arent you glad republicans failed to repeal obamacare when were about to have a miserable flu season

0  2017-12-29 by Jac983

gotta love the consequences for spending 8 years with a goverment who caters to the welfare abusers


I can't really tell what side you're on, all I know is you're retarded. That makes you a bad troll.

He is a republicuck, he insulted the sacred name of Obama and obama/romneycare.


what is that suppose to mean,is this another way for the left to try to blame something democrats were responsible for on republicans

Implying that Obama could do anything without republicunts support.

So naive.

implying republicans supported obama,the reason democrats couldnt control the house and senate is thanks to your negro kings way of running the country when he was president

to bad you and the rest of the shit for brains probably thought it was all bush's glad we have people like donald trump and barack obama to show the rest of the world how stupid americans are

implying that republicans supported anything obama did,and wernt elected to stop him from wrecking the bad you shit for brains blamed his mess on bush

weak bait, bro. try something better next.

Why don't Roy Moore concede? Lmaoooo

Certainly is retarded. Pretty decent at baiting the other tards on this site. I don't think he will have much luck here, unless the tard problem has gotten worse on this sub.

He tried this a few days ago and we just asked to see his bussy and gave him personal safety recommendations

im not baiting any tards,or are you dumb enough not to realize that obamacare wasnt "repealed and replaced"like donald trump promised he'd do

Are you coming on to me?

I really couldn't give less of a shit about politics. I'm in my 40s and I live very comfortably on my investments. The world can go to complete shit and I still wouldn't care.

I know this was your first election you took part in. I'm sorry you didn't get hilldawg in the office. I know that this election didn't go the way you wanted it to, but you have to be a grown up and accept that Trump is president. I know it hurts to see the phrase President Trump, but you will have 7 more years to get used to it. Give him some time to get things done. He's looking out for you, me, and every honest American.

you sure seem to care alot about politics for someone who couldnt give less of a shit

and no,this wasnt my first election that i took part in.and i dont even support hillary,democrats should stick to there poverty and crime ridden cities and leave the country for the people who can actually run it successfully

For the level of concern you have about the election and it's results, it's very much your first election. I know that 7 years seems like a lot of time to give to our man Trump, but it will be well worth it. He's our man. He knows what he's doing. I know that /r/politics says he's a bumbling idiot, but he's just not showing all of his cards like everyone else did. He's a man with a plan and he's not telling anyone what it is so they can't sabotage him. He's looking out for all of us. It may seem like he's doing is bad, it's really not. What is good for people will always be good, but won't always look good.

My man Trump is just trying to make everyone millionaires, that's all. He's a money man. Money men just want people to succeed. There's nothing wrong with that is there? I like having money to spend on shit, don't you. Just give it a little time and Trump will grow on you. He may be rough around the edges but he has balls, and balls is enough.

"hes a man with a plan"

your right,his plan is doing nothing to actually benefit the morons who voted for him and spent the rest of his presidency at his florida beach house with his rich buddies

Wow, where to begin?

He's, ., You're, , ., And, The, , That's, .,

No, you're absolutely right. You're just a tard trying to bait other tards. Well played there sweetheart. Not a very convincing act there kiddo.

I really couldn't give less of a shit about politics. I'm in my 40s and I live very comfortably on my investments. The world can go to complete shit and I still wouldn't care.

I wonder if this is what the wealthy said before the French revolution.

I don't know or care if they did. They were people who were involved in issues that were hundreds of years ago. I'm not even possibly related to anyone that would have been in any part of it. The french revolution was mostly caused by famine that was caused by the 1783 Icelandic eruption. The planning for such events at the time was completely non-existent. If they could have planned for it, it wouldn't have made much difference. Preservation techniques of the time made it extremely difficult to store food for such long periods of time.

The president has no impact on me. It had no impact on me when Clinton was president, no impact when George W. Bush was president, no impact when Obama was president. My local laws have far greater impact on me than any other national laws ever will. I don't commit crimes, especially ones that would warrant federal attention. When we have a congress with the lowest approval rating but still gets elected without issues, that is where the problem lies. We have people who we elected to serve our needs but they serve only themselves. I'm only one person and I don't care for the corruption, but there isn't anything I can do to vote some asshole out of office when I don't even live in their state. The people who I vote for are people who I think might serve the interests of the people who they represent. The problem is that we will never know until they take office what their true intentions are. The truth is, I can't change shit that goes on outside of what I can vote for. Why worry about shit that I have no option to change. Would I love to see slimy shitheads get voted out? You better believe it.

I also live very cheaply. I never buy shit I don't need. Sure I could go out and buy a 90 inch 4K TV, but what for. The 42 inch TV I have works just fine. I only bought that one because my tube TV died. I don't live in excess because that isn't me. I've never bought a new vehicle because that's a huge waste of money.

If there was a revolution was to happen, I would be far down on anyone's list. You couldn't tell I had any money. I look like just a random guy. I don't buy flashy shit because that's how you lose your shit.

I also love triggering people. It's especially easy to do it when talking about politics. I don't care about it because I just don't care. I have far better shit to care about.

Fuck off, loser.

Where are your parents?

Must be in the other room. Be quiet because you don't want to get him in trouble.

I do want that person to get in trouble with their parents.

The problem is, that based upon all current knowledge, that persons parents don't even care about them to begin with! Or else they don't have the wherewithall or capability to properly take care of the child.

But that still begs the question, why does the child have access to the internet?

Some parent or guardian should be monitoring and being adult about what the child does online, and clearly there is a problem here.

I absolutely agree. Granted, when I was a kid the internet was nothing like it is now. It was also pretty expensive and required use of the home phone line.

I guess some parents just hand their kids internet capable devices just to shut them up. It's very likely his parents are fucking in the other room.

"the internet" and all forms of social media have changed a lot in the last 30 years. For good, and for ill.

The problems related to parents who don't properly administer their children's internet access is a growing problem that not enough people of all ages and all walks of life seem to realize.

I like a lot of it, I just hate the other idiots on there. Way too much competition for me. There is so much cool shit on the internet that it makes up for all the dipshits on here. I never would have imagine that it would be like how it is now.

I am curious about the impact that it would have on a child's development. Especially when they put their whole life in the internet. When I did stupid shit as a kid, there isn't any proof I did it. I said stupid shit that will likely never be held against me unlike what will happen with kids today.

Get a goddamn job

No one who relies on Obamacare, could possible afford to use it over something like the flu.

The out of pocket expenses are what prevented the plan from ever being popular. They didn't give people healthcare. They made people pay too much to buy health insurance that might save them if they get cancer at 25, but won't save them from the shit that is actually likely to happen to them.

Please shut the fuck up.

"afford to use it"

jesus christ,you dont understand how free healthcare works do you

This isn't a fucking political sub you profound buffoon.

does it look like i care? go fuck yourself if you dont like it

You're just a triggered little snowflake and you need to let everyone know about it. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps there sport.