"Killing video game characters (including more men) makes you a misogynist incel!" - Feminists watch Black Mirror Season 4

68  2017-12-29 by GadolBoobies


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Instead of acting to eliminate power structures

By posting to TrollX


How fucking stupid are you that you think humans can just do away with power structures? Are you some kind of anarchist retard?

anarchist retard


lmao can we get an autistic ratings system flair like that here? please tell me that's from an episode or something

it is

Nosedive is really good, watch it ASAP

The actual show is pretty good.


Shit episode tbh.

I disagree

No you can't.

Haha yes fellow redditor please go an watch the classic Black MirrorTM episode, NosediveTM, episode one of season three.

That post really wewed my lad.

Instead of acting to eliminate power structures he just creates a universe where he can be a tyrant instead.

/u/EroticCake, welcome to the human race. This is what people do. You'd do it too, if you had the chance, but that's a lot more work than just shitposting about how morally superior you are.

I don't think I'm morally superior to anyone - I'm just not a brutal cynic. I like to think it would be a minority of people who would actually act like this given the opportunity. Would you REALLY, given no police/government or what have you, go around senselessly murdering and torturing people? I doubt it, and I think most people feel the same. Humans have an extraordinary capacity for empathy and compassion, even to other SPECIES, I refuse to believe we would all senselessly destroy each other given the opportunity.

How should we most effectively institutionalize those who kill characters in video games?

I have no idea. Good sci fi should raise more questions than it answers, and to that extent this is fucking awesome sci fi.

Alright, but we should institutionalize them right? If someone kills lots of female characters in GTA and it wasn't necessary to do that for plot advancement, does that not mandate corrective action?

but we should institutionalize them, right?

I would hope so. I would also hope there would be safeguards to disallow this sort of thing wherever possible - mandatory connectivity of computers sophisticated enough to house sentient AIs being connected to the internet for instance.

What about normal video games, GTA type shit

What kind of drugs do you do?

ALL OF THEM. Have you submitted to our fascist transhumanist computer overlord Gerzect yet?

What did you mean by this 🤔

No, but I'll take a brochure.

Of course you're here lol


You don't actually agree with the general sentiment in this thread do you?

No I'm a radical centrist, also vidya is for nerds

Reaching new levels of basic 4channer everyday I see

Wait do you think I actually read this thing?

Reaching new levels of basic 4channer everyday I see

you're not my mom go away

It's past your bedtime distorted, don't make me enforce parental control




You must be a fucking troll, no one can be this fucking stupid.

So you belong to the minority of the people who, given an opportunity, would go around and torture people who kill characters in video games.

How should we most effectively institutionalize those who kill characters in video games? Or, more importantly, sexually abuse woman-like characters in video games?

I have no idea. Good sci fi should raise more questions than it answers, and to that extent this is fucking awesome sci fi.

Legendary exchange.

Funny\, because your comment is soaked in superiority complex, you leg beard piece of shit.

Funny, cause yours is soaked in a post modern I'm-not-superior superiority complex, you neckbeard piece of shit.

It's not hard to be superior to you and your weak "intelligent" tryhard comments, you're pretty mediocre lolcattle. At least you feel the need to reply to each comment with more insults.

Mods please ban this God damned Marxist from my Christian subreddit

C U L T U R A L M A R X I S M.


Now you're trying too hard puto

idk, this is better than the typical pouting matches we usually get.

You can't literaly advocate for social engeneering and brainwashing, and then deny you're a cultural marxist, my boy.

Leftist SJW like to pretend it's a term invented by the (((alt-right))), but it really is not. The term comes from the 1973 book 'The Critique of Domination: The Origins and Development of Critical Theory' by professor Trent Schroyer. It was used to describe one faction of a split in the late 60s left between those who saw believed their focus should be on the liberation of the working class and those who thought they should be focused on the liberation of oppressed peoples.

Don't you think, in you rotten marxist mind, that everyone's goal in life should be to liberate the oppressed people from power structure and domination, somehow? Then congrats fukboi, you're a cultural marxist.

Lmao are you fucking real? You're a walking talking parody. You must live a pretty sad fuckin existence champ.

Wtf are talking about.

Snappy quote?

i didn't know snappy had multiple accounts

Literally 0 self awareness


that's exactly what i'd do.

I sure as fuck would senselessly destry your weak-ass boy pussy if there were no one to stop me, little fukboi.

weak ass-boy pussy

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Never talk to me again.

I would love it too daddy <3

boy pussy


Would you REALLY, given no police/government or what have you, go around senselessly murdering and torturing people?

A fair amount of people would do horribly bad things if the consequences were removed, yes

I’d rip the tag off a mattress.

I don't think I'm morally superior to anyone

Don't worry, we all agree that you're worse than Hitler.

Look at bitcoin. People were nonstop defrauding each other in the absence of regulations. You don't have to have murder and torture to need power structures.

Computer, show me nude Tayne.

In 2017 you get Swatted. In 2037 you get Twatted.

What season 4 episode was this?

I unironically agree that Fat Damon was a fucking weirdo misogynist incel gamerbro in that episode. Ask me anything

How did you psychologically recover from the piece of dialogue when the protagonist figures out she didn't have genitalia in-game?

They were all put in the game for weird sexual reasons and he kissed them all after every mission?



Hey... Wanna watch S4 together? :D

Umm duh??!! 🙌

Yayyy \o/

I've been looking forward to hang the dj the most, kinda have a similar vibe to nosedive (the rating system one)


Awww.. you got gilded by the tits guy. That's so sweet of him 😂

This gold thing is getting out of hand tbh :D

It's because you're worth it <3

Eh, the problem with it is that the episode quality varies so much. There are some episodes that are genuinely fantastic with how the tech is presented, and then there are others which make me roll my eyes about how obvious the "twist" is.

Whao guys...what if technology that was good...was actually bad???

Le dystopian™️ future guyzzzz xddd

This is your first sensical comment in this sub.

Oui oui👌🍷🥖🍤

To be fair, you have to have a very high attention span to understand Black Mirror. The concepts are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of media theory most of the episodes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Charlie Brookers nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the stories. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these stories, to realise that they’re not just scary- they say something deep about LIFE.

what if we did twilight zone, but again??

everyday i love u more

I love you more 😚💞💘

Not only was the new season decent, but the drama that this episode will cause totally makes up for all the San Junipero praise I've had to read.

Seriously though, wouldn't we all be happier if introverts were killed?

People that make me go "eww, gross, shitty" shuld be given capital punishment tbqhwyfam

It was decent, but they need to do less of the "wut if we cud make digital copies of ppl?" storylines. It's already been done several times, I don't think it needed to be half of season 4, as well.

Maybe I'd be less critical if they used it to explore a range of issues, but they always seem to be stories about how "it's our humanity that makes us human" so they're mostly rehashes of the same idea.

That being said, Metalhead was the weakest episode, IMO. Zombies is such a tired genre, and making the zombies into robots didn't freshen it up any.

nerds and autistics on suicide watch!



Anyway, Black Mirror is a really shit TV show.

It's like the Matrix. You take a red pill and realize that you live in a heteropatriarchy, so you stop participating in fake world activities and spend all your time on TrollX and other real world places.