Babbycide when?

26  2017-12-29 by PoorLilMarco


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I don't get how people hate babies. There are tons of these people out there that just throw a tantrum about kids in public.

There's an entire little culture these people have and they're just insufferable.

"DINKS" and the "childfree" community are just cancer.

Nowadays, misbehaving children is a lot more common. They let their shits use crying and screaming as a tactic to get things they want rather than learning how to effectively communicate what they need.

I can't wait to have kids so I can be a normal functioning adult who leaves the restaurant when my baby starts crying instead of sitting there making a scene to show how good a parent I am by consoling the baby.

my son hasn't done that pitching a fit bullshit since he was an infant, he knows the moment he starts crying and whining when he doesn't get his way that i will bust his ass in the middle of the grocery store or wherever the fuck we are.

people are too afraid to discipline a toddler nowadays because they're afraid someone is going to say something is more the issue than them just letting it happen.

Scare the crying out of them. That'll learn em.


It worked for thousands of years.

well yeah.

It’s posts like these that make me realize all the autistic fucks on here are real people, some of who actually have the mental capacity to engage in coitus and mother/father children.

It's posts like these that makes me think 'Why would you ever care?'

Big if true.

I can't wait to have kids so I can be a normal functioning adult who leaves the restaurant when my baby starts crying instead of sitting there making a scene to show how good a parent I am by consoling the baby.

Oh great parenting. Leave it to others to nurture your hypothetical brat. Please consider sterilization

You're an idiot who doesn't see incredibly obvious subtext. He takes the baby duh

Not nice.

Just because you were looking for a positive outcome doesn't mean Zhe takes the kid. Hell, Zhe confesses to being a childless loser at this very moment. How do you know Zhe wouldn't leave the poorly raised screaming runt? Unhunh. That's what I thought.

nowadays ... I can't wait to have kids ...

Can you tell us more about how kids used to behave in the 2010's?

Yes. They were much better. But not as good as the kids from the late 90's

you don't want most of those morons to breed anyway.

I'm not sure who's worse in the childfree world. The men or the women.

I think the men are your standard autistic incels who are taking the position because no woman will want to have children with them anyway. The women are facing a similar denial, except they're either extremely narcissistic and/or extremely ugly, and far too materialistic.

Big families are better, that's for sure.

Or maybe some of us believe that not everyone was meant to have children. At least not their own biological children.

The world is over-populated. The foster care system is overflowing with children that need homes.

Who are big families better for? Minivan manufacturers?

If you think the r/childfree posters are awful, you should see the r/raisedbynarcissists crowd. I firmly believe had all of those posters never been born, this world would be an infinitely better place. For us and them.

Or maybe some of us believe that not everyone was meant to have children.

And a lot of you say extremely mean things about innocent children, while not understanding a single lick about children or parenthood.

The world is over-populated.

In India and china, maybe a bit Europe, not in North Amerika.

If you can't love a child unless it's your own, then you can't love a child period and you shouldn't have them.

That is the dumbest thing you said. For one it ignores that love can not be quantified. Second it ignores everything we know behavioral evolution and evolutionary psychology. You are literally saying biology does everything wrong.

Who are big families better for?

The parents and the kids. As the product can become the best social safety net in existence.

I firmly believe had all of those posters never been born, this world would be an infinitely better place.

Ask them if they wished they had never been born instead of denying them the pleasure to ever have lived.

You are dumb as fuck and I no longer wish to engage in further conversation with you.

Uggo barren utereus confirmed.

lol...I am far from ugly and I truly believe that not everyone was meant to have children.

I suffer from extreme alcoholism and occasional depression. Why the fuck should I risk passing that gene down?

Fucked up people having babies just produces fucked up babies that continue the cycle. Ewwww and no thank you.

So you’re not dinks, you’re self-eugenizing?

No. I am not a complete narcissist seeking attention and redemption for my own mediocrity through my offspring.

“I vill not breed az I have inferior genes, ist verboten!” Whatever you say, as long as you keep that shit to yourself, mini-Goebbels

This is r/drama so I will say whatever I damn well please.

Are you a shitty parent or a product of shitty parents?

I’m not the world’s worst nazi, so I’m doing pretty good, actually

Answer the question!!!!

What question?

I suffer from extreme alcoholism and occasional depression.

If you are so fucking unstable and fucked in the head, Maybe you souldn't give your unstable and fucked in the head opinions on child rearing because you don't have a fucking clue.

If you have such poor reading comprehension skills, maybe you shouldn't be trying to argue online.

You say your fucked in the head. Then you give your fucked in the head opinions. There is not much to misread there.

Second it ignores everything we know behavioral evolution and evolutionary psychology.

redpill me on the biotroofs.

Yes yes, saying people are more easily disposed towards offspring they know is of their making. Soooooo redpill.

Yes yes, saying people are more easily disposed to show love towards offspring they know is of their making.

That must be why parents never abuse their biological children, surely.

Or might you have a study somewhere backing this up?

And climate change isn't real right?

Of course it's real. And you'll love hearing what the primary cause is, I'm sure.

Here , read smarter people then me debate it. Plenty of studies linked They all say the same thing. Nothing redpill about what I said. SO You are still wrong.

The Selfish Gene

The Selfish Gene is a 1976 book on evolution by Richard Dawkins, in which the author builds upon the principal theory of George C. Williams's Adaptation and Natural Selection (1966). Dawkins uses the term "selfish gene" as a way of expressing the gene-centred view of evolution as opposed to the views focused on the organism and the group, popularising ideas developed during the 1960s by W. D. Hamilton and others. From the gene-centred view, it follows that the more two individuals are genetically related, the more sense (at the level of the genes) it makes for them to behave selflessly with each other.

A lineage is expected to evolve to maximise its inclusive fitness—the number of copies of its genes passed on globally (rather than by a particular individual).

Evolutionary game theory

Evolutionary game theory (EGT) is the application of game theory to evolving populations in biology. It defines a framework of contests, strategies, and analytics into which Darwinian competition can be modelled. It originated in 1973 with John Maynard Smith and George R. Price's formalisation of contests, analysed as strategies, and the mathematical criteria that can be used to predict the results of competing strategies.

Evolutionary game theory differs from classical game theory in focusing more on the dynamics of strategy change.

Behavioral ecology

Behavioral ecology, also spelled behavioural ecology, is the study of the evolutionary basis for animal behavior due to ecological pressures. Behavioral ecology emerged from ethology after Niko Tinbergen outlined four questions to address when studying animal behavior which are the proximate causes, ontogeny, survival value, and phylogeny of behavior.

If an organism has a trait which provides a selective advantage (i.e. has an adaptive significance) in its environment, then natural selection will favor it.

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Dude, I understand how evolution works.

I specifically asked for a resource supporting your claim that a parent is less able to love an adopted child than a biological one.

This study would also have to refute the conclusions of contemporary research suggesting that, when family background is controlled for, there is no difference between adoptive vs biological families when it comes to outcomes for parents or children, such as: (see section V, "Conclusion"). (See "Results" and "Discussion")

I never said they were less able In general. However I do refute that someone is unable to love their own children because they can’t see themselves loving someone’s else’s children.

However I do refute that someone is unable to love their own children because they can’t see themselves loving someone’s else’s children.

Oh, yeah. In that case that would be a silly claim to make.

Still, though, I think that one of the best ways to decide whether or not you might want to have children is to have some experience dealing with kids. I understand that the instinctive attachment process is pretty powerful but if you can't even bring yourself to enjoy or at least tolerate being, say, a babysitter or elementary school teacher, then IMO you'd be advised to consider other options.

Because although there are plenty of stories of people being absolutely sure they never wanted children and then changing their minds when they hold their kid for the first time and the hormones kick in, there are also just as many stories of people who had always been absolutely sure that they did want kids never feeling that sense of attachment towards their offspring. Instinct is universal, but the subjective experience of instinct differs from person to person, and as a result some people will just never feel that parental drive.

So because there's an inherent unpredictability there, I would just defer to the wisdom that the only reliable predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and in this case if the past behavior is that being around children doesn't make you happy and you can't even put up with being around a children for half an hour in a restaurant then maybe you should take that as a cue that parenting isn't for you.

I find absolutely nothing in what you just said that I disagree with.

name one thing a stupid baby has ever done for society. they cant even talk

Hitler used to be a baby

Does chronic masturbation count as breeding

You probably save it. So potentially?

Exactly. I wonder if u/Pizzashill knows that toddlers killed more people than terrorists this year. They basically are unemployed losers who can’t speak English. SAD!

I don't get how people hate babies.

They'd wake me up, piss me off, stress me out, cost me money, and get in the way of my career.

Die angry about it.


Anybody that hates babies probably shouldn't be having them anyways, and might want to get their head checked.

You need a gussy check.

Did you misspell pussy?

I am dude you bigot!






Did you just assume my REEEEEEEE?



