37 Things Black People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018

280  2017-12-30 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I want to point out that for every time snappy gets it right, xe gets it wrong and we just don't notice.

bussy is always relevant

Bless you ๐Ÿ™

WTF I love Buzzfeed now

There's one retard on there commenting /pol/ tier shit with his face and real name attached to his profile.

How can anyone be that dumb?

Nothing to lose

There was some ultra-right wing UK facebook group full of college students that got 'outed' like a month ago, stuffed with unironic middle-class kids going full /pol/ with their real identities and facebook accounts.

It made some newspapers and now these kids - many of whom were middle/upper middle class, went to good universities, had a good life ahead of them - have basically ruined their lives because they're too dumb to take even the most basic bitch steps to hide their irl identities.

had a good life ahead of them


Rich kids going to good schools? Yeah, they could've fucked pigs on camera and had pretty good life outcomes.

Even becoming Prime Minister eventually.

That's only if they put their pee pee in a dead pigs mouth

In fairness, that picture was never actually proven to exist.

How exactly are their lives ruined? Like did they get thrown out of the university or something? I mean in most western countries you can kill people, serve time and still get a good job if you have a good education.

employer Googles name

finds out this kid is a retard

Yes because ethnic British middle-class kids have usually such uncommon names.

How many other people with the exact same name will have done something worse in ~5 years to drown out all the other news? + There's pictures and general location.

I just googled a random common British name, Mark Smith. 512 000 000 results. Are they gonna dig trough all that just in case the person they are hiring is perhaps a nazi?

What if his name isn't Mark Smith and not just "Front Name" + "Front Name"?

What if it is? Most of their names are probably pretty common.

More and more of them these days have hyphenated last names which significantly increases the likelihood of finding them online.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Dumberbitch was the second most common baby name of 2017 in the U.K.

he's not really middle class. he went to boarding school and his family were aristocrats

in England 'middle class' means what upper middle class is in the US.

cant tell if youre agreeing with me or not. at any rate, if you went to harrow, your grandad was the envoy to turkey, and youre called "benedict cumberbach" you're upper class.

I thought true upper class was only for actual nobility.

Yes. Hence the USA tops out at upper middle class at best - no nobility there, only a few nouveaux riches whose families' fortunes go back maybe 300 years.

People are giving less of a fuck about what they find on Google unless it's really serious shit because alot of people out there are morons. Unless there's a criminal record, you got a shot.

Lol, Google fired that guy for saying women might be less likely to become programmers than men or something, you really think they're going to hire an open, unironic /pol/tard?

lol you can't read.

Google is run by leftist extremists, though, they're not representative of the average corporation.

Every HR department that googles their name is going to find those reports/their picture, and decide that for their highly competitive job in banking/law/consulting/whatever they're not going to risk hiring someone liable to racist outbursts in a client facing job. Also, hate speech is actually a crime in England/the UK (europe lmao) so they're definitely not going to want anything to do with that. The fact that some ex-con can work as a welder on a construction site isn't massively relevant.

Who talked about welders? If you have served your time and have a good education there is nothing stopping you from landing a good job with good wages at a private company. Probably not as a public figure but you could still land a decent job, I doubt their lives are ruined because they were in a right-wing facebook group when they were in their early 20s. If the opposite is the case then I have to say there is something extremely wrong with the british society tbh. Is anyone in that facebook group actually charged with hate speech? Personally I find the whole treatment of extremist ideologies at campus/uni's extremely hypocritical. Several people in my class are openly supporters of Stalinist/Maoist policies without any repercussions from the school, while at the same time you would been most likely thrown out of school if for example I had the same compassion openly towards Francoists/falangists/Mussolini policies. Yes you can talk about racism but keep in mind that Stalin and many of the authoritarian communist leaders were huge anti-semites.

Nobody likes triggered /pol/ seriousposters, just a heads up.

"You don't share my exact opinions so please go to a nazi hivemind website" Sounds like you would fit in there a lot better than me.

there is nothing stopping you from landing a good job with good wages at a private company.

Nothing but the HR department. Any big company isn't going to touch somebody who's known for saying /pol/shit, that's insane to even suggest. And they wouldn't touch somebody outed for joking about the gulags either. HR wants to make sure that they're bringing on someone who won't be a liability, i.e. someone who's not an extremist or otherwise a crazy fuck.

OTOH the NSA hired Reality Winner and gave her a clearance despite the crap she was posting on her public Twitter

You vastly overestimate the competence of HR

The difference is that these kids hit the news. HR isn't always going to trawl through a prospective hiree's social media accounts, but they are very likely to at least Google their name.

There is a huge difference in being part of a rightwing facebook group and marching in the streets ranting about jews and other minorities.

You make it sound like it its worse than murder.

HR has 1 job, to protect the company. It's very easy to distance a company from a person, just say the ol' "we don't support/endorse ___ views" and bam the company is in the clear. Maybe not in social opinion or on the internet, but legally they are and that's all HR cares about.

Please HR barely cares for crap like this as long as its kept online and not done publicly on the street.

Any highly competitive company will find out because they have a robust hiring process. Given the number of high quality candidates they have to pick from, they would definitely disqualify these people.

I don't necessarily agree that those guys screwed themselves out of every job, but they've definitely harmed their chances of getting hired at the more prestigious companies.

that is 2 company's out of millions and a lot of company's don't give a damn honestly. and only 0.01% actually get hired by the more prestigious companies so this has barely any effect on these kids at all.

that is 2 company's out of millions

...I just threw two of them out there.

and only 0.01% actually get hired by the more prestigious companies so this has barely any effect on these kids at all.

It has a pretty significant effect considering that working at these kinds companies often precipitates highly successful careers in their respective fields. Not only do people get very good experience working here, but the networking opportunities are very beneficial in the long run.

Like I said, they haven't fucked themselves out of the field completely, but they did fuck themselves from getting picked up by the top tier employers.

Any big company isn't going to touch somebody who's known for saying /pol/shit, that's insane to even suggest.

lol as though owners of big companies arent unironic nazis irl

literally had to stop reading 2/3rds of the way through

seriousposter please take cyanide

If you are unable to read a single paragraph what are you even doing here? I am sure there are some digital color textbooks with more pictures than words somewhere if you use google.

Somewhere along the way, half of them forgot the irony.

No actually, what are you doing here? Being triggered that 99% of employers won't hire a retard that spouts Nazi shit online connected to their real name when there's plenty of people who don't?

Are you feeling the heat maybe?

lmfao do you know where you are

Yeah keep typing like a stereotypical cod kid. xD lmfao fucking salty noob amirte? xD xD xD

The point is that there's a lot of good candidates for most high-paying professional jobs, especially for new college/university graduates, so they can choose someone less controversial.

See I got lucky. My name is shared with a guy who murdered his wife and kid. Somehow the fucker was on bail, and the wifes brother killed him. So googling my name just returns page after page on this guy. I had to go 23 pages in to find my LinkedIn profile! Fucking love it!!

Why did you murder your wife and kid? How did you convince your wife's brother to fake your death?

So I could bury my LinkedIn search results... DUH! Gotta think about what future employers will see.

By the time they graduate college businesses wonโ€™t even be hiring mayos anymore inshallah

All these people who make spectacles of themselves can get their name changed.

Changing your name is a bitch of a process but in these situations it's an easy out.

We found the realist.

ultra-right wing UK facebook group

It was a conservative youth group.

that was the name, but iirc it was pretty heavily alt-right/1488/nazi and had the standard collection of pol memes about the usual stuff.

This is all code btw by sjw faggots for anyone who actually has a thinking brain.

If anyone with a "thinking brain" looks at "blame the jews" posts and think "hah what a jolly good meme. Tip tip tally ho!" they should probably keep themselves safe before that "thinking brain" hurts other people.

Care more about internet memes you absolute fruit.

You took it very seriously until I mocked you for it ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

rly makes u think

makes retarded faggot noises


what was why it was so funny - it was a semi official group for young activists in the Conservative party - the party currently holding the government here.

unless I'm getting it mixed up and the same thing happened twice lol

Yeah I was talking about the second one. The first could mostly be defended as actual tasteless memeing, which drama is guilty of too.

the idea of using /r/drama as a moral benchmark by which to judge the tories is fantastic

We'd come out ahead, tbh.

This sounds like you are actually using a platform to deface people. Oh how shitty the left tactics have become.


What are you 12?

Kiss yourself sweetly

lmao cry more

Excuse you? We only accept the tastiest memes here on /r/drama!

lol at these old woman style hysterics

It made some newspapers

Reporting the real news.

It was newsworthy because a few of them were active in a political party.

I guess if you use the typical political hack's definition of "newsworthy", sure.

I mean, it was the party leading the government. Usually these youth departments are the future politicians.

A fearless warrior. He went out a hero.

An Hero

The best part is how many of those commenters look Hispanic or Southeast Asian. Post-mayo America gonna be lit.

The most racist people I've ever known irl have been Indian immigrants. Luckily they don't seem to mind us and love Israel now for some reason.

love Israel now for some reason.

Because Pakistanis hate Israel.

If Pakistan magically became pro-Israel, the Indians would start hating Israel.

Nobody likes basketball Americans including Africans who immigrated to the states

Definitely not first generation, if they immigrated as adults. The sad part is that they do well, assimilate, and then get into the bullshit idpol stuff with a quickness. Because that's just our culture now.

Dude all my Korean friends were racist as shit. I mean I'm from the south so I'm used to it, but damn some of the shit they said shocked me. They also hate other Asians too so at least they arent discriminating



not with donald trump as president,those spics are going home

A true inspiration for the children

There was some ultra-right wing UK facebook group full of college students that got 'outed' like a month ago, stuffed with unironic middle-class kids going full /pol/ with their real identities and facebook accounts.

It made some newspapers and now these kids - many of whom were middle/upper middle class, went to good universities, had a good life ahead of them - have basically ruined their lives because they're too dumb to take even the most basic bitch steps to hide their irl identities.

This guy I used to work with (a Canadian of all people) did this a couple of years ago on LinkedIn - sperglording all over comments in news stories and stuff. I could see former coworkers reaching out to talk to him and stuff and try to settle him down, but he was like a rage fueled Elk hopped up on PCP-laced maple syrup.

It was amazing.

LinkedIn has to be the funniest platform to witness a breakdown on

The best part of it is that no one knows how to deal with it because they can't just vent their bile ducts like say, you're average Redditor can since there's zero anonymity. It's like being at the worlds most uncomfortable dinner party.

It really sounds like the ultimate form of secondhand embarrassment and no one can stop it because who would want any of that mess on their LinkedIn?

It sounds glorious I'm envious you got to see it happen

Speaking of which, where are the screenshots /u/vidiotgamer?

Yeah that's the only thing you can do. Just watch and enjoy. Share it with others.

How long until they're crying about Free Speech again when one of these cucks gets fired for being a retard?

Heโ€™s probably badly just not a pussy ass nigga.

Much better list, they should hire him.

I will be surprised if this is up in 16 hours

Most of the evil things white people did was do rap covers

This is some slash and burn shit

I wish they would have made it more PC so that they would have to keep it up to save face. But this is the kind of over reaction you can expect from white fragility.

There's no amount of PC they could have made it where this would be allowed to stay up, the title alone is enough to trigger leftists.

Not to mention the crime statistics.

Right? Who presents stats as "# per million of the murderer population"? That's some pol level shit.

How else would you show a comparison of the race of murderers?

It's a bad statistic because there are 6x as many white people as black people.

I don't get it. It seems like that would make it a good statistic to use. If you used raw numbers without any weighting then of course the race with the most people by far is going to commit the most crime, but that doesn't tell you anything.

If you compare "white people killed per black person" vs "black people killed per white person", each individual murder by a white person will be counted as 1/6 of that of each murder by a black person.

Then that will ALSO be deflated by the fact that black people interact with 6x the number of white people while white people interact with 1/6 as many black people (straight numbers).

This results in a big spread which is then presented without any context other than "black people protest this".

Do you even math?

Dude you are retarded. If there are 10 people in a room, 9 red guys and 1 blue guy, and 5 of the red guys go out and kill one person each, while the blue guy killed 4 people on his own, then the blue guy is more dangerous. Blue guys kill more. Same with black and white.

Yeah, that's rates. That's not what they posted.

comparing prevalence rates is racist


Rates by themselves can totally be presented in a racist fashion or with racist intent. This is one of those times.

If you're interested, this video shows a good example of how this is done: https://youtu.be/QL_YEe7jLVc

seriousposting on drama

tsk tsk

It did not go over terribly well.




Most of the evil things white people did was do rap covers

The first thing they said white people ruined was America.

It's down after 7 hours

Well it's already down now

37 things /r/drama users need to stop ruining in 2018

All 26 characters of the Latin alphabet, all 10 numerals of the Arabic numbers, and the slash key...

ูŽู„ูˆูู„ู’ ู„ู…ุงุค #

Sorry, I don't speak explosive.

It's "lmao" "lol" but in Arabic alphabets. Copied from somewhere on Reddit ูŽู„ูˆูู„ู’ (lol)

Uh. Google traduction give the same result.

I really, really didn't expect that.

It's actually supposed to be ู„ููˆู„, and I'm not sure why they used ู„ู…ุงุค instead of ู„ู…ุงูˆ, the first would have a glottal stop at the end (for no reason).

Maybe it looks more squiggly that's why?? ยฏ\_(ใƒ„) _/ยฏ


ุงูŽู„ู„ู‘ูฐู‡ู ุฃูŽูƒู’ุจูŽุฑ

Current year feminism because thereโ€™s nothing left to ruin

32) the quality of bussy posts.

Black Anality is the intersection of the pleasures of the flesh and a POCies anus.

Is this the birth of a new meme?

  1. Meta posting.
  1. Earth


Damn, i thought it was gonna be some passive aggressive shit, but it seems someone has gone insane at Buzzfeed.

Nah this is a user blogpost. Kind of like medium or whatever.

I didn't know buzzfeed did that. I wonder how long its going to last with shit like this popping up.

They're using /pol/ charts, definitely not a Buzzfeed writer

Buzzfeed has a scheme were they allow people to write articles for them (because they're too lazy to write their own clickbait, now). This article hasn't been vetted by Buzzfeed staff, there's a message at the top of the article that says this.

It's almost adorable how naive this move was, that for all their familiarity with Internet culture they couldn't see that this would be the obvious result of crowdsourcing content without pre-vetting it like this.

Should be distribuited in schools as a pamphlet, imagine the butthurt.

All of the Asian praising he do I bet he got a girl from a Chinese cartoon as a avatar lol


Has anyone posted it to /r/imgoingtohellforthis yet?

I was gonna archive it.

But it seems someone with more time on their hands (probably the creator) has already archived it - http://archive.is/4P1bX

How the hell did that get published in the first place? Does BuzzFeed have no oversight over what gets published?

Woah it's still up? I saw this last night, didn't expect it to still exist anymore.

Someone didn't like the article about white people very much.

That's the most factual and well researched Buzzfeed article I've seen, ever.


-sensible chuckle-

I don't get it, black americans killing white americans is bad now?

Yeah but itโ€™s just a fad donโ€™t worry it will pass soon! #killon

What about the white people list I dont see anyone annoyed about that

lmao at 14

How the fuck is this still up!? My mind is blown. That actual buzzfeed writer got stepped the fuck back lol

The organ grinder's sidekick stirred the pot real good. Mod Patrice now:)

Trump should re-tweet this, the blacks who do vote for him know its true and the rest don't anyways.

YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE

They took it down. Anyone make a mirror/archive it?

yeah theres literally like 4 archives in the thread already.

Snappy got you covered fam: https://archive.is/lQICP

wow they got hacked good.

4chan is a powerful hacker.

Looks like they took it down just a few moments ago.

...and it's gone

...In a row?

Did they take it down? It's not coming up.

Yeah, itโ€™s been archived though, check the top comments someone linked it

This guys is stoked on Asians ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oh my god this is killer

Lol it's dead now.

Someone archived it. Check the comments here.

Shit, if I had posted this before I could've gotten this free karma

I stole this from you.

That's why

lol it started out OK and then just turned into /pol/ infographics