AngryDM takes a break from committing domestic violence to explain how anime and video games are the devil. Even Gamerghazi has had enough.

37  2017-12-28 by Ultrashitpost


What is it with political radicals and hating fun? Altrighters say everything is "cucked" or "degenerate" and SJWs say everything is "problematic" or "gross". Is it because they are so miserable that they think no one else should get to enjoy anything?

Probably. How could you have sex if you think all men are rapists and domineering tyrants or all woman are going to false accuse you of rape and send you to debtor's prison lost-divorce.

Radicals havent been laid since trump was elected.

"Fun" is just a buzzwo...

I mean, if people are having fun, they're (usually) not angry and bitter, and are therefore more difficult to recruit to your extremist revolutionary movement.

As a radical centrist, fuck you, you gross degenerate problematic cuck.

If they weren't angry and frustrated with their position in life (either current or permanent), they wouldn't be radicals in the first place.

/u/alwaystryagain would you mind listing off some anime series that you really hate? Especially ones with moe girls in them. I need something to watch.

Wow, I actually agree with /u/AngryDM on something. Weebicide when?

Day of sudoku soon, brother

Horseshoe theory confirmed

/u/alwaystryagain...except at a job, personal hygiene, or being a function adult. Angry just keep yourself safe already you worthless flash bag

"I can't enjoy anything that someone I don't like also enjoys", embodied as a subreddit.

Isn't this guy a LSC mod?

#NotAllAnime ?

do we have to throw out Akira and Cowboy Bebop with the otaku bullshit? cuz if so fuck that

I said the fandom, and the weeaboos.

We can keep it, so long as no one admits to liking it. Sharp!

Apparently "getting down voted in ghazi" hasn't been ruined by the right.

You should watch Kaiji, it's all about how evil and exploitative capitalism is, and contains 0 sexualization or icky stuff.

"Icky stuff"? What are you fucking twelve? You're like those stupid fucking 5 years olds who watch adults kiss and then go "Eeeewwww ickyyy" cause the concept of sex doesn't compute with them yet.



/u/ElaineW93 Here, your ping didn't work

Wow I truly am retarded.

Anime can be anime without positive depictions of pedophilia and I really make no apologies for that, it's true that it really should change.

/u/wishthane Are you Japanese?