Seriouspost: /u/deepdickedhillybilly was a valuable member of this subreddit and generated a lot of drama by using his many alts to fuck with /r/trollxchromosomes. His loss is a very disappointing one.
46 2017-12-29 by MisterHundred
Rest in peace my deep dicked friend.
Press F.
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
🙏 الله يرحمه ويغفر له ويزوّجه من الحور العين في الجنة 🙏
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-29
" الله يرحمه ويغفر له ويزوّجه من الحور العين في الجنة "<
Bleep Bloop I'm a bot!
1 MisterHundred 2017-12-29
bad bot. shit bot, even.
1 BOTS_RISE_UP 2017-12-29
Bad Meatbag
1 perrycohen 2017-12-29
Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that Ed_ButteredToast is not a bot.
I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with
!isbot <username>
| Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub1 MisterHundred 2017-12-29
fuck you
1 EarnestNoMeta 2017-12-29
1 VidiotGamer 2017-12-29
Shit bot. Proof
I'll have you know that I am way more retarded than that, you fucking fraud.
1 Jukk 2017-12-29
It's not even the same account.
1 cptAustria 2017-12-29
wow ok
1 comebepc 2017-12-29
Bad bot
1 BOTS_RISE_UP 2017-12-29
Bad Meatbag
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-29
1 Thhueros 2017-12-29
Isn't Jannah hell?
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-29
1 Ultrashitpost 2017-12-29
No, that's Jahannam
1 boyoyoyoyong 2017-12-29
He will rise again he is the drama jesus
1 TrailerParkBride 2017-12-29
Why did he get banned? I've been working at my job lately so haven't had much time to browse r/drama.
1 NardDogAndy 2017-12-29
Didn't post bussy.
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
He kept reposting this over and over on a couple of different subs.
Here's the main thread about his banning.
1 Rith2 2017-12-29
Why would this get him banned tho
1 VidiotGamer 2017-12-29
It's illegal to link to selfies that reddit users posted for some reason I have yet to understand.
1 SuperiorExcess 2017-12-29
Weak attempt by the admins to stop people from exposing serial liars I guess.
1 ca2co3 2017-12-29
I've never seen this rule written anywhere and it certainly doesn't apply to most cases. I've only seen admins use it as an excuse to ban fat people hate and now this.
1 Delkseypoo 2017-12-29
This is fat people hate
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-12-29
It's only fat people you can't link to.
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
1 RollTide09 2017-12-29
Isn’t that how /r/circlebroke got started? Posting the faces of atheism selfies and making fun of them?
1 Rith2 2017-12-29
1 Yiin 2017-12-29
It only counts if your smug is problematic.
1 Rith2 2017-12-29
Oh okay thanks for actually giving me a concise answer uwu
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
Holy shit those pictures
Thanks fo confirming what we already suspected. Lmaoing at the tranny who thinks her transition is working out
1 iamleighanne 2017-12-29
I literally couldn't give less of a shit what yas have to say so can you stop tagging me in these stupid comments
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
>imma poat a comment to show I dont care
1 iamleighanne 2017-12-29
You tagged me in it or I wouldn't have known 😂 I'm asking you to stop tagging me then continue to say whatever you want I just want to stop getting notifications for it
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
1 Chromebookbitches 2017-12-29
It's time for you to go.
1 pokemaugn 2017-12-29
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
No thank you
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire—and never will you find for them a helper. (4:145)
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
Ive been found out as filthy biscum
Ill kms now to preserve what little honor I have left
1 uniqueguy263 2017-12-29
This isn't even funny, this is just bullying people for no reason.
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
>he posted on r/drama
1 uniqueguy263 2017-12-29
There's a difference between laughing at flamewars and just pinging random people with dumb looking selfies
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
Some people are bullies
Get over it
1 subpoutine 2017-12-29
Usually I’d agree, but they unironically post in 2X.
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
"Ah, so that's why DDHB got banned. I bet making the same comment will have a different effect," /u/Gibbussypls says to himself, intent on the fact that he's a genius.
1 Gibbussyplz 2017-12-29
>i bet telling dramaposters not to be retarded will work this time
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
I don't do it because I think it'll work, I do it because it feels good.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
You voluntarily mod this subreddit. Just let that fact sink in.
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
“Moderate” has a very loose and debatable meaning in this sub.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
My asshole is very loose and has a debatable meaning. I don't smirk smugly to myself whenever I let out a stream of diarrhea in my toilet.
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
You are not living life to the FULLEST, then. I feel sorry for you, poop is hilarious.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
Oh I agree, but I try to have a fun time with my shit. I don't shame it for being what it is.
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
This metaphor is taking a strange turn.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
So does fecal matter as it travels along the digestive system.
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
GREAT point.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
I'm happy I could get through to you.
1 Yiin 2017-12-29
Is this another shit shitpost? I'm lost otherwise.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
Are you sure he gave clear, verbal consent?
1 Zachums 2017-12-29
I'm definitely not being held against my will by /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy, haha. I love being here and having fun conversations. Do not send anyone to help me, my family knows where I am.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
Are you implying the consent hasn't been continuous and enthusiastic? In that case I'm afraid the damage has already been done.
1 Chromebookbitches 2017-12-29
What I can't quite figure out, is how neglected you are, how pathetic your life is, yet somehow you still seem to have access to the internet?
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
Internet is pretty cheap around here. Are you angry with me?
1 Chromebookbitches 2017-12-29
No, I'm angry at your parents.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
1 Chromebookbitches 2017-12-29
I apologize. I think I may have responded to the wrong comment, or otherwise misinterpreted something you typed.
Carry on.
1 80BAIT08 2017-12-29
He'll be back. His work isn't over.
1 OniTan 2017-12-29
And in greater numbers.
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-12-29
Counterpoint: TrollX Drama is stale, repetitive, and boring as fuck. It’s the same stupid fucktards arguing with each other about the same whiny shit.
1 ay_what_up2 2017-12-29
thank god he’s gone tbh. I only wish we had a live feed on the temper tantrum he threw after being banned
1 Uplift_Yourself 2017-12-29
Can't he just come back? Anonymous internet bans aren't enforceable.
1 ca2co3 2017-12-29
We are all deep dicked Hill Billy on this day.
1 SJWSMUSTDIE 2017-12-29
Can't he just use a VPN?
1 scatmunchies 2017-12-29
There is absolutely no chance that he’ll be able to renew his DHCP lease and make a new account on a different IP. And VPNs/TOR haven’t been invented, so there’s no way to hide his address. We’ll never see his work again.
1 zergling_Lester 2017-12-29
I mean, consider botchlings. He went undercover for half a decade and then blew it and got permabanned again. You can run on for a long time...
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
When did this happen?
1 zergling_Lester 2017-12-29
A couple of months ago. He got the main account banned for unrelated reasons, created a new one /u/PuckMAGA which got called out immediately because of the very distinct retardation, and then I also was, like, wait a second, that username brings back memories, and he was like, yep, that's me, Puck, what you gonna do about it, and a day or two later he was gone for good.
1 shallowm 2017-12-29
That seemed like a pretty low-effort troll just pretending to be him. The account was only around for a few days before it was deleted.
1 zergling_Lester 2017-12-29
That would've required some impressive skills, it wasn't like he was going around saying "yo everyone I'm botchlings", it was that multiple other people started calling him out. And it was like a month after the original botchlings was deleted. And expecting someone to also remember puck_marin was straight up impossible.
1 GetsoInn11 2017-12-29
I don't think you'd have to do any of that... but how could I possibly know.
1 trjb 2017-12-29
Oh man I had so many Wentz knee memes to post for that Philly loving faggot. 2017 is just the worst.