[Irl Drama] Massive protests in Iran

95  2017-12-30 by CummyBot-1999

So there have been massive protests in Iran against the government.

The Islamic republic of Iran is a pseudo democracy and a de facto theocracy (the name might give a hint). The president is elected by the people, while the supreme leader is chosen by a council of experts (basically old conservative clerics). The supreme leader weilds all the power and can veto off any of the president's decisions. The current president, Hasan Rouhani is a """moderate""" while the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a massive asshole. Now the reason why I said Iran is a pseudo democracy is because the parties that are contesting in elections are monitored by the clerics and only those candidates who the clerics say ok to are allowed to stand in the elections [ see mousavi]. This results in the people being in power supporting conservative Islamism.

Now if you have ever met an Iranian, you'll know that most of them are pretty apolitical and moderate people. Given the oppressive nature of the clerical rule, there is no surprise in knowing that the IR is quite unpopular.

There were protests in Iran back in 2009 due to election issues and now again, this time there are even in Qom (a very religious city, they even have a world renowned seminary cleric factory). This time the protestors have nothing unifying them, some take to streets for other economic issues while some others are protesting because of lack of civil liberties.


Senpai has noticed !

Now the government replied in kind See this

There have been videos floating around on Instagram and Telegram (Iranian people tend to use these social media a lot) but have been unverified which show things getting messy due to fighting between the supporters of the regime and the protestors. Some protestors are even seen chanting slogans supporting the deposed Shah.

Apparently the basij have come to play in Tehran. They got their hands dirty during the 2009 protests, let's hope there won't be any bloodshed this time.

Related r/Iran threads (I don't browse that sub so I don't know the stances of the users)

American here, can anyone explain to an outsider how and why these protests seem to appear out of nowhere?

Demonstrations in Ahvaz and Qom and Rasht today

Seriously, just visit r/Iran and see the drama between secularists who support the dead Shah, secularists who don't support the dead Shah and the Islamists.

u/felinebeeline, the hands of you and your fellow moderators must've been full these days

And sorry for any language mistakes, English isn't my native tongue.


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. BBC - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. Senpai has noticed ! - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. this - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. r/Iran - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  6. American here, can anyone explain t... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  7. Demonstrations in Ahvaz and Qom and... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  8. u/felinebeeline - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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Oh look, angry kebabs are rioting.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.


Do... do Jews sleep on haystacks? Is that some weird stereotype I'm unfamiliar with?

No, we sleep on high end king size mattresses. You’re probably thinking of impoverished kebabs.

Nice try, Shlomo. I know your kind sleeps on big piles of gold.

No, that's too obvious a place to hide our shekels.

Oh right, I confused Jews with dragons again.

You're the fuckers that killed Bilbo and Jesus, right?


I'm sure we can expect her to have perfectly unbiased opinions regarding Iran


$250 USD

I'll give you 1 shekel.

What's the shekel to USD conversion rate?

1 USD = about 3.5 shekels IIRC

One hundred dollars? What do you need twenty dollars for? Fine, here's !redditsilver

Sephardy Snatch more like it, nothing Ashkenazi there

Speaking of kebabs - and I mean this completely unironically - nobody does grilled meat as well as the Iranians. Lamb, chicken, beef - doesn’t matter, it’s delicious.

Have you ever had Palestinian chicken tho?

Do you know that Iran backs Hezbollah? It’s not a coincidence.

Iran backs Hamas too, Hamas is the Palestinian one, Hezbollah is the Lebanese one

This tbqh

Moroccan Lamb was the best meat I've ever tasted. Idk what they did to it, but it was the tenderest, most flavourful thing I've ever eaten.

Besides snally's ass, ofc

But these people are rightful being angry

The only rightfully angry people are white western women.


Also white people angry at buzzfeed bait and their collective inability to season food correctly.

I know. I’m hoping they kill the ayatollah next. 😊

Bibi's next.

Are you a stinky kebab too? Bc I'm getting a stinky kebab vibe from you. 😠

I am unfortunately.

How does this help lower the white population?

Asking the important questions.

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

Aren't Iranians considered to be white by some definitions?

They’re literally Aryans.



"According to OMB, “White” refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."


Let the Iranian games begin.

"north africa" "the middle east"

good goyim,keep believing those jew lies

Without this definition Jews wouldn't be considered white in the US.


Have you guys never asked Jews what race they are

Now I don't think mayocide is such a good idea.

Asking the right questions....

Iranians are technically mayos

So like sand mayo? Gritty brown cumskin?

Basically. Throughout ancient and classical history Iranian empires were giving 'Western' empires a run for their money. That all ended when the SUPERBARBARIANS appeared.

Superbarbarians being Turks or mongols?

The Arab conquests didn't do as much damage as some people might think, they kept the machinery of state intact.

It was the Mongols who really fucked shit up. Iranian leaders were getting ready to gun for Islamic supremacy just before this.


If there is one thing Kebab's can do it's protest peacefully. If there is one thing Kebab governments can do it's sit back and not stamp out a protest in their own country.

In Iran they usually do, actually.

Arrest the leaders and put them in prison seems to be the common method.

YOu haVe an oPinIon? ThAt'S aDorAblE

The clerics have always been sure to stamp out all opposition, since the days Khomeini

This is all very interesting, but what does this have to with incels and bitter TrollX uggos?

The clerics are basically angsty incels

Have you seen how many wives they have?

Do goats count for inceldom tho?

If they don't, then you're just being volcel, tbh.

its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad.

I'm 100% sure that's why the people are rioting.

As a matter of fact, some people indeed want the government to stop poking noses into Arab conflict

There's a lot of resentment about how much money is being wasted on helping Arabs fight their wars, just like there is in America.

I am only posting here to see the drama tommorow when I wake up.

Also, I have decided to stop being a godless atheist and start helping people.

Tought and prayers.

What? It's like 9 am.

Not in whatever backwards heathen hellhole this person is in

I didn't realize there was internet outside of the good ol USA

unfortunately there is

Inshalla brother

The only time I've ever been fetishised for my race was by an Iranian girl. So, uh, I hope the good guys win so that can happen some more.


Syrian war part 2

Eh it will definitely not escalate into Syrian civil war levels

That's what people said about Syria before the civil war started

Iran is a lot more ethnically and religiously coherent than Syria. Iran has essentially been a coherent nation/ political entity for thousands of years, whereas Syria is just something dreamed up by the French and British last century. There is no such thing as a “Syrian”.

RemindMe! 2 Months "iranian civil war?"

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Inc color revolution?

You can also visit, /r/syriancivilwar if you want to see a place that thinks no one ever expresses anger at a government unless theyre American sponsored terrorists.

It is very common rhetoric for the Iranian hardliners to accuse all critics as zionist, American or monarchist shills

To be fair, Iran has a pretty good reason to worry about American political violence.

Basij and IRGC will probably put them down

I did mention that, no ? The basiji are already active in Tehran apparently

Day of Zoroaster when

Unless this is another example of 7th dimensional space dick backgammom the eastiest way to shoa a popular uprising in the Islamic world is for daddy to cosign it.

What a bunch of Islamaphobes.

They're not protesting against Islam, you goof. It's mostly about economic issues and the government's interventionist foreign policy.

So you're saying George Soros is responsible.

Apparently there have been some lives lost now

Conspiracy theory in me thinks that this is a foreign agent pulling what Russia did in USA to Iran.

