"Let's burn down our own city to peacefully protest the violent black man who was rightfully killed by the police" [+23]

26  2017-12-28 by DnDrama


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Neck yourself

That photo is fucking lit


At first I was like "top agendapost lad" but then I noticed /u/GearyDigit is involved so ayyy.

I wanna kill /u/gearydigit. Not because I hate him, no. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I want to keep him for myself. I want him on the floor of my bedroom, pants around ankles, color fading from his face. I want to be there edging as rigor mortis sets in. I want to be primed and ready so that I can take his room-temperature girth inside of me the moment the death erection takes hold. I want to feel his bulbus glandis slide tirelessly over my quivering g spot. I want to scream out for only his lifeless ears to hear. I want to bend his arms around me, cradling me forever after, or at least until I wash him off and push him back under my bed.

H-haha y-yeah