/r/GenderCritical retards discuss if ableism belong on their hate sub in a totally non hysterical fashion

4  2017-12-29 by IAintThatGuy


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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u/Secondwaverevival, here's a helpful excerpt from Gloria Steinem's "Revolution: From within"

"Beware the ableist, however seductive. Shun the ableists and all who use language that marginalises the oppressed. Distrust neurotypicality; prefer the autism of yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought as a fun hating harpy or a hambeast. Picture all neurotypicals as if they were monsters. Never be a spectator of ableism or privilege. Seek out anti ableism and revolution for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect the oppressive meta narratives, and all their excuses. Do not live for non autists any more than you would expect non autists to live for you."

u/Secondwaverevival, here's a helpful excerpt from Gloria Steinem's "Revolution: From within"

"Beware the ableist, however seductive. Shun the ableists and all who use language that marginalises the oppressed. Distrust neurotypicality; prefer the autism of yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought as a fun hating harpy or a hambeast. Picture all neurotypicals as if they were monsters. Never be a spectator of ableism or privilege. Seek out anti ableism and revolution for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect the oppressive meta narratives, and all their excuses. Do not live for non autists any more than you would expect non autists to live for you."


It's funny how somehow the people who objectively have the most problems (the poor, the cripples, the mentally ill) always end up on the bottom of the totem pole in the Oppression Olympics. A cynical person might even suspect it's just a way for privileged mayos to "punch down"...

On that note, GC has a racism problem. You don't hear much because they usually drive out any user trying to point it out.



i am more concerned about the misandry i see popping up there once and a while. there was a whole weird thread in a post about young males (author's words) committing suicide. it was...bizarre. like i wasn't sure why there was even a debate there. i think you attract a lot of far left people b/c we are critical of MRA rhetoric. it sucks! i hope you keep yourself safe though, we need all the support and varied voices we can get!

ETA: watching that thread all morning has been kind of uncomfortable. i have more thoughts. it is not helpful or kind to tell the OP that their concerns aren't valid b/c you enjoy certain kinds of jokes or using certain terms. instead of expressing sympathy some real ugliness has appeared. these aren't so much debates as attacks. #KillAllMen is idiotic/derogatory and the defense of using such a term has no actual basis other than "wahhhh i want to". it is the same imo, as using other derogatory language that i refuse to even type. i honestly never encountered it before i came to reddit. feints surprise

tbh you do kind of enjoy "male fragility" jokes (i never said you were a good person). no one remembers or knows that it used to be used for people suffering abuse b/c like many words its original meaning has been degraded. this happens a lot. see currently the word man (smh).

that being said i think there is a vast difference between these two terms.

lastly i am really disappointed that no one seemed to speak about the casual misandry on that sub, but found it totally reasonable to attack the OP on their sensitivity. we have a lot of things to focus on in terms of radical egalitarianism and these kinds of divides are upsetting for me to see. :/

it was...bizarre

Wasn't this the young man they accused of commiting suicide "to get back at his ex girlfriend"? IIRC even the GC posters told that OP to chill. Which shows that they haven't hit bottom yet.

I'm not exactly sure, I just turned that woman's comment into pasta

/u/secondwaterrevival what is your trigger, so I can make sure I avoid saying it?