Is it ok for bakeries to refuse to sell gay cake? Some users in SRD get Bootybumped arguing over it.

6  2017-12-29 by alexj101


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Tell that to the bakery

oh yay, even after it's been made clear that that is not at all what i said let's keep piling on the bi, nb person for being an intolerable bigot based on a misreading

would it kill you people to just admit a mistake and move on

honestly reddit can fuck off for today, i'm done

/u/chaosattractor why does it matter who you like to pork. No one brought that up. You're literally playing the gay 'race' card


am I doing this right


It's pretty clear that if we're actually in agreement, you did a fucking shitass job of expressing yourself because everyone else read your comments the same way I did

It's because SRDines are looking to be outraged, so you have to layer any nuanced comment with progressive virtue signaling to not trigger that outrage. Or you can lead with your progressive stack credentials using "As a bi, nb, I feel.."

shit ass-job

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

They're the no fun squad that's for damn sure.

Their rules are really strict. THIS post got forked because I apparently linked to the full comments (although that was really the only way to get to the drama)

They're biased as all hell, I hope u/Takeittocirclejerk got coal for christmas.

/u/streetpreacher2 /u/Tunadude

Mariam Khansa, Sam’s daughter, was also upset, but mainly with Crowder and the way the video was cut. Khansa was shocked to find out he was using a hidden camera and that his intent had other motives.

“We helped him like anybody else,” said Mariam Khansa. “I can’t believe he lied on his behalf.” She also spoke on the defense of the other two bakeries targeted, Hallab Bakery and Golden Bakery, both in Dearborn.

On mentioning Halab Bakery, Khansa said the employee that served Crowder was not fluent in English, and Crowder took advantage of the language barrier to misrepresent them as refusing service. On mentioning Golden Bakery Khansa said they actually do not make wedding cakes and them referring a customer somewhere else is only logical. She also said the employee there tried explaining this numerous times to Crowder, but that part of the video was cut.

but that part of the video was cut.

How convenient.

Why wouldn't they just stick with their principles, if they actually did deny it? Selectively editing videos to misconstrue an event isn't new. See: James O'Keefe.

Crowder himself even said that they didn't say no:

Since its publication, several high-profile news outlets and radio programs have referenced his work showing many Muslims are also unwilling to support gay marriage via their privately-owned businesses. Presenting himself as a gay man preparing for his wedding, Crowder visited a few Muslim-owned bakeries in Dearborn, Mich., to find out how they would handle his request for a cake.

“Many were very friendly,” he acknowledged, adding that “no one said ‘No, we won’t do it.’”

and suggested he would be better served at another bakery.

There you go

That's not a denial, and on top of that, the restaurant that told him to go somewhere else told him so because they don't make wedding cakes:

On mentioning Golden Bakery Khansa said they actually do not make wedding cakes and them referring a customer somewhere else is only logical.

How convenient that all of them don't make wedding cakes.

Dearborn Sweets: Accepted the order

Hallab Bakery: The employee he talked to didn't understand English well

Golden Bakery: Doesn't make wedding cakes

My problem with that is that it comes from Huff Post which is a news outlet with a very strong bias against Crowder. Looking at the video, it did seem that the bakers were responding to gays and it didn't seem like they were trying to tell him that they don't do wedding cakes.

I'm also suspect of one bakers daugther speaking for the other bakers

At the end of the video Crowder does mention that most of the Muslim bakeries he attended were accomodating and did agree to bake the cakes, he just posted from the 3 that didn't and fully supported their right not to do so. To me that sounds about right, it would surprise me greatly if there weren't at least 3 Muslim bakeries in Deerborne Michigan that had a problem baking wedding cakes for gay couples as homosexuality if frowned upon in the Koran and Muslim teachings.

But I think the bigger problem here is that Christian views and Muslim views on homosexuality are very similar, except that Muslim views are slightly more extreme in what should be done to homosexuals and these are regularly carried out. Now this view is certainly not shared by all Muslims but it is a sizeable portion of the Muslim population.

Now I'm not saying that any Christian discrimination or mistreatment of LGBT individuals should be excused based on extremists in other religions. However, it does seem ridiculous that even the tiniest infringements - like politely declining to bake a cake when there are tons of other bakeries are treated as extreme acts of oppression equal to the violations of the civil rights era (and you can see people in r/Christianity comparing it to discrimination that existed during the Jim Crow ear) where other oppression by other groups, such as some Muslims are swept under the rug, and I posted links in that thread to a post dicussing the Pulse shooter in which members of that sub denied that the Pulse shooter was a Muslim or influenced by Islam and blaming Christainity for the Pulse shooting

Here is Ayaan Hirshi Ali speaking about it and putting it more articulately than I can