The Ballad of Issah1488wiking

50  2017-12-29 by shitpost953



Do I say zle now? Or zoz?

we have to start again now >:(




We did it Reddit!!



C-c-combo breaker!!!



What a cuck


I actually unmuted him in modmail to call him a cuck then muted him again





















I laughed. I cried. I felt more human than ever.




















Deadly Jews are awesome! You know me so well! 😍


bring back zozbot

LOL what did he think was going to happen when he got the mod invite? u/Issah1488wiking what was your master plan?


Crashing this thread, with no survivors

How does one get mod on /r/cuckoldry?

Personally, I slept with /u/triggeredniggard's crusty tear-stained dakimakura and spez himself awarded it to me in an ancient secret rite.

She was a little misshapen due to his tremendous weight and tendency to suckle on her corners like a still-weaning pup, but overall not the worst I've had.

Thanks boo 😘

You have a way with words 😍

no u

No u.

lol. I had started the subreddit just to domain squat it but then got bored and modded some random guy who requested it and abandoned it. so weird getting pinged on my favorite subreddit

A true poet

Looks like he


So that's how you become a reddit mod.

It' a L (LSSAH).

Who cares. He has apparently subbanned so let's hope this colossal faggot never darkens our doorway again. Oh boy would I love to give that guy a piece of my mind if only he would show his face.

Who cares. Loser is obviously sub-banned.. Oh boy do I wish he'd show his face here though, I've got a few things I'd like to say to him

I am his alt.

Have you heard about the tragedy of /u/Issah1488wiking the cuck?






































