CIRCUMCISION DRAMA: Anteaters and Aesthetic Penises Cross Streams in /r/News

12  2017-12-29 by HodorTheDoorHolder




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That is SO FUCKING CRINGEY!! Like men don't have blood all over their crotches after having it done (even as infants) smh!!

exactly. the rabbi with herpes sucks all the blood away.

But what if they want it cut off as a baby?

  1. The mental gymnastics required to justify cutting off a bit of dick skin are as impressive as ever

  2. Nothing stopping someone from dressing up as a baby and chopping off part of their dick, I ain't here to kink shame

lmao these drydick mayos....

Why do Americans love cutting up them dicks, something weird in the water over there or something

Jewish envy

Have you ever smelled European anteater? Chop chop chop all day

At the end of the day you've cut off a part of your dick. No amount of mental gymnastics can make this not backwards and retarded

My aesthetic penis > flesh sock over it.

Same reason I cut off my eyelids. Now everyone is jealous of my beautiful eyes while they walk around with disgusting pieces of skin covering theirs!

Does it get you more oral sex?

If not bad choice bro.

The chicks are lining up to tongue my sockets, bro.

Livin the dream!

YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE

YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE

Congratulations on being a rich Korean girl.

In the interests of remaining unbiased on this issue, I had the right side of my penis circumcised and retained the left.

My official report is: cutting bits off your kid for questionable benefit is retarded, but it's not even close to being as harmful as foot binding, or naming your child 'sunbeam periwinkle'.

You know who else was against circumcision? Hitler.

This is why I do an annual circumcision.


No one wants ugly junk, just stick a dildo up your ass like an adult if you want an eye crossing 8 roper

It is almost 2018, there is no reason for anyone in this day and age not to cut their dick off.