Shamelessly stolen drama about a murdered sex worker that hid/lied about their sex to a client

23  2017-12-29 by CirqueDuFuder


/u/wazula42 I think their sex partner having the expected bits is a major deal for most people lmfao. What's wrong with you people.

Then you're in luck, because trans people are a fraction of a percentage of the population, most of them make their trans status known early, and even fewer can pass as their chosen gender AND fail to reveal their gender until they hop into bed. Just like the trans bathroom panic, this is a scenario that just doesn't happen.

The other good news is, if sleeping with a trans person is triggering for you, I recommend you vet your partners a little better. Let them know your fears. If they won't respect that wish, then they're not right for you.

Yeah most trans people reveal their status early because its the right thing to do. Your dumbass is acting like asking if your lady friend has a big ol' dong should be a normal part of dating. smh.

Imagine the reaction a woman would have if every man went up to her asking if she used to or still has a penis. Which is more reasonable? The trans person declaring their situation or the other 99% of the population having to pretend that is totally typical?

Yeah, but really how many trannies are actually 100% passable though? You can usually tell something's up with the bone structure or the voice.

/u/OniTan, you must only pick up some fucking ugly women if you can actually tell the difference from experience.

I have the experience of seeing and hearing thousands of men and women in real life and on pictures and videos so I can tell what the genders look and sound like. I thought this was a basic human trait.

I know if you have wide shoulders, a long face, a big jaw, and a deeper voice you're probably male. If you have small shoulders, wide hips, a round face, a small chin, and a higher pitched voice you're probably female. So if you're presenting yourself as one gender but have too many traits of the other, something is off. Either an actual hormone imbalance, or you're a tranny.

Admittedly, FtM trannies pass a lot better than MtFs, and small MtFs pass better than large ones. But I don't think I've ever been fooled.

Lmao, an essay about trannies. Totally not fascinated.

No one is suggesting a trans person walk around with a flair

I'm all for trans people wearing the star of david, honestly.

Trans people take a risk revealing their gender to anyone. They are one of the biggest targets left for hate crimes, to say nothing of the humiliation of the political and social stigma surrounding being trans. When's thr appropriate time to reveal their genital situation? During drinks? At first base? Or should they just wear a sign around their neck?

well you are the one screeching about how they are going to be killed for revealing their trans. let's not pretend that even .000001% of them can even pass.

What if I wanna beat trannies, but I accidentally knock out a very ugly woman?

Did you just "not all trans people" me?

Play stupid games.....

whatever happened to "a mouth is a mouth"

Most of us haven't been to jail for an extended period.

I know when I feel ripped off in my business deals I go for the switch blade

You'd think they'd be happy to find out that they picked up someone with a bussy instead of a gussy. I guess not everyone is as progressive as /r/drama.

If you regret having sex with someone after the fact you were not raped. I don't care whether it's because you're a wishy washy liberal or they had a bussy and you don't want to be gay.

I would rather fuck a dude and know what I was getting into ahead of time than fuck a trans that whips out a dick while getting naked as a surprise.

Don't force people into sex they aren't comfortable with.

I'm sure it made you feel very insecure in your heterosexuality. Doesn't make it rape.

It is sexual assault. Imagine telling assault victims they are fragile for stating crimes that happen and coming forward.

Boo hoo, you consented and that makes it not rape.

Did you click the link?

Boohoo the woman consented to sex and whined when he pulled his condom off/put it in her ass.

Your comments are rape culture.

If he takes his condom off it's not rape, if he sticks it in her ass it's rape because she consented to vaginal sex not anal.

And I didn't read your link, nor will I read any more you send because I don't care that much about this conversation.

It shows governments agreeing with me and people punished for the sexual assault they commit.

That's a dick move but if he's a few inches smaller than you thought, it's still not what you expected but it's not rape.

Pointless examples by you. That isn't the same as changing sex.

you can fuck right off

You ever noticed the highly upvoted retort is some emotive manchild screaming?

This was a good one, the ever escalating comparisons in hypothetical situations that show a misunderstanding of what logic is.

But we all know bussy is better anyway so what's the big deal.

are these people blind or can I just not find the passable ones

My cousin who seems to most people to be totally normal is trans and you would never be able to tell unless you looked at her fake dick.

that's real low percentage tho

also that's a bonus

This is why you grope them first.

YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE

I don't see what the big deal is.

Nobody in that thread or this one is ever getting laid much less being physically capable of killing a trans person.