More white people nonsense in which farmers markets are racist now

70  2017-12-29 by ChipChippersonAMA


Wtf I love food deserts now

Came in to sarcastically post about the white liberal cause of 2015 and see you beat me to it :-/

Savages trying to eat fresh food.

Your flair is just "drink" in RIF on mobile, and by God half of the time it's not even like a drinking game but a coping advice.

I like how the notion that high property values are incompatible with the presence of nonwhites is not even controversial.

It’s almost like upper middle class white liberals are extremely racist and aren’t doing anything g to help minorities but rather are whining to show how good of person they are? Like how gentrification is a ass backward way to say “We don’t like this area not being segregated to the dirty poors”

"white liberal" is the new "male feminist"

This is actually part of swallowing the red-pill

new The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives. -el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz "Malcolm X" (pbuh)

Leftists Liberals are conservatives now

What are you?


So you admit to being red pilled?

No. Zion is fucking lame and the matrix was way better.

Zion is fucking lame

Wow, blatant anti-semitism... really?

It's tism of one sort or another

So you're basically that bald, steak eating fucker?

I am at least 2 of those things

Woke as fuck

But Asians and Indians both live in relatively wealthy areas.

Yes but we've never.... officially enslaved those

I believe that by "white" they mean the social construct of "not a hobo".

Hard to be controversial when there's lots of data to back certain claims up.

Its like when people imply that living around other white people is part of "white privilege"

I mean yeah, that's technically true, but you're missing the point entirely

To be fair, I've never seen a black person at a farmers market, and I live in Philadelphia.

On the other hand, 90% of the stuff at the farmer's markets can be obtained at half the price or better in the grocery store, so they have the right idea tbh.

To be fair, I've never seen a black person at a farmers market

Because they are smart enough to not ruin Mac and Cheese with vegetables.

You shut your whore mouth. Mac and cheese without broccoli isn't worth eating.

what the fuck

Im literally shaking rn

Yes, you shake the water off of the broccoli after you rinse it, but honestly that step isn't really necessary.

That's a weird way to spell hotdogs.


Just as soon as I get my mac n cheese.

Black people really like their butcher shops when they want to buy something special. Soul food is responsible for like 90% of their demographic health issues.

You misspelled "bullet holes"

The farmers' markets in suburban Milwaukee are pretty much the only place I see non-white people in the burbs. Now, they're just the ones doing the selling, but I guess it counts for something.

Hold the phone. The city dwelling welfare folks can prop up the US tobacco industry but they can't buy carrots and sweet potatoes straight out of the bed of a pickup?

Hold your nose sometime and take a look inside a poor person's kitchen. They have pots full of leftover food on the stovetop, and the microwave similarly has old food in it that is several days old. It is impossible to cook in a poor person's kitchen without first cleaning it, which they will not do.

Hold your crotch and take a look inside an adolescent male pro wrestling fan’s bedroom. There are skidmarked Fruit of the Loom briefs on the floor, and a poster of a hooker in a bathing suit on the wall. There is a faint underlying feet and cheese smell. To hang out in a male wrestling fan’s bedroom, you must first clear the crusty cum socks off the bed, which he will not do.

Hold your bussy sometime and take a look inside a homeless dramanaut's post history. There is autistic screeching within as well as comments about hobbies no one else cares about. There are faint sounds of their mothers crying and fake sounds of your mother crying out in passion but you can tell it is just the poster themselves' voice, slightly higher pitched. To converse with a dramanaut, you must first get a Thai doctor to perform a lobotomy on you, which he will not do because there is more money in removing penises.

Hold the door sometime and journey with me into the mind of a maniac

Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nut sack

I'm in a murderous mind state with a heart full of terror

I see the devil in the mirror

Buck-buck, lights out

Cause when I grab my sawed off, niggas get hauled off

(Barrel one) tears your mothafuckin' flesh

(Barrel two) tears your fuckin' heart out your chest

You see I'm quick to let the hammer go click

On my Tec-9 so if you try to wreck mine

Fool it's your bedtime

Feel the blast of the chocolate bomber

Infrared aimed at your head like your name was Sarah Connor

Decapitation, I ain't hesitating to put you in the funeral home

With a bullet in your dome

I'm hot like lava

You got a problem?

I got a problem solver and his name is Revolver

It's like a deadly game of freeze tag

I touch you with a .44 mag and you're frozen inside a body bag

Nobody iller, than this grave yard filler

Cap peeler, cause I'm a natural born killa

Cause when I grab my sawed off, niggas get hauled off

This is from Straight Outta Compton but the rest of the song isn’t.

No it's not. It's from Natural Born Killaz

If it’s Dr. Dre and Ice Cube, then it is theft because NWA and all of its songs are owned by Eric “Eazy-Muthafuccin’-E” Wright.

Are you retarded?

Are you?

born that way

Real talk though farmers markets suck. The produce is essentially the same as what you get at a quality grocery store for like 3x the price

I never buy from the farmers market, but will buy from farmers that have little shacks outside their house. That stuff is always way better than the store.

Yeah same I still enjoy walking around the farmers market. I might even occasionally buy something. Probably because I’m extremely white

Couple a hockey players came by the produxe stand t'other day

A lot of farms that deal in meats will also have a website where they schedule certain days to provide meat.

So, for example, you can order whatever cuts you want like a month before, pre-pay for them and then drive up to their farm or meeting spot and collect with a cooler. It's actually pretty alright.

There's usually at least one stand that will have something unique, at least at the ones I've been to in Oregon. I also like to pick up hyper local honey because it's supposed to help mitigate allergies.

you sound mayo as fuck

I'm descended from one of the signers of Oregon's state constitution, I'm as white as the undriven snow.

A lot of the time the produce sold at farmers market will either be stuff that wasn't quite good enough for the store or quality. If you know your way around a market it can be much better than buying at a store. Not to mention the produce is almost always more fresh at a market than at a store.

When I was a kid farmer's markets were half the price of the grocery stores, then hippies got involved.

"habits of white people are normalized"

Sounds like a serious problem.


The Hispanic farmer's market that's 5 minutes away from where I live is the only place I've ever been called a gringo.

They like it if you call them wetbacks in return.

Good advice thanks for the info!

I thought they preferred illegal labor?

Those are only the ones who have been to the gringo schools. The good ones prefer wetback or "Me encanta tu culo". Only use the second one if you are on really friendly terms with them.

Oh wow, thanks! I'm sure my Mexican friend José will really love hearing how much I'm leaning about his culture!

I'm sure he will be! Make sure to use that second one. If you are lucky you'll get a nice deep cultural enrichment.

Wow I love all the subtleties of ethnic culture :)

I'd view that as more direct and rigid ethnic culture.

Gringo isn't an insult by the way. It literally means "white american" without a negative or positive connotation.

It means "American", not necessarily white. At least in central Mexico.

If the official term for “Mexican” was as unwieldy as “Estadounidenso” you’d use nicknames too.

I think this isn't a problem and fox is making shit up by using out of context quotes from a fringe professor. It'd be interesting to see if actual liberal echo chambers think farmers markets are racist but I can't find anything.

It'd be interesting to see if actual liberal echo chambers think farmers markets are racist but I can't find anything.

Is there anything white people like to do that actual liberal echo chambers don't consider racist?

I saw an article recently that was basically "trying to not be racist is racist".

Offing themselves is generally not frowned upon.

YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE

Pretty good point. 5 stars for your effort.

Two California professors are criticizing farmers’ markets for causing “environmental gentrification” in which “habits of white people are normalized.”

Funny; I'm sure the very concept of hip, urban farmers' markets were created by two California professors.

This is like when you stop liking a band because they get too popular.

it's true though, farmers markets barely have any urban youths

Everything is terrible and awful if it seems like white people might like it in some way.

Plot twist: Fox News is the white people nonsense.

this basically, its classic right wing "wo0oo0o0o look at this spooky sjw boogeyman!!"despite them being a crackpot nobody actually listens to.

Joassart-Marcelli and Bosco received funding from the National Science Foundation

The SDSU professors, who teach classes like “Geography of Food” and “Food Justice,” argue that “farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized.”

If the majority group is doing something doesn't that technically make that thing the norm by definition?

Despite black people's history with agriculture in this country, they seem to be absent from Farmer's Market.

they grew cash, not food crops

Wheat is a cash crop.

of course the only pictures they have are of white people

Honestly I have issues calling them people

White people eating vegetables so they don't die of diabetes complications before the age of 40?

Das raycist

Why the hell is anyone listening to a geography professors social commentary? Shouldn't he be writing books on plants or some shit lmao