Vanity Fair made fun of Hillary Clinton, so people are burning copies of the magazine and shit! Trump is tweeting at a pop culture and fashion magazine, what a homo! lol you guys

67  2017-12-28 by lmao_how_old_are_you


Observing modern politics makes you wish for a mayocide.

Looks like mayos are already on the task. Patience, young one. Patience.

If mayos fighting mayos was enough to let you darkies win, the history of the world would be a lot more colorful.

Remember when le pedes were thrashing their coffee makers(?) ? I member xddddd

I 'member

Vanity Fair tl;dr: Six young white people holding glasses of champagne would like Hillary Clinton to abandon her life's work and platform and just shut up. Good to know.

Hillary is now the weak and downtrodden in this situation? When did she not become the white woman that attacked women left and right calling them lying whores from a right wing conspiracy?

I don't think we can even call her Kween anymore, even monarchs don't get defended like this.

I don't think we can even call her Kween anymore, even monarchs don't get defended like this.

maybe she's secretly Thai, they sure as hell do.

It is NOT ok to be white.

Say white one more time...

And the dude who said that is white too. That's getting too meta for me.

Looks Aryan to me.

Yass Slayyy #ImWithHer

This fucking title. OP, how much extra chromosomes do you have?

I have either 24 or 48 Chromosomes. I always forget which one is the correct number but it's one of those.

I spell it "chromosones" because it's at least a few.

I'm sure there's some sort of smug "bonfire of the vanities" pun that could have been made.

Liberal fragility is such a wonderful thing

Reminder of how they made fun of Conservatives for the Keurig thing a while back, and now they're pulling this

Both are retarded but one is less smug about themselves

conservatives aren't smug? have you seem, uh, literally any post on the front page /r/the_donald. they can't shut the fuck up about how much they "trigger" liberals

less smug


If you think Liberals aren't more smug, you haven't been watching TV for the last 9 years

I only watch Fox News 24/7.

I only watch Fox News 24/7.

Keep yourself safe.

That isn't allowed even in Gitmo.

Serious, that's the actual problem with politics right now. Rather than fighting to get things that would make themselves happy, everyone is too busy trying to piss people they don't like off.

It's great for drama, but it's also a very obvious sign of social decay.

It's great for drama, but it's also a very obvious sign of social decay.

Society is a social construct.

Then how does the food taste so real

In a real Communist society (that has never been properly implemented) there's no food and no bourgie enjoyment of taste.

It's great for drama

Most of internet drama is literally this. Getting outraged about shit you wouldn't actually get outraged about if the person/people doing it weren't people you disagreed with politically.

Trumpets getting mad someone said Trump was corrupt about something without much evidence but they'd go crazy for the exact same allegation if it were about Mueller, with the exact same lack of evidence. TrollX getting mad someone said something about a woman being unattractive yadda yadda yadda body shaming or something...but cheering if someone says a guy is a fat neckbeard.

It's all about fighting against the other tribe. Which is why they hate moderates more than they even hate the other side, and constantly try to say they're undercover Nazis or secret cucks: they know people that can vote in accordance with their beliefs but still laugh at the tribalism make them look fucking stupid.

That's literally why this sub is on AHS' hate list or whatever. That and all the minorities this sub oppresses and people bullied to death and how we hate jews and spics and whatnot. That, too.

Looks like you’re one of the triggered, faggot.

cry more like you've been doing all over this thread, faggot.

When you have to point to /r/the_donald to find shit to equal to the stuff coming out of Hillary's campaign team and mainstream lefty outlets like Vanity Fair...

You literally could not have made a more smug post.

you one-upped him, congrats

Vanity fair made the video. It was random internet commenters that bothers about it. So comparing them to t_d is fair game

>admitting you go to the_donald


And the Keurig's actually involved using guns to shoot them.

Throwing your magazine into what appears to be a gas fireplace? What a fagget

Clinton vs Trump 2020. I promise it.

Not likely. The people who kept quiet about her, won't after she lost. And while they aren't as common as Hill supporters in the media, they are far more common in the state parties.

Let me dream. Let me dream of the drama this would produce.

I don't know, re-runs can never produce the emotion as the first time.

Yes, but it would produce such a massive amount of salt that the small loss of flavour would be overshadowed.

It'd only be worth it if she smashed him at the voting booth and we got the trumpers screeching like the hillsters did. Youtube vids for days

Please no.

the only democrats who can win:

tim kaine is a very experienced politician from a swing state and he is very charismatic. most importantly, he is a dad, plays the harmonica, and speaks spanish. honestly, if tim kaine were on the top of the ticket then they would have won. tim kaine is who we need to unite this broken country.

tammy duckworth could also win. the last time the democrats nominated an austronesian illinois jr senator they turned indiana blue. bad ass name, bad ass military career, banterous, semi-austronesian Illinois jr senator, literally a cyborg. i get such good vibes from duckworth.

john hickenlooper i like this lad cause his name is legendary mostly. his campaign slogan can be VOTE HICK, NOT FOR A DICK. he also has pretty sensible business policies. "put down your pokemon go for just a few minutes" - The Hick.

Vanity Fair apologized so now Trump's dumbass is tweeting about it, because he doesn't really have a job I guess.

my sides

Jesus Christ oozing out of a shitting dick nipple where do I even begin? Is this what peak white liberalism looks like? Jaded, bitter millenials arguing with screeching faux-feminists? The only symbol that fucking hag in a pansuit represents is the living, breathing embodiment of a House of Cards character.

Reminds me of the times when r/politics let everyone know that Teen Vogue is a bastion of journalistic ethics and the most trusted source in the lasted le drumpf is finsihed news.

Trump is still better than Hillary