i never doubted that the hillary sub genuinely supported hillary because theres so many downsides that doing it out of spite doesnt really make sense

same applies to td

Support of beliefs that can change depending on the situation is a trait they all share

theres a couple things they disagree on (mostly israel) but its hardly divided

no i mean in general

there was massive pushback to the term initially, then it was "but social justice is good! why wouldnt you want to be a sjw??" (remember all the social justice d&d classes faggotry) "im a social justice cleric lmao!"

So you so hate SJW that you're just bringing up that shit because fuck the cucks amirite?

lol you dont think td genuinely supports trump? what could they possibly be signalling

I think they don't have a set of beliefs, whatever Daddy says is correct is what they believe. Or what they think 9dchess Daddy is saying is correct. Again, their beliefs change base on how colossal the fuck up was this week.

like i never doubted that the hillary sub genuinely supported hillary because theres so many downsides that doing it out of spite doesnt really make sense

Well yes, but Hilary, hated though she was, had actual policies and ways to implement her stated goals and you can believe in those.

same applies to td


theres a couple things they disagree on (mostly israel) but its hardly divided

Dude, it's whatever Daddy says goes. I tried talking about how one thing he did might not be a good idea (I think it was the wall will just increase the deficit and Mexico both can't and won't pay for it) and I got banned. There is nothing to agree or disagree with save for whether you agree or disagree with Daddy's latest message.

So you so hate SJW that you're just bringing that up because fuck the cucks amirite?

hates a pretty strong word that i reserve for people with the power to do more than vaguely annoy me

im just saying that sjws misuse words constantly and try to turn them back around on the people using them

like snowflake or safe space, how many times have you heard people say that in the wrong context

I think they don't have a set of beliefs, whatever Daddy says is correct is what they believe.

lol cringe cmon man

Again, their beliefs change based on how colossal the fuck up was this week.

what fuck ups do you think theres been so far

Well yes, but Hilary, hated though she was, had actual policies and ways to implement her stated goals and you can believe in those.

i dont get how you think this sort of stuff tbh


did you know that you can drive outsiders away by appearing incredibly obnoxious

i thought posting here would make that obvious

Dude, it's whatever Daddy says goes.

see people say this and then as soon as theres a disagreement theyll be like "omg internal chaos! everythings falling apart!"

I tried talking about how one thing he did might not be a good idea (I think it was the wall will just increase the deficit and Mexico both can't and won't pay for it) and I got banned.

i mean they get probably hundreds of those a day tbf

and also mexico wont have a choice in the matter because theyre going to use that new executive order to seize funds from illegals and border traffickers

you know how much mexican money is already tied up in the us lol

what fuck ups do you think theres been so far

Okay, so I thought you were a neutral with a bit of a conservative lean and/or just didn't like SJW, which is normal. This makes it clear you're so into Trump that nothing I say is ever going to convince you that you're wrong. I've tried this before, for literal days with /u/motherfortrump. If you don't believe he's made a mistake then you're so divorced from reality that I can't help you.

see people say this and then as soon as theres a disagreement theyll be like "omg internal chaos! everythings falling apart!"

Like this for example, there's always a defense for every flaw and ever mistake. Daddy is perfect and anyone who disbelieves is a shill or isn't smart enough/too indoctrinated to see the truth.

and also mexico wont have a choice in the matter because theyre going to use that new executive order to seize funds from illegals and border traffickers

See! You're doing it again! There's no fucking way that either of those groups have a hundredth of the money needed to build a wall to actually stop illegal immigration. They don't have the money to support the current wall we already have! If they weren't poor as fuck they wouldn't be coming to the US and good luck getting border traffickers to actually have enough money to pay and able to pay it without getting their heads cut off by their cartel. It's grasping at straws for a changing goalposts supporting a goal that doesn't make sense and won't help in the first place!

you know how much mexican money is already tied up in the us lol

Less than a a thousandth needed to maintain a wall that huge that can't be dug under, climbed over, or bribed to let through.

This makes it clear you're so into Trump that nothing I say is ever going to convince you that you're wrong.

lol i just asked you what bad stuff theres been

Do you want the stuff about corruption, the stuff about embarrassing the US on the world stage, or the stuff about mixing up security briefings and Breitbart stories. That last one was on drama and honestly one of my favorite things he's ever done.

Do you want the stuff about corruption, the stuff about embarrassing the US on the world stage, or the stuff about mixing up security briefings and Breitbart stories.

i want anything you think is bad that has some sort of evidence to support it and isnt just the usual media faggotry

so no subjective "omg hes embarrassing us" and no "omg he reads breitbart"

That last one was on drama and honestly one of my favorite things he's ever done.

lol its literally nothing is that seriously the worst thing you can think of

Uh, SJWs absolutely exist, right-wing SJWs also exist. How do you explain Trumptards throwing a tantrum over star wars, or google doodles, how do you explain them believing white people are oppressed?

They have the exact same traits, right on down to the same buzzwords.



right-wing SJWs also exist

no they dont theres virtue signalling right wingers but its not the same thing

How do you explain Trumptards throwing a tantrum over star wars, or google doodles, how do you explain them believing white people are oppressed?

your definition of "tantrum" is wildly inaccurate because youre emotionally invested in making the people you disagree with seem unstable

regardless of that though it comes down to this- jewish media promotes degeneracy because jews hate white people and degenerates are easier to control

google and star wars are just particularly egregious examples that people use as a springboard to explain overarching ideas

and white people are more "oppressed" than any minority nowadays in their own countries because we coddle people out of some pathological altruism

trump supporters and what you might call the alt right are genuinely concerned about that shit, whether you want to give the ideas credence or not

nobodys saying fuck the media to signal to each other, they genuinely hate the media

I'm not going to play this game where a right-wing SJW pretends right-wing SJWs don't exist.

It's as pointless as trying to tell a tumblrtard right-wing SJWs exist.

im not even right wing, i think we should tax the fuck out of billionaires and make working social programs so ice junkies dont have to stab people in the street or ram raid bottle shops

im just realistic about certain distasteful issues that a lot of people cower away from discussing because im not concerned with maintaining some fake social image on the internet

like hey maybe dont fill the country with rapists even if theyre making puppy dog eyes at you

or hey maybe dont interfere in your kids puberty because you want to look progressive to mums on facebook


yeah you asked why people had a problem with star wars and google and you got an answer

might sound crass and blunt but it is what it is, same goes for the entire porn industry

games nearly suffered the same fate but we all know what happened there

Again, not going to play this game where a right-wing SJW denies that he's a right-wing SJW.

i mean you could just call me a bunch of stuff that doesnt apply and feel all smug on the inside but you wont really have learned anything or made any progress, youll still be confused as to whats happening and why

i thought you wanted to know

The second someone starts blaming the "Jews" for anything they can be dismissed.

That displays a severe cognitive problem, one that makes it impossible for someone to be reasoned with on any level.

Right-wing SJWs gonna right-wing sjw.

The second someone starts blaming the "Jews" for anything they can be dismissed.

what about israel vs palestine or killing jesus

The second you start blaming "the jews" for literally anything you out yourself as a mentally ill and deeply disturbed moron.

The second you start blaming "the jews" for literally anything you out yourself as a mentally ill and deeply disturbed moron.

why is that

Israel is a country, Israel is not "the Jews."

its "the jews" enough for them to sterlize and deport africans to maintain racial homogeneity, and shirk the same open immigration policies they as a group overwhelmingly support in america and europe

If American bombs a bunch of civilians, it'd be like me saying "the whites are killing civilians."

not really, whites are everywhere and varied in culture and belief systems

jews far less so, deviation from certain beliefs is considered radical even for atheists

for instance israel and aipac

america is full of segregated jewish communities that act as a voting bloc to advance their own interests

But I wouldn't do that, because that's what an SJW does.


no an sjw would pretend that the bombings are because of racism and at like the victims have done nothing wrong at all ever if theyre brown

im just realistic might sound crass and blunt but it is what it is

how cliche. I‘d argue with you but all your points are based in fiction and hyperbole. Try going outside instead of browsing tumblrinaction to confirm your gay views

I‘d argue with you but all your points are based in fiction and hyperbole.

id say its more along the lines of theres no real argument against it but its an unfashionable thing to talk about and so youre scared of backlash

this is all I needed to read to know you’re not worth it.

lol im right and you just cant stand it huh

Oh good you a gamergater too?

gamergate were unironically the good guys

pretty much every male anti gamergater has been arrested for rape or child porn and thats not even a joke

i can post hilarious examples if you want

The only good guys were those not invovled retard

nope it was "i like playing games" vs "give me attention and also child porn"

i dont care if you hate games or whatever but theres levels to this shit

you’re so lame

Hmmm i unironically agree with you al through this thread. I, i uh... Im gonna have a drink.

They are genuine in their support of trump, litterally nothing else. Then they virtue signal against things like pedophilia unless their savior defends one

lol gloria allred isnt credible

meanwhile have you seen joe biden and the people the dnc hang around with for fundraisers

I haven't dyed my hair, pal.

True but shaving it can bet he equivalent

hahahaha look at the actual state of you

fucking really?


I don't see the problem, PlayStation just tweeted in Swedish.

Someone made that joke on Twitter and got 3 Twitter updoots.

Whats the conversion?

Shiia I think.

I don't see the problem, PlayStation just tweeted in Swedish

What are they advertising? Goat Simulator?

I would have also accepted Euro Truck Simulator and Flight Simulator

What are they advertising, Papers Please 2 - Destination: Sweden?

So... clicking the green stamp every time? Because that game sounds like it sucks.

The first had you needing to grab a rifle and shoot a terrorist before he suicide-bombed your booth, so really they already have the gameplay mechanics for the sequel.



Pick one.

New mechanic : you have to give a blowjob to the terrorist quick enough that he changes his mind about blowing your country up.

If your cuck level is high enough you can avoid the bj by letting him live in your home with your underage daughter.

Someone get Serbia. We need to remove some fucking kebabs. 🤬

We would need to reinstate Yugoslavia.

If you nuked Serbia, would anyone even notice? Would they even notoce?

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab

you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

Too coherent for a Serb

Yeah but then you'd have to deal with serbs. Is that really any better 🤔

Anything is better than kebabs.

As a kebab, I agree.

TY! You're smelly kebabs and no one like you!

Can I be a paypig to a Jewish Queen like yourself?

Sure. I no longer take Bitcoin tho.

Do you accept thoughts and prayers as currency?

I'm a jew-theist so your prayers are no accepted. You actually believe in god?

I already told you

As a kebab

And no I'm not a filthy apostate like Ultrashitpost.

Then start by killing yourself tbh

That's rich coming from a (((chosen one)))


guy is too black.

Europe simulator 2017 is the same, except with a new "police" mechanic. You call the police to denounce the little girl for racism, they come in and hold her so you can culturally enrich her.

Playstation Europe makes these mistakes all the time. Often I get swedish store pages or something.

But I get it, "hur dur arab reeee" is more fun.

At least Sweden is an European country.

I think a lot of Arab speaking countries fall under the Playstation Europe banner. Don't think there is a Playstation Africa.

There is a Playstation Middle East.

So are PlayStations halal now?

Nah, unless Mu-mu (PBUH) was playing it 1400 years ago, it's an innovation and absolutely haram because it doesn't promote Islam.

Wouldn't it make sense to do this in the middle east? is r/europe cucked?