/r/LateStageCapitalism McNukes thread about White Supremacy after OP doesn't provide the sauce. Butthurt commenters are deported while Orwell weeps.

26  2017-12-29 by The_King_of_Toasters


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All hail the kind of toasters ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

/u/heavenlytoaster /u/buttermyself /u/strictlybutters

We need to deport people who post np links.

Like there's anything to upvote there

Also who fucking uses CSS on PC anyway. Plus MOBILE MASTERRACE!! 😎

I added it in manually for good praxis TBQH

u/Aedeus, let me tell you a story, sourced from the hadiths, which tells of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his divine deeds.

"Narrated Abu al Muhabil: that Allah's Apostle said, "thou shalt not downplay Islamic hatred by pointing out other forms of hatred." when the white kuffrs heard this, they were surprised by the Islamophobia of the prophet Muhammad (alayhi as salam?) and were subsequently blasted in the kfla "

Sahih qadibi, 69 4:20

u/Aedeus, let me tell you a story, sourced from the hadiths, which tells of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his divine deeds.

"Narrated Abu al Muhabil: that Allah's Apostle said, "thou shalt not downplay Islamic hatred by pointing out other forms of hatred." when the white kuffrs heard this, they were surprised by the Islamophobia of the prophet Muhammad (alayhi as salam?) and were subsequently blasted in the kfla "

Sahih qadibi, 69 4:20

And the lord sayeth, "Provideth facts" and Aedeus knelt and provideth facts uponeth the alter, the lord smiled and the fascista were btfo.

Proverbs 4:20

A person is said to be still further advanced when he regards all—the honest well-wisher, friends and enemies, the envious, the pious, the sinner and those who are indifferent and impartial—with an equal mind

Bhagavad Gita, 6:9

Unfortunately u/Aedeus, you are still an untermensch by virtue of your smugness in thinking that you btfo'd fascists by providing news links. If fascists cared about reality, my friend, they wouldn't be fascists.

news links


Judging by the fanmail I received tho, quite a few buttholes were flaring.

I'm sure those who were buttblasted were the ones who'd say "librul snowflakes reeeee"

quite a few buttholes were flaring.

Posts in /r/esist /r/Fuckthealtright /r/LateStageCapitalism /r/EnoughTrumpSpam /r/politics etc. Every single time without fail lol. You always see this in every politicalhumor thread, these users whose Reddit existence revolves around being angry in the ever growing political subs try and pull a "Wew triggered." It always reminds me that Monty Python black knight standing on one leg "Tis but a scratch... ITT triggered king Arthur." You copy and paste "resistance" posters always so desperate to tell everyone how it's not you that's booty blasted.

If you got death threats you should post them and submit them to the Admins. Violence and threats of violence have no room on Reddit. Also I find it hard to believe that you actually got death threats.

They were submitted to the admins almost as soon as I got them.

Post screenshots of the "death threats" you received from Trump supporters.

So a white person running someone over with a car is terrorism, but gunning down a cop isn't? Nice goalpost shifting.

The fact of the matter is Radical White Right Wing terrorism is more prolific and more dangerous.

Has there been three to four decades of war in the continental United States for white supremacist groups to hone their bomb-making skills and guerilla tactics? I'd hardly say US domestic terror groups have both the experience and the training that Islamic terror groups have. Some backwoods retards from Alabama aren't even remotely the same threat as groups like Al-Qaeda or ISIS. Members of the mujahideen that went on to form Al-Qaeda were trained by the CIA to fight against the Soviet occupation. Know of any hillbillies out there with that level of training?

I think you're underestimating a lot of the far-right groups in the US, tbh.

A lot of those militia groups are not only heavily armed but have military or police training. This is actually a real problem in the united states in general, gang bangers do it as well.

A few of them will go join the infantry and then come back and train other gang bangers and the police end up getting fucked by people with superior tactics.

With white nationalists it's a bit different, it's less so them coming back and more so the fact many of them are just ex-military.

Those "unite the right rallies" were loaded with military vets.

But the reason they're more dangerous is because it's just a lot harder for those groups you listed to actually attack us in any real way.

There's a reason, for example, the police fear far-right terrorists more than Islamic terrorists:


Anti-government extremists, most of the time, tend to be racist extremists that have moderated their message to appeal to more people. Source:


On the national level, formal right-wing hate groups, such as the National Alliance, the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) and the Aryan Nations, represent a continuing terrorist threat. Although efforts have been made by some extremist groups to reduce openly racist rhetoric in order to appeal to a broader segment of the population and to focus increased attention on antigovernment sentiment, racism-based hatred remains an integral component of these groups’ core orientations.

I think you're underestimating a lot of the far-right groups in the US, tbh.

Perhaps. I am more familiar with Foreign Terrorist Organizations and the dangers they pose. Went to school for Homeland Security and Counter-Terrorism. More emphasis was placed on FTOs although we covered domestic extremist groups such as Sovereign Citizens etc.

A lot of those militia groups are not only heavily armed but have military or police training. This is actually a real problem in the united states in general, gang bangers do it as well.

Heavily armed I can believe. This is the United States after all. I have a hard time reconciling the latter though, with groups like the 3% looking like absolute fucking morons. I don't deny that there are some groups with Military or law enforcement training however.

A few of them will go join the infantry and then come back and train other gang bangers and the police end up getting fucked by people with superior tactics.

Then they need to do a better job training them with all these innocent people catching stray bullets in the cities. I personally don't know of any instances of what you said above so I can't really speak on it either way.

With white nationalists it's a bit different, it's less so them coming back and more so the fact many of them are just ex-military. Those "unite the right rallies" were loaded with military vets.

Ex-military is a broad classification. Few military roles see active combat. I doubt anyone in a white supremacist group was former special forces, not to say that's what you were implying. The government usually keeps an eye on those people that are highly trained.

Military personnel tend to be slightly more conservative than democrats. I don't doubt that there were quite a few vets at rallies labeled "Unite the Right".

But the reason they're more dangerous is because it's just a lot harder for those groups you listed to actually attack us in any real way.

Yes it's more difficult for them to attack us, I agree. However, that remains true as long as those terrorist organizations remain centralized with a hierarchy. Islamist terrorist groups in particular are becoming more de-centralized and outsourcing terror attacks by providing material support and instruction online on how to do so.

Anti-government extremists, most of the time, tend to be racist extremists that have moderated their message to appeal to more people.

I can certainly believe the moderate the message for larger appeal part. IIRC, left wing extremists are traditionally more anti-government. Right wing extremists are traditionally closer to fascism. Correct me if I'm wrong, not being snide. Just find it interesting that extreme right wingers would be anti government when it's more in their nature to lean towards fascism.

Then they need to do a better job training them with all these innocent people catching stray bullets in the cities. I personally don't know of any instances of what you said above so I can't really speak on it either way.


An example of what I mean.

Ex-military is a broad classification. Few military roles see active combat. I doubt anyone in a white supremacist group was former special forces, not to say that's what you were implying. The government usually keeps an eye on those people that are highly trained.

I don't think you need special forces training to be a domestic terrorist threat. The government does keep an eye on those people, they're just bad at it, which is why white nationalists have infiltrated law enforcement so easily.




I can certainly believe the moderate the message for larger appeal part. IIRC, left wing extremists are traditionally more anti-government. Right wing extremists are traditionally closer to fascism. Correct me if I'm wrong, not being snide. Just find it interesting that extreme right wingers would be anti government when it's more in their nature to lean towards fascism.

The spectrum isn't like this.

Fascists are far-right, yes, but there are different branches of far-right.

Take the left-side of the spectrum for example.

You have anarchists, which are left-wing, and you have communists.

The right-side of the spectrum can go either towards fascism, or it can go towards anti-government extremism. Sovereign citizens are a good example.


Ghost skin

Ghost skin is a term used by white supremacists to describe those who avoid overt display of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.

In an FBI Intelligence Assessment from 2006, the FBI Counterterrorism Division provides an overview of white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement and mentions that use of the term has come to the agency's attention in 2004. In 2001, two law enforcement officers in Williamson County, Texas, were been fired after it was discovered they were members of the Ku Klux Klan.

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Jesus Christ. 53 different gangs identified in the military? That's insane. It's even worse that they're managing to steal weapons and grenades.

I could only read the first page of your Sofrep.com link without being a member/subscriber and the first page had little regarding the ex-green beret. Any chance you could copy and paste it?

Yeah that's crazy. I figured that the law enforcement infiltration was reasonable and likely common but I didn't think the military had nearly a problem of this magnitude. That guy was a demolitions expert and a green beret, he's versed in unconventional warfare. The article didn't mention if he was arrested after giving orders to his men to assault people, do you know any more about that? If he's not in jail already he should be. That guy has too much power and a history with explosives; he shouldn't be allowed to roam free. I'd book him on any charge I could to get him off the street

I don't think he was arrested.


The guy actually leads a pretty serious group.

That's the most C-4 I've ever heard of anyone being in possession of. Man they did a shit job of keeping track of their weaponry. You'd think security around explosives stockpiles would be on the priority list. God damn.

Not sure how he didn't get life. Nobody steals that much C-4 without planning to use it.

Yeah no shit. A normal pound of C-4 is pretty destructive. Makes me wonder what his intended target was to keep that much around.

Know of any hillbillies out there with that level of training?

Anyone who's been in the US military or hell even the police force would be more trained and qualified than your average ISIS member.

Most of the people in ISIS aren't battle hardened veterans who fought the Soviets, they're conscripted and recruited civilians who are given a gun and told where to shoot.

I think the threat from domestic right-wing terror is far larger in the US because there's more likely to be support for it. They'll be able to blend in a lot easier too. By comparison, Muslim terrorists in the US will always be isolated fringe fanatics who were radicalized by the internet.

Anyone who's been in the US military or hell even the police force would be more trained and qualified than your average ISIS member.

I'm fairly sure I addressed this further down in the thread. Most military roles don't see combat; even in infantry you might not see actual combat. Having both experience and training is everything.

The police really shouldn't be put on the same threat and capability level as ISIS. I don't think I should've had to say that but there it is.

Most of the people in ISIS aren't battle hardened veterans who fought the Soviets, they're conscripted and recruited civilians who are given a gun and told where to shoot.

No, generally conscripted civilians and foreign recruits were given supportive roles, carrying out mundane tasks and maintenance in ISIS territory. Unless they have changed how they operate relatively recently. The bulk of their forces came from veterans of wars in the Middle East and defecting members of local armies when the pressure was on in Iraq and Syria. Around ten battle hardened fighters formerly detained in Camp Bucca went on to become top brass in ISIS and train their forces.

I think the threat from domestic right-wing terror is far larger in the US because there's more likely to be support for it. They'll be able to blend in a lot easier too.

Sure, a larger threat if only because there are more of those groups here stateside. Blend in meaning fly under the radar because they're probably white?

By comparison, Muslim terrorists in the US will always be isolated fringe fanatics who were radicalized by the internet.

Well no. They likely won't always be fringe fanatics. Islam is currently the fastest growing religion and unfortunately a few sects of Islam practice and encourage abhorrent things. With Saudi Arabia funding Wahhabism and Salafism across the globe we are probably going to continue having problems in the future.

But you didn't provide any facts you idiot

White supremacy exists because white people are better than every other race.

Thanks for including the Jews into "white people" set.

every other race

Usain Bolt will like to have a word with you

wypipo (nazis) invented his steroids, checkm8

I grew up in a rural area on the border of Ohio and West Virginia. There wasn’t a lot of inbreeding or anything like that, but the literacy rate was atrocious. It’s so bad that I actually qualify as a minority (“Appalachian”) for HR purposes. My point being that intellect isn’t exactly valued there.

I now live in New York City, which has every variety of dipshit you can imagine. Just the other day, I saw a guy get “stuck” in a revolving door because he didn’t realize you actually have to push it to get it to move. He just stood there with his mouth open until someone going the other way came along and pushed it, and then he ran through like his ass was on fire and his hair was catchin’.

I tell you these things so that you’ll understand the full import of what I’m going to say next: your comment might not be the absolute stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, but it’s top three for sure. Not even a question.

You exist because your drunk father was aiming for his sister's ass but missed.

Also most Arabs qualify as white too

Wait a second, is the mayocide Islamophobic?

almost 18k updoodles

So this is the power of Reddit... not bad

What this have anything to do with capitalism? Smdh

This is good for socialism

That sub just hates mayos, that's it.

So does this sub

But for the right reason. We're for right wing death squads of only PiC lynching whitey.

They don't have any other members left, smh

It's just another of those subs. What does CB have to do with breaking circlejerks? What does SRD have to do with drama? What does negareddit have to do with being the opposite of reddit?

Not to defend Americucks or anything, but isn't there a difference between spree killing and terrorism? Terrorists have an agenda to further, spree killers do it because their lives suck (e.g. going postal)

So is terrorist the new word Ameriburgers are going to totally invalidate by overusing it in a wrong context?


yes, they are also considering every mass shooter to be a right wing terrorist for some reason, even though more of them have been registered democrats.

also the US muslim population is like 0.4%, I would certainly hope there would be less attacks by them

Yes, people in the US don't actually grasp what the word terrorism means and you'll often seen the far-left conflate mass shootings with terrorism.

Motive makes something terrorism.

What Roof did was terrorism.

What Lanza did was not terrorism.

Basically, the far-left needs a way to attack "white guys" as the real threat so they'll often spread misinformation about terrorist labels.

There's a good article that tries to debunk some of the bullshit:


No sauce, ketchup or food available at commie lands. Lsh is the most accurate simulation of communism i have found.



This is an awesome source for terrorism post 9/11. The entire dataset is available for download and is well sourced. Since 9/11 (starting the counting on 9/12 is definitely not motivated politically) and as of about 3 months ago, I get the following tally:

Jihadist terrorism: 97 dead, 368 injured.

Far Right Wing terrorism: 68 dead, 71 injured.

I don't know where to get race from, but let's assume all the right wing terrorism is committed by evil white men. Omar Mateen killed 50 people in one night, almost equaling the entire right wing total for the last decade and a half. Wow, really gets the noggin joggin huh?

Let's do a grab bag of stats here. Muslims make up right at 1% of the population, conservatives make up 30% of the population, let's estimate "far right" wingers make up 5% of the population, plus throw in all whites as 63% of population (slightly less than half that for white men). Let's get a rate per 100k for those groups:

Terrorism rate per 100k population (day after 9/11 until about 3 months ago):

Muslims: 2.939 terrorism deaths/100,000 Muslims. 14.091 casualties/100,000.

Right wingers: 0.069 terrorism deaths/100,000 right wingers. 0.140 casualties/100,000.

Far right wingers: 0.412 deaths/100,000 far right wingers. 0.842 casualties/100,000.

White people as a whole: 0.033 deaths/100,000 whites. 0.067 casualties/100,000.

White men as a whole: 0.066 deaths/100,000 white men. 0.136 casualties/100,000.