White Seattle Progressive says he will send "His Boys" from the black neighborhood against rural 2nd amendment proponents

49  2017-12-29 by RainierRancor


This, but unironically.


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Cucks, all of them.

Where does he say that?

Ok. Just tell me you're retarded next time and save me the trouble.

Ouch. I'm a racist myself, and even I think that's super-cringey.

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He sounds pretty tough, he should join the military. They could use some badass warriors (and social networkers!!) like him.

The gun control law that everyone agrees with is the one that prevents black people from owning guns.

See: the mulford act

Oh my sweet summer child if they think hicks are in Yakima they are mistaken.

You rang?

Do you have any anti tank weapons?

It's inert, but I do have a ww2 era anti tank mine.

Anti tank rifles?