I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
In my case, as a straight male, yes. I am incredibly into scents and I absolutely adore the scents of POC men, though it's mostly a scat fetish. I have a funny story about it too. You see, in the anarchist community, people are very accepting of fetishes and tend to understand that we all have different lifestyles and some are very helpful if it's taboo. I have some POC anarchist friends who let me sniff their butts in public, which is something I especially enjoy because I have a fetish for public humiliation too. Anyways, on more than one occasion, I've accidentally sniffed the wrong butt in public and, Oh boy does that guy look at me! I've actually gotten the SHIT kicked out of me on multiple occasions for making that mistake. It's really humiliating, and not in a good way. Also very painful and I do NOT have a pain fetish.
I don't know /u/niggerpenis maybe we just want to feel like we could never be so terrible as the be the actual worst person on earth ans knowing there exists an anarchist who likes to publically smell ass is reassuring,
You'd just be saying you support killing blackness as a concept. Of course, the best way to do that would be full on ethnic cleansing but you can gloss over that a little.
That would clearly mean something different, especially with guys like Elliot Rodgers. I would be okay with something like #LiberateWomen though.
So kill all blacks, not funny; kill all Jews, funny again? I'm a little confused on your idea of humor. What if it's #LiberateWomenFromLife? Or just "Kill all femnazis." Nazis are still bad, right?
some do, yes. remember, this is the subculture who elevates mental illness into oppression, and equates oppression with virtue. they're right up there with libertarians, anarchists, and disney fans in terms of their acceptance of madness and unreality.
except he's way too much of a pussy to actually do it. kinda like all the evangelical retards who bitch and moan about the mudslime hordes coming to take their jesusguns, why don't they all join the army and go fuck up afghanistan if they're so committed? hell if german bikers can go fight with the peshmerga what's stopping Cletus? or /u/SilmansCompleteEmile?
1 SnapshillBot 2017-12-29
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 eufouric 2017-12-29
Kinda seems like a troll tbqhwyf
1 niggerpenis 2017-12-29
How do you guys keep falling for it?
1 Thhueros 2017-12-29
I want to believe
1 MisterHundred 2017-12-29
tfw no anarchist friends to entertain my scat fetish in public
1 PoorLilMarco 2017-12-29
PM me
1 error404brain 2017-12-29
It confirm our bias.
1 aqouta 2017-12-29
I don't know /u/niggerpenis maybe we just want to feel like we could never be so terrible as the be the actual worst person on earth ans knowing there exists an anarchist who likes to publically smell ass is reassuring,
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
Its hard to sort the real retards from the merely pretending croud, and im not gonna put effort into my shitposts
1 SPEZ_AKBAR 2017-12-29
But he’s been going incredibly consistently for a while, and he hasn’t responded to pings.
I feel like a troll would be in this thread jewing it up.
1 Skyorange 2017-12-29
How does one jew up a thread?
1 SwankDogsbody 2017-12-29
If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
Ill tell you for the low low price of 3.99 sheckles
1 NardDogAndy 2017-12-29
/u/SilmansCompleteEmile of course you are. It all makes sense now.
1 SPEZ_AKBAR 2017-12-29
He’s very jewish.
1 reallyrunningnow 2017-12-29
Jews need a rough pegging too.
1 Chicup 2017-12-29
Whelp, that explains it.
1 AM1520 2017-12-29
So If I say #killallniggas it doesn't matter because we don't know whom I am refering to: If black, white or yellow niggas
So retarded.
1 SPAMRAAM_ 2017-12-29
You'd just be saying you support killing blackness as a concept. Of course, the best way to do that would be full on ethnic cleansing but you can gloss over that a little.
1 glmox 2017-12-29
/u/ParanoidAgnostic, valerie solonas did nothing wrong
1 youcanteatbullets 2017-12-29
Her aim was terrible
1 weniscommander 2017-12-29
This but unironically.
1 ffbtaw 2017-12-29
Dudes an anarcho-communist with a transgirlfriend. What else do you need to know.
1 attaca89 2017-12-29
Stereotypes are true more often than not. Mccarthy told us decades ago that commies were weak, pedophiliac faggots
1 freet0 2017-12-29
If the girlfriend has the number for a rape hotline
1 Lawgustmarck 2017-12-29
Well when you put it that way...day of the exploding tampon when?
So kill all blacks, not funny; kill all Jews, funny again? I'm a little confused on your idea of humor. What if it's #LiberateWomenFromLife? Or just "Kill all femnazis." Nazis are still bad, right?
This is the third time in two days I've heard that name. Do feminists really think some schizo psychoid is a good role model?
1 Raving_Dave 2017-12-29
Everyone's retarded.
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2017-12-29
some do, yes. remember, this is the subculture who elevates mental illness into oppression, and equates oppression with virtue. they're right up there with libertarians, anarchists, and disney fans in terms of their acceptance of madness and unreality.
1 IAintThatGuy 2017-12-29
/u/SilmansCompleteEmile we knew just by what you were arguing.
1 TheCodexx 2017-12-29
/u/SilmansCompleteEmile - I agree, but only under certain circumstances; yourself, for example.
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2017-12-29
except he's way too much of a pussy to actually do it. kinda like all the evangelical retards who bitch and moan about the mudslime hordes coming to take their jesusguns, why don't they all join the army and go fuck up afghanistan if they're so committed? hell if german bikers can go fight with the peshmerga what's stopping Cletus? or /u/SilmansCompleteEmile?
remember, change starts with yourself.
1 80BAIT08 2017-12-29
1 CirqueDuFuder 2017-12-29
1 Chicup 2017-12-29
You know the SJW's might be right. Just having a penis doesn't make you a man apparently. That or its another reddit tranny.
1 Neon_needles 2017-12-29
Get gassed you stupid faggot.
1 mr_almeida 2017-12-29
this but unironically
1 WoWscape98-1 2017-12-29
i wont touch the lowcows, but how the fuck do you even downvote shit there?