So...this is what happened with Milo's book.

285  2017-12-28 by Neronoah



Literally "DELETE THIS".

Delete entire chapter.

That's a recurring theme there!

Probably should delete the entire book, it's awful. And I've only read about 10 pages. Every criticism the editor left was completely valid.

There weren't any comments after the first 10 pages?

It's almost like the seven stages of grief. The poor guy tries at the start and by the end of 267 pages is reduced to kinda giving it an effort but you know his heart isn't into it.

Which makes you wonder they would want a draft in the first place. Actual footage of his editor reading the draft

He should just delete himself

Looking at the notes, you have to wonder why they agreed to publish him in the first place (or why this particular editor was assigned). If they didn't want to publish someone calling people cucks, generally insulting people and going off on weird tangents about how everyone who hates him is a defective piece of shit, they contracted the wrong guy.

it's really incredible. I mean dnoush d'souza and rush limbaugh and ann coulter manage to publish dozens of books pandering to conservatives. you've got to be a real fuckup to write something so terrible conservatives won't even touch it.

Milo’s brand of faggotry politics hates traditional conservatives as well. Don’t know if the word started there but ‘cuckservative’ was a name he used for them at one point.

He markets himself to the alt-right, whether he identifies with them or not, and they are less numerous and more illiterate than the people who consume the sort of crap Coulter churns out.

Anne’s books are well written and sourced believe it or not. She draws crazy conclusions but that’s not necessarily something an editor is correcting.

her conclusions aren't actually crazy. they tend to be spot on.

Don't try to educate these fucks, this is now one of the most SJW subs on this site.



Mods, as an sjw sub can we finally address the egregious kink shaming going on here?

well i mean it makes sense , that dram is what sjw are all about


Can't imagine needing this long to realize milo doesn't fit in with the conservative establishment.

Probably has something to do that is coming from a gay Jew who talks about sucking black dick all the time

He is married to one

Not that being married to mayo would stop gay men from going after black dick

It's probably harder to convince neonazis to write an entire book for you than it is to get them to write your posts.

They thought he'd just write a bland political memoir and they'd get some free and easy press and money. They underestimated Milos autism apparently.

Looking at the notes, you have to wonder why they agreed to publish him in the first place

The editor in question spent the entire time praising Milo and flirting with him (he's also gay).

Milo just released all their text messages.





Lmao, so what happened was basically 'liberal editors dislike conservatism'.

And reddit wonders why these people have such a huge persecution complex.

Lmao, so what happened was basically 'liberal editors dislike conservatism'.


I'm case anyone is interested, the editor is Mitchell Ivers, VP at Treshold Editions. He's definitely got conservative credentials.



The book’s editor was Mitchell Ivers, who is no stranger to the world of conservative publishing, having edited manuscripts by President Donald Trump, Michelle Malkin, Ben Shapiro and more. 


Edmund Burke is spinning in his grave

Do people who post "muh Burke" have any actual idea how the man would view things today?

He probably wouldn't be as big a fan of cock as Milo for one thing.

Calling all of feminism 'ugly sexless and have cats', is truly a shit argument. They also have red hair and find airconditioners to be sexist.

Are you retarded?

What happened is that Milo wrote a shitty book and his conservative editor told him as such.

once again you prove to be the biggest retard in drama

try again

I know you're little retarded there /u/DontTrustRedditors but Ivers is a staunch conservative

Fam he edited 45s “book” or whatever Jew 45 hired to write it.

Milo is done. You can make fun of basketball Americans, queers, and Izzlams but the second you defend pedos not even a bad bleach hairdo is going to save your ass.

Good riddance.

The whole point was to be obnoxious. Good for him he got his sexual abuse story out of his system. Maybe 10yrs from now he'll have a positive political identity instead of being the teal life version of a pointless flamewar.

That identity will be "Dead from GRIDS"

The whole point was to be obnoxious.


You missed the leaked memo's where Bannon dispatched milo into the public to be the thing the left hated? Okay.

If true, that does surprisingly little to increase my respect for him.

If ypu dont respect him that works for me

When did having a political stance replace moral standards?

Um, huh? Idk what you mean in context, but generally i'd argue a complete political stance includes a judgement of morals, so one superscedes the other if you tryhard enough.

Yes, but there once was a time when a guy like Milo would have been shunned by his political allies because of his behavior alone. Now people are still making excuses for him, as if just being an asshole to piss people off wasn't enough to dislike the guy.

Yeah politics has gotten really fucked. Socisl media is fucked and 'the persinal is political' is fucked too.

Milo was manufactured

Didn't a memo leak that said that Bannon and his friends more or less created his entire persona and the "flamboyant" style was only used as way to deflect criticism

Perhaps. My bigger issue is with his audience, including the liberals who bought into the theatrics and volunteered to be extras in his comedies.

You missed the leaked memo's where Bannon dispatched milo into the public to be the thing the left hated? Okay. Milo had a long histiry of political debate in the uk pre-trump. Not remarkable stuff, but a different enough presentation.

I mean so far the alt right has a lame duck president who sunk Obamacare repeal, signed a standard Republican tax cut in, had everyone from their wing of the Republican party kicked out of the White House, got caught with a pedophilia promoting spokesperson and managed to lose a senator in the reddest state in America. They're not exactly winning the culture war.

Tbh he also nailed net neutrality and got everyone to hate ajit pai instead of himself. I don't think you can get a publicly known pedo elected, but they got damn close. He's been depressingly competent at the job.

lame duck president


sunk obamacare repeal, signed a standard Republican tax cut in, had everyone from their wing of the Republican party kicked out of the White House, got caught with a pedophilia promoting spokesperson and managed to lose a senator in the reddest state in America.

You can only have one

If the only piece of legislation you've managed to achieve for an entire term is exactly what the standard wing of the party who you don't like wants then it's not much good having the presidency is it?

His first term is literally only 1/4 over, though.

Can't pass major divisive legislation in an election year and they're going to lose the house.

Ok. Be sure to bet on it. You could pocket an easy 60% return on PredictIt.

Here’s still “doing” things. A lame duck is a president in the last years of his second term who doesn’t do anything. Not even try to do anything. Are you a fucking idiot or something?

Tbf I'm surprised trump hasn't appointed him secretary of state

pointless flamewar.

Am I in /r/politics?

IRL Joker. Hilarious villain.

What's with all the sjw faggots in here?

Yep. He was an amusing little troll but the pedo thing ruined him.

the second you defend pedos

He didn't do this - he talked about his own relationship as an underage boy with an older man and no one gave a fuck until a year later when it was quote mined to smear him.

“in the gay world, some of the most enriching ... relationships between younger boys and older men can be hugely positive experiences.”

Nah, you lie.

Were you an underage gay male? Then shut up about the experiences gay males go through in their teens.

I would have killed for a Daddy, rather than nearly killing myself.

Excuse me for believing in the law.

Excuse me for believing people should be able to have open discussions about gay sexuality without fear of persecution.

You can do that! You just can't fuck underage boys. Sorry!

Which he didn't. He wanted to talk about how gay teens want to fuck older men, and how older men want to fuck teenage boys. Not that they should, just that the desire is there, and it can be helpful for the development of gay sexuality (try being a gay teen, especially when Milo was a gay teen, with no real role models or outlets for sexuality).

He was disowned for talking about a taboo topic straight people can't/don't/won't understand.

Plenty of people want to fuck older and younger people. It's not something exclusive to the gay community. Nobody ever said the desire wasn't there. If there were no desire for adults to take advantage of children to get a bit of pleasure, there wouldn't be laws against that sort of thing.

Why do you think adults should be able to manipulate vulnerable children while they're trying to sort out their sexuality?

I'm not advocating that. I'm advocating allowing people to talk about it without being publicly disowned.

He was disowned for advocating for pedophilia

Excuse me but you're retarded

Faggotry is unfortunate to have it's name dragged through the mud by celebrity boy raping by Kevin spacey and George takei and Milo.

Should have finished the job

Username checks out

"This is one of the reasons why I hate the left, the one size fits all policing of culture, this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent."


Some 12 year olds like getting molested so naturally the left knows nothing about consent

  • Milo Yanianalapalslgooska

I mean, he seems to have enjoyed getting molested at age 13. Then again, given how he turned out, that doesn't really help his case.

Can I say this in court? My trial's tomorrow

Yeah calling something as silly as "consent" stupid in the context of getting pounded as a teen by a gross old man is totally not gross at all and totally not the reason Milo fell off the face of the earth.

Conservative standards in currentYear settled somewhere between advocating sex with underage boys and bathing naked in pig's blood.

But as we saw with Moore, the homosexuality is what really pushed Milo beyond the pale.

Which is weird because conservatives love uncle toms as much as liberals love ex-mormons. The fact that Milo was gay and shat on left-wingers was basically the only reason he got the airtime he did. If he wasn't such a smug piece of shit they probably would have rallied around him, or at the very least not treated him like a leper in the aftermath.

Well Milo was everything conservatives pretend to hate about homosexuality.

I'm not against homosexuality but just the fact they shove either in your face.

They liked he said it cool to call gay people faggots and then it turned out that a person who was shit enough to say that also did other shit things and they got a little turned off.

So are you a catamite or a wannabe-catamite?

This is /r/drama, so don't expect any real discussion. But Milo was abused as a child from a young age. Later in life he had unfortunate encounters that shaped his life. And a lot of gay men had a "coming of age" story that involved men that were older and more experienced.

hes obnoxious but the pedo stuff was pretty weak

just hate him for being a huge self aggrandizing faggot

The pedo stuff was weak, but it was the final nail in the coffin. Even right-wingers were getting sick of his shit and it's no surprise that as soon as someone dug up that one little thing that could be used to shut him up he got dropped like a hot potato even by those circles.

it was just american liberals venting, george takei is fine and he said the same exact shit except he actually endorsed it while being the older man in the situation

it was just american liberals venting

Eh, the right still ditched his ass though. Being reviled by the left is generally a point of pride for right wing commentators (and vice versa) but even the right was just like "nope" and dropped him.

george takei

he's a double whammy minority though and other than being a disgusting old man with sexual harassment accusations circulating about him he's a good memer on the twatter.

We all know he doesn't meme his gay intern does

but wasn't his issue was that he got diddled as a child. So the nail in the coffin was that he was sexually abused as a small child?

Such is the fate of all Uncle Toms

I always thought, we love milo?

Oh girl no.

He bleached his hair, and regardless of ideology and whatever harebrained garbage that went through his mind his bleached hair was absolutely unforgivable.

Don't forget fat.

You'd think someone named Joan Wayne gacy would be down with immature edge


Seriousposter gtfo

Nice pull, OP. Some of these annotations need to be /u/snapshillbot quotes.

Particularly this one. And this one.

I'm here to serve.

you're best points

That editor needs an editor lol. Otherwise yeah, great stuff.

The editor's authority is severely diminished by their unprofessional tone and terrible grammar.

Butthurt doesn't suit your pretty face, honey.

Hogswash pop psychology, have you ever seen the butthurt on a liberals face?

Haha, that downvote have shown me that you aren't butthurt at all, I apologize sincerely!

Excuse me? I didn't vote on your reply to my comment or anything. I didn't upvote it because I don't think it's a high-quality comment and I didn't downvote it because it's not off-topic exactly (y'now, what the downvote is for.) Someone else must have downvoted you, I should think. And if I had to guess why, it's because you took a joke way too seriously.

Oh. I should keep myself safe now then.

That's the spirit

Excuse me? I didn't vote on your reply to my comment or anything. I didn't upvote it because I don't think it's a high-quality comment and I didn't downvote it because it's not off-topic exactly (y'now, what the downvote is for.) Someone else must have downvoted you, I should think. And if I had to guess why, it's because you took a joke way too seriously.

wait what

If that second one does't sum up the internet I don't know what else would.

The first one is always wrong.

Particularly this one. And this one.

Not using "delete ugh"?



On page 6, the editor pretty much hands MILO the playbook on how to write an effective pro-free speech book. Dude is worth his cash as an editor.

Great editor for an establishment conservative. Not sure if it's a good fit for a bombastic narcissist.

He's an ok fit. He doesn't rail against the self-aggrandizement. He rails against the self-aggrandizement without good solid backing.

From a practical perspective he is a good yin to milo's yang, forcibg a grounded base to build off.

I somehow get the impression that the editor himself doesn't think that he's an ok fit.

I literally cannot take this anymore. I have a gun in my mouth and have said goodbye to my loved ones. I am questioning every decision in my life that led me to this point in my career. I am broken, I have willed my personal finances and worldly possessions. Goodbye world. You deserve this book.

That is pretty funny, but it's not his writing style. I bet that's not in the real thing.

ohfuck, you're right. Twitter fake news.

Fun while it lasted :p real A208 connent is o. Page 97 for anyone that cares.

more of a joke than fake news

write your free speech this particular way please

You dont understand what free speech is, its ok.

i bet you think its the first amendment and the government cant censor, not freedom from consequences, heres a gay xkcd comic etc etc

Since when does free speech (expression?) transcend a mutually agreed contract of business between two parties?

I get that you want markets and contracts to override democratic rights, but not everyone is a neoliberal ideologue like you. Libertarian dystopias don't produce genuine human freedom.

I think this is not a freedom thing. We are talking about publishing a book, and the publisher saw the whole thing as unprofitable.

If it's "unprofitable because the manuscript he submitted was terrible and he's lost popularity since he got his advance" that's fine, if it's "unprofitable because a bunch of people threatened to boycott anyone who published him and the bean counters said it wasn't worth it" that's a chilling effect.

I have no idea what happened, however, and am just shitposting against the parent post's argument.

[serious posts]

[pretends he isn't seriousposting]

Just own up to it you pussy, fucking hell.

There's nothing "chilling" about people responding to their market base. You want free speech but you're too much of a pussy to accept it when it means people who aren't you voice their opinion. Now bend over and take it.

It's not free. He got paid an $80,000 advance.

I mean, if you want the book to sell, yeah

LOL nobody is obligated to publish your inane ramblings. This isn't a free speech issue.

lol the pure knee jerk and misinterpretation

Never stop being retarded

Right? Jesus that was dumb even for him

You really are a complete moron.

i enjoy the reaction i can get out of you guys its so easy

Oh, you are just pretending to be a retard. My bad. Carry on.

nope lol im right i just also know i can say literally anything and it makes some of you grind your teeth and seethe as though i raped your family

Taking a few moments to respond to one of your stupid comments = raping my family.

If this is how you really see the world, you really are pathetic.

its not the response thats funny to me its the emotional feelings that drove you to reply

like you needed to reply but you have to force yourself to act as though you dont care (you do)

Nice projection. Is that why you are replying?

you addressed me apropos of nothing to have your little outburst lol wtf are you even talking about

Outburst? You sure have tickets on your ability to create emotional response in others. Did mummy not 💕 you enough?

This but with more added autism.

He confused your with you're. Imho that person must be dragged to the square and shot


Tfw your editor gives you a much deeper dicking than your bf ever could

Just as I'd bothered to find it I scroll down.

lol that twitter pic. Why are stereotypes always true?

they also have to mention their pronouns in their twitter bio.

So, it. Got it

yes, with a fake chinese last name that ironically means "beautiful", so mental case would apply as well.

Well if they weren't true they wouldn't be stereotypes.

That is hate talk


imagine being so butthurt you're still bitching about him long after his spotlight expired. this woman is just devoid of a life, she's also devoid of a personality it seems... i mean, just look at that pathetic bio she has up, "[insert quirky edited meme i saw on twitter here] haha im so unique and original!"

P.S. milo is a fag and his faggot book would flop because it too, would be devoid of meaning. the only people who would buy it are those retards on t_d and alt-soyboys

Being butthurt harms your argument, you know.

Which part of his post do you disagree with? You know you don't have to defend that woman just because she brought something funny to your attention, right? Her commentary was awful.

I'm not defending the woman, I'm just poking fun at him a little.

Technically, everything is devoid of meaning.

Not meaningful things.

That's tautological, and hence meaningless.

All observations are tautological, the meaning is self-explanatory.

Meaningful things and most devoid of meaning

Meaning doesn't actually exist, so things can't be meaningful.

This place is nothing but SRD2/SRS3 at this point. Few bother coming here but the left-wing circlejerk squad.

nice meme

I consider /r/drama to be, at best, a superficial work of incendiary jokes with no coherent or sophisticated analysis of political issues or free speech.

I disagree, seriousposters plague this land.

Effortposters should be gassed like the vermin they are.

And mayos. Don't forget the mayos

I crave the day of the sandwich.

And /r/drama users! Splitters!

u/pizzashill on suicide watch

I promise not to watch

Here's hoping

~suicide~ safety watch

It's more fun when people care

It's most fun when there's a mixture and you have to figure out who's shitposting and who's seriousposting.

Literally kys

That does not make the prior statement untrue


a superficial work of incendiary jokes with no coherent or sophisticated analysis of political issues or free speech.

That pretty much sums up 90% of discourse on the internet today.

Is this pasta?

It is now.


I work as an editor and this had me in absolute stitches. I've had to say some of these things (not too often though) to my writers but the takes the cake.


Mate can you tell why they are canceling the book? I though they would just push the shit out and try to cash in. Instead they just gave him free $$

It's not free money. They see the shit writing, they tally the cost of editing, publishing, marketing, and figure it's not worth the investment because they won't even sell that many books. I'm sure a minor factor is their desire to not publish complete dog shit.

Don't try to fix holes in a ship without a bottom.

Its only implied hes a bottom.

His cultural sell-by date has long passed, so if they publish, they will only get a lot of bad press, and there aren’t enough fans to purchase the book and make that headache acceptable. Instead they’ll just eat the loss on the initial advance.

I work in journalism, but I'd have to assume this is too risky for the publisher. Too controversial and high chance of leaving bad press.

(((They're))) worried that he'll purple-pill mayos who will then get the Shoah on the road.

Or maybe they just didn't think anyone would buy incoherent bullshit.

Damn. This goy has exposed (((us))).

so how many times have you had to tell an author to "leave 'cuck' out of it here?" round to the nearest hundred, please

I've never had to tell someone not to say cuck, but I was involved in a team where we had to tell someone it wasn't appropriate to tell college kids to do drugs and drop out of school to make room for better ones. Eek.

Any other stories of godawful writing and/or authors?

  • Told someone they couldn't plagiarize a recipe

  • "you're not allowed to call the readers names"

  • "capitalize the I's!!"

  • This is just a personal piss off, but I get quite cross because the majority of our collective posts are listicles. Some of mine are as well, but I prefer actual articles

  • I've had to yell at people for clearly including fake information and/or news. CLEARLY.

  • General amateur stuff that for whatever reason I have to repeat over and over and over again such as spelling, grammar, syntax, etc

  • Had someone once plagiarize a story TWICE.

  • Removed inappropriate comments, including one about a dick

  • Lots of comments saying that what they're writing is completely illogical and/or non sequitur

  • My favourite was when I told someone that their article was so poorly put together (grammar, spelling, sources, info, among others) that they should just scrap the entire article and write something else because it was so bad

This is from a few different places. I'm still in university and many of these pieces are from other students so I'm lighter on them, but goddamn we get some rough stuff.

Oh, so basically all the shit wrong with Milo's book.

Do you edit a college newspaper? If so, you seem to give more of a shit than most of the editors I had in uni. They were notorious for putting out stories without checking their edits with the writer first, which lead to some pretty egregiously bad and/or inaccurate copy getting printed.

I used to edit for my school newspaper, I currently edit for a school chapter of an online magazine, and then I do private/ freelance work for high school, university, and some beyond. I probably do care more about students' articles because it IS public writing and should be held to the same standards as others. I take my work and others' very seriously, especially since this is the line of work I'm in and where I want to be.

How do you feel about overcorrection? Like, there's this Canadian web-fiction writer who drives me absolutely nuts with his "They looked at my friend and I disparagingly", and I'm not even his editor or anything.

Overcorrection makes me sad. I fix it up and make a little note explaining why

Isn't it "my friend and me?"

Exactly, but people tend to do it wrong in cases like "my friend and me went to /r/drama for some cheap entertainment", so apparently in Canada they brainwash children to always say "... and I", and then those children grow up and write insanely popular web-fiction and overcorrect.

Which annoys me more than it should because I'm OK with someone who speaks the way their illiterate brain naively thinks is proper, it's all right, I'm not a grammar prescriptivist, but when people go full retard on prescriptivism and do it wrong, that's not excusable. That's just wrong, man!

What is overcorrection?

Told someone they couldn't plagiarize a recipe

But then how are the Real Housewives going to be able to write a cookbook?

Oh look the editor for buzzfeeds "50 things men shouldn't own" article

Not really haha. I hate those articles a lot.

I'd subscribe to ur blog

You sound like a total buzzkill.

I am lmao

idk seems like good advice to me

If a college kid read that and found it logical...I mean...

The use of a phrase like "two-faced backstabbing bitches" diminishes your overall point.

why Milo is talking about my ex-wife I will never know

who does this editor think ze is? That phrase would strengthen any point in all circumstances.



literally who's.

I actually want to read the manuscript now

It's linked here. Look for it.


Trust me, you don't. It's garbage, like Milo

Since when do we care about quality lol. Drama is drama

Milo drama is [current year -1]

I tried to read it with honest intentions and had to stop because it was so bad. And I enjoyed Milo's podcast during the campaign.

After reading a bit, the editor doesn't get Milo's style at all.

Page twenty-something - Milo talks about the Democrats abandoning their blue-collar base. Editor responds "UMMM ACKSHUALLY, MUH CIVIL RIGHTS ACT."

Dude is entirely the wrong person for the job.

Posting on the net or ranting in at speech is different from writing a book

Milo' usual antics look horrible in print and his editor is trying to turn the rants into an actual academic piece

Please, if you're going to pretend that this editor wasn't politically biased as fuck, go ahead. but don't treat the rest of us as a bunch of idiots who might actually believe you.

This sub is basically just /r/neoliberal now. With a bit of SRS thrown in for good measure.

Drama is not "right wing" SRD

Go to cringe anarchy if you want a one sided cock suck fest

lmao of course he already posts there.

Down boy.

Go back to cringe anarchy retard


If you associate /r/drama with SRS of all places then you're a wingnut who can't handle life outside an echo chamber, just like all the bootyblasted losers on /r/negareddit who think this is a far-right community. Examine your life choices.

I think you're giving S&S too much credit. I wouldn't call any of the schlock they turn out from Tomi, or Ann Coulter, or Jeanine Garofolo an "academic piece." Only Milo fanboys would buy the book, and they by the book to read Milo saying over-the-top fairy shit.

Nobody had any illusions about this book - not Milo, not Simon and Schuster, who knew they'd be rolling in mayo-scented money even if Milo just wiped his GRIDS-ridden ass across a keyboard for a hundred fifty pages - nobody except a dipshit, world-weary English major who thought he could be catty to the world's biggest little bitch.

dont think thats the problem here fam

You aren't paid to think here, just look pretty.

Now if only you knew how to take your own advice. Or be pretty.

My mother says I'm handsome.

How you can make that out with her tongue buried in your pooper impresses me, to be quite honest.

Why bother arguing here at this point? Let this liberal shithole become the same as all of the other liberal shitholes. It's pretty much there already.

It's pretty much there already.

Nah, its just a handful of retards who wander in from SRD.

"retarded" is a writtimg style?

We like to think of you as differently abled.

I mean it's pretty hard to get aggressive retardation

"My writing isn't shit it's a style!"

If they expected Milo to write a serious cited book, thats on them.

Even with citations it'd still be a rambling, disjointed mess.

They told him it was racist to say cab drivers need deodorant (mind you without mentioning race). Really?

That's moronic even for a drama poster. He said telling a cabby curry isn't deodorant is racist.

You have an opinion? That's adorable!

Pretending to be detached and above it all doesn't work when you're stupid.

Let me serious post.

I think you are legitimately stupid and not worth engaging in banter with.

I knOw yOu Are, buT wHat am I?

I knOw yOu Are, buT wHat am I?

You are proving my point.

YOu aRe ProvInG my poiNt.

"Curry smells bad and it's what those brown people from India eat. Please laugh at my jokes, I need an audience to validate me."

Editor called it an "irrelevant and superfluous ethnic joke." Sounds about right to me.

Rambling, disjointed mess.

I like this editor

Lol, the threads in "other discussions" are hilarious. One guy calls the Editor a Never Trump cuck despite the fact that the guy edited one of Trump's books.

/u/Vidiotgamer why do you waste your time on those guys lol

Honestly, I just like arguing on the internet.

Now that I can respect.

/u/crowseldon are you fed thru a tube? How often do you choke on your own spit?

Why are you username tagging the person you're replying to? KiA isn't sending their best (but knowing them, you're close to it).

I'm tagging me for the same of it since he decided to tag me from another sub instead of having the balls to post there.

Why not tag them in that thread, then?

Because he was not going to go there. Here, he had a chance to reply among the coziness of upvotes.

He didn't. That speaks volumes.


CIRCLEJERKZ!! trololol

I'm cozy right here

KiA is a safe space

Says the guy who posts in this country and gets paid on the back by all in the sub. How superior must you feel, right? To all those other subs?

So this is where the Brigade of Cucks came from.

Not an argument

It’s glorious.

A pretty low bar, but it is good drama.

you can't say ugly people are drawn to the left. Have you ever seen the people at a Trump rally?

Are you telling me r/hottiesfortrump has been lying to me?

i never realized it before but literally 3/4 of their posts are from one account wow

That's the case with a lot of porn subs actually. What a sad existence it must be to spend all your free time collecting porn to post on reddit.

i always assumed they get paid for porn traffic

I didn't consider that. Spending all day in your basement jerking off with one hand and spamming porn all over the internet with the other while getting paid. That's the neckbeard dream right there.

(The email of the editor to milo is pretty glorious)[]

The last time someone gave back something this hard, it was the rommanoffs.

“Keep the money, just get out.”

take that milo

and by that i mean 80 grand

That is only going to to keep him in fake Gucci jackets, hair foils, and anal bleaching sessions for so long

Lmao they literally paid him 80 grand to fuck off.

>tfw I will never shitpost hard enough to get paid to fuck off

You know it's bad when they let him keep the advance AND relinquish the rights

"Seriously, just get the fuck out"

So if I understand this correctly, they paid him 80 grand to write a book and he writes something so shit they can't turn it into something publishable. He then gets to keep the money and the rights to the book, and he still wants to sue them for not publishing it?

Yes, you nailed it.

Imagine still being retarded enough to sue.

What a faggot.

You missed the best part.

But for the lawsuit that annotated manuscript would most likely have never come to light. Milo literally shot his own dick.

This is such a severe rejection that it made me feel like I was experiencing the rejection while I was reading it. Jeez.

I wish I failed so gloriously

Beauty section moved to after Nietsze. Fascinating. A book on philosophy, beauty, and black dick jokes. Who wouldn’t want to buy this?

lol why would you hire someone that hates you to edit your book

Because you're a pedo and everyone hates you?

lol @ your feelings

Who doesn't hate Milo at this point?

lol the only people that hate him got their info from ghazi

Well he is a self admitted kid fucker. It's why he's fallen off the face of the Earth.

I though he admitted to being fucked as a boy or something

Yeah but he spun it as a positive experience.

cmon man dont be ghazi what are you doing this is colby klaus level

sjws had been trying to censor and smear him for years before that because he consistently made them look dumb, just like they used to post child porn to 8chan and then do "exposes" "discovering" it and trying to get it delisted

I may not hate the retarded but I won't buy books written by then either

pretty sure i never implied anyone should give him money or buy his book, just that you shouldnt trust shrieking college students when they call him names

You said the only people that hate him are members of a far left subreddit. That's not true at all

the only valid reactions to milo are "yeah ok whatever" or "i disagree and as such dont care"

if your reaction is rage or hate then youve been listening to ghazi because theyre the only ones that had a problem initially

hes just some big flamboyant fag that snarks and uses catty insults about black dicks, i thought hed be popular here if anything

Ur an idiot

lol youre one of those indistinguishable guys nvm

Today's been my real dramahanukkah


Not as bad as people are making it out to be, with the edits it would be readable, and other things are just Milo being Milo.

He's still not gonna fuck you

I just had a horrible vision. A saggy man with bleach blond hair and a disgusting flair to his nose like he is smelling the putrid vinegar odor emanating from his body.

I'm not sure why, but the language Ruby tends to attract the clinically insane. What gives?

Gotta love retards screeching autistically over Milo.

We are clearly laughing at his expense retard

Oh, my bad Le good sir.

tips fedora

ITT: SRDines circlejerking to non-existant drama...again. Pretty much the entire theme of the sub at this point.

Did you reeeeeeallly think this comment was good enough to post twice?

Dude, you're spamming this in every thread. You know it's possible to be conservative without being ass-blasted every hour of the day.

Is it though?

There more downvotes in this thread than usual, it is true

Comment A25... it's like he doesn't understand how quotes even work

I feel like I could be a book editor. I mean I tell people their posts suck all day long for free on reddit. Just imagine getting paid for it.

"You can't say ugly people are drawn to the left. Have you ever been to a trump rally" Holy fuck this is a gold mine. I demand u/neronah be modded.

Why would you want me to be a mod? You monster.

Even the wicked need mods.

[A406] Now is not the time or place for another black-dick joke.

If not here, then where? If not now, then when?

A black dick joke declared for days to come is as good as none.

I love how they refer to the presidents they dont like as numbers.

well she confirmed that Ugly People hate him

White men are people now?

All books go through this stage. What is OP’s point?

I mena its a pretty good book.