In the interests of remaining unbiased on this issue, I had the right side of my penis circumcised and retained the left.
My official report is: cutting bits off your kid for questionable benefit is retarded, but it's not even close to being as harmful as foot binding, or naming your child 'sunbeam periwinkle'.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-12-29
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1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-29
That is SO FUCKING CRINGEY!! Like men don't have blood all over their crotches after having it done (even as infants) smh!!
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2017-12-29
exactly. the rabbi with herpes sucks all the blood away.
1 cultish_alibi 2017-12-29
The mental gymnastics required to justify cutting off a bit of dick skin are as impressive as ever
Nothing stopping someone from dressing up as a baby and chopping off part of their dick, I ain't here to kink shame
1 Pastelitomaracucho 2017-12-29
lmao these drydick mayos....
1 IsADragon 2017-12-29
Why do Americans love cutting up them dicks, something weird in the water over there or something
1 Unfunny_Twat 2017-12-29
Jewish envy
1 Fieryfrogs6969blaze 2017-12-29
Have you ever smelled European anteater? Chop chop chop all day
1 aonome 2017-12-29
At the end of the day you've cut off a part of your dick. No amount of mental gymnastics can make this not backwards and retarded
1 Chicup 2017-12-29
My aesthetic penis > flesh sock over it.
1 bostonbob1987 2017-12-29
Same reason I cut off my eyelids. Now everyone is jealous of my beautiful eyes while they walk around with disgusting pieces of skin covering theirs!
1 Chicup 2017-12-29
Does it get you more oral sex?
If not bad choice bro.
1 bostonbob1987 2017-12-29
The chicks are lining up to tongue my sockets, bro.
1 Chicup 2017-12-29
Livin the dream!
1 A7thStone 2017-12-29
YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE
1 A7thStone 2017-12-29
YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE
1 Ennui2778 2017-12-29
Congratulations on being a rich Korean girl.
1 ____________13 2017-12-29
In the interests of remaining unbiased on this issue, I had the right side of my penis circumcised and retained the left.
My official report is: cutting bits off your kid for questionable benefit is retarded, but it's not even close to being as harmful as foot binding, or naming your child 'sunbeam periwinkle'.
1 Peetrius 2017-12-29
You know who else was against circumcision? Hitler.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-12-29
This is why I do an annual circumcision.
1 Ravensthrowit 2017-12-29
No one wants ugly junk, just stick a dildo up your ass like an adult if you want an eye crossing 8 roper
1 The_DJSeahorse 2017-12-29
It is almost 2018, there is no reason for anyone in this day and age not to cut their dick off.