Who are you threatening? This is /r/drama and we won't back down from a fight, you can take that right to the bank buster.
Birds are a beloved part of the culture here and when someone like you shows up posting vile imagery like this? Well, let's just say you're in the wrong neighborhood.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-12-28
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 pizzashill 2017-12-28
Who are you threatening? This is /r/drama and we won't back down from a fight, you can take that right to the bank buster.
Birds are a beloved part of the culture here and when someone like you shows up posting vile imagery like this? Well, let's just say you're in the wrong neighborhood.
1 do0rkn0b 2017-12-28
i can't even do
i'm so proud of you pizza.
1 Diaperologist 2017-12-28
Nature is fuckin METAL AS FUCK!!!!
1 neveryousay3 2017-12-28
Delet this
1 Fieryfrogs6969blaze 2017-12-28
That is a 10/10 photo though
1 low_cur 2017-12-28
1 low_cur 2017-12-28