how come that white middle class college age kids get called nazi's for supporting donald trump,but nobody cares about the communist party supporting bernie sanders

3  2017-12-28 by Jac983

especially since the same crowd calling them nazi's are the same ones who rigged the nomination so that hillary would get it




Show us your bussy.


Stop trying to make Communists the new Nazis.

Stalin did nothing wrong.

Stalin did nothing wrong.

There’s still Ukrainians around, so this is objectively not true.

Did a child write this?

Children aren't this stupid.

to bad america thinks this is going to accomplish something,writing letters to your lying politicians over an issue half the people wouldnt of cared about if the democrats won the election

baltimore is a shit hole,none of these liberal's can even afford internet anyway. and even if they did,thanks for caring about the internet during the obama administration(oh thats right,you never bothered to do anything about any of the shit the left was doing to the internet)

but im sure those black obama supporters were just the greatest.if donald trump has taught america one thing,its that nobody cares about racism until the white community has had enough of it and finally does something to stop it

Holy shit! Are you doing a bit or are you just that retarded?

cops bother white kids who do drugs all the time. source:anybody who lives in a fucking area full of meth users.not some over privileged cunt from the suburbs like yourself

Oh that explains a lot, actually.

This one is broken, sorry.

/u/Jac983 needs to stop fucking his sister-mom

Because Bernie and commies are irrelevant as fuck.

post thrussy.

This sub is extremely partisan. They claim to hate 'seriousposters'...then upvote anyone liberal, while downvoting conservatives. They pretend to be just about drama, but they clearly don't anymore. They're just DNC shills at this point.

Move on, there are plenty of much larger subs NOT ruled by the Feminist Freakshow.

Conservative tears mmmm (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

You have an emoji ready for any damn situation.




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        ⊂  つ

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☆─(´⌒;:    ::⌒`) :;  )

  (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )

 /(    ゝ  ヾ 丶  ソ ─

I just see a bunch of lines and dots.

Some of them look good on mobile, some don't. Very sad.

   (’⌒ ; ⌒   ::⌒  )

  (´     )     ::: )/

☆─(´⌒;:    ::⌒`) :;  )

  (⌒::   ::     ::

I made an emoji too!

Looks like Russian code to me. Nice try, shill.

Thank you for this. You bet your sweet butt I'll spam the hell out of this :D

I regret that I have but one penis to give.



Oh btw check the reaction gif in the earlier comment :p

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Looks terrible on mobile lol

It's a few steps above the Mona Lisa on my laptop.


Daily reminder conservatives are subhuman

still whining about Hillary in Dec 2017.