Y'all are not very nice.

48  2017-12-30 by IDKWhateverYouWant

That's all really. Y'all are just needlessly cruel to people and each other.


Nice try botchlings

Nice try nunast

Nice try Kvetch

Nice try Noodles

Nice try DeepDickedHillyBilly

Do you not realize when you are trying too hard? You're on this sub legit 24/7 to the extent that if you were the only mod you'd still do more than the current mod team

Don't insult my husbando


Send bobs n lasagna

/>Comparing me to the shit niggers.

Hope you have a safe new years

There's no such thing as shitposting too much

Nice try Ed_ButteredToast

edbuttered is clearly an account that the mods share among themselves.

cruel to people and each other

I like how this wording slightly suggests we're not people.

None of us would pass the Turing test tbh

poast bussy

Keep urself saef

this but unironically

I struggle with Captchas

Irorically the nore you fail with CaPtchas, the shittier your auto drive googlebot car will be, making you more likely to Keep Yourself Safe

Irorically the nore

Jesus Christ, what did the English language ever do to you?

It gave me a shit phone kb and zero fucks about fixing it.

Hahaha Yes fellow pErson

Yeah I’m more offended by the suggesting that we are people than the effort to make an alt account and string together a semi coherent sentence. Personally I transcended the constraints of flesh and blood 4 posts ago and entered the realm of the their am thanks to /u/jaredthewolfy pbux.




You're a rude, a very rude young man.

Imagine being a mod of this subreddit. Can't wait until I get this placed banned and you faggots hang yourself

I'm not a mod of this subreddit. Fucking lol

I'm not a mod of this subreddit. Fucking lol

Paging /u/Masterlawlz /u/ComedicSans /u/riemann1413

user reports:
1: Watch in amazement as three mods don't give a fuck!

Fuck you, anonymous commenter. I care.

About what? Moderating? Because that's what this "anon" is talking about lol

Oh. Well. Shuddup.

user reports:
1: Blatant and unrepentant lies.

That hurts.

You're in every thread though. Moderating via repetitive influence and subtle bunny rabbit psyop warfare.

bunny rabbit psyoo warfare

It was a good pic tho! I'm very proud of it!! ^ _ ^

There you go again, lookin like a cute lovable person. We all know you want our sweet sweet karma.

Come on me bro


Come in me bro

Holy shit! That's hot!

Keep yourself safe, this a dangerous time of year.

If you need help with that, you can call me at 1-800-273-8255.

I don't think it's true. I'm nice to everyone and people are friends to one another here. Otherwise, people like to have fun here with one another with memes.

This sub is full of faggots. I tell a hundred people to kill themselves and no1 bats an eye. I tell a hundred people I’m killing myself and the modes ban me. The fuck. And don’t even get me started on Edward

That's not a nice thing to say to a friendly community. Maybe they're just concerned about your mental health so they ban you because they're concerned for your safety. Have you considered calling the suicide hotline the next time you have trouble keeping yourself safe? I don't like talking on the phone but for a lot of people it helps. There's also going to the ER, which I did last time my mental health wasn't so good.

I hope you stay safe. <3

I want to ban you just to fuck with you.

You won’t do it pussy

/u/fucknazimodzzz was banned for this comment.


I will suck your dick if you take a shower


I’m still here bitch fight me

Strike me down and a thousand will rise.

user reports:

Got to give the people what they want.

Are you fucking sorry, /u/fucknazimodzzz?

You should get your head checked if you think I would entertain the thought of an apology for a single nanosecond.

Since you want to play a game of chicken let’s raise the stakes, faggot.

Bet you won’t report me to the admins for ban evasion. You won’t do it. You don’t have the balls. This is why your dad left you when you were 8 to go bang ladyboys in Thailand. Because you’re a disgrace too pussified to fit in even among degenerates such as u/Ed_butteredtoast

Lmao. So much butthurt.

You think this is my first rodeo son? I’ve had over 30 Accounts wiped from Reddit over the course of 2 years. Nobody else is talented enough to put up those kind of numbers.

If I was in you position I would report me because I’m not a faggot. I would ban women if I had to. Hell, I would even ban children if it came to that. In fact, I enjoy it. Cause I just don’t give a fuck.







nobody is talented enough to put up those numbers

/u/caligirlthenazimod hey you dumbfuck! Meet this guy



Nani how is it possible to love and hate somebody at the same time

Please note: we can only accept reports of ban evasion from moderators of the subreddit in which the evasion is taking place. If you are not a moderator and you suspect ban evasion, please report it to the moderator of that subreddit.

/u/riemann1413 is a mod...

Morituri te salutant, imperator 🙋

Yeah this meanie OP is here calling us not nice :( how awful

me too thanks

That's how I treat my closest friends, because they're not pussies.

Yup. Last time you were around a pussy it sewed itself shut.

Oh look, it's this thread again

luv u

found the concern troll. they created a new account just for us! Don't we feel speshul

Lick my ass

The struggle against Bolshevism demands ruthless and energetic, rigorous action above all against the Jews, the main carriers of Bolshevism.

Don't appropriate my dialect, you syphilitic cum bucket.

You will never amount to anything in your hopefully short life


I disagree ~ Nick Stafford

Well, that's not a very nice thing to say to someone! Maybe you're not a very nice person either!

There's no apostrophe in "yall". Get out, apostate.

Yes their is.

If you knew us better you would realise that we are not cruel enough to each other.


At least i'm not a jabroni fuck head

here's the thing, i'm not butt-hurt!!!! i just take some good -ass photos and I want to share them! what's wrong with that? as i said before he doesn't enjoy my pics much cause he says he enjoys the real thing more, and so he'd rather see other girls instead of pics of me (where he knows he could have the real deal) just tryna share the love ❤️ i don't care. i really don't. i just think my pics need some love 😝 i'm tired of taking them for him just for him to never look at them. i think this is all valid.

Everyone here nurses some kind of IRL defect; being mentally ill, physically repulsive or Jewish etc.

They reflect the world's cruelty back. This is all therapy.

Let me tell you this—/r/Drama is one of the most welcoming, lovely, caring online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would attack such a wholesome, sweet hub of comprehension and understanding. You think /r/rarepuppers was awesome? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that—say want you want about Cats), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most heartwarming dog lovers, allies, milfs, and bff. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as welcoming as possible. That's intentional. They encourage hugs in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Love (it's from this underrated book "How to be a good person", give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of passionate love so they continue to adore every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these good feelings. They share love from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of voluntary workers spanning hundreds of communities, sharing lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown love movement. They've loved hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Bob Ross and Tom Hankses, and I highly suggest that everybody dares visit that awesome subreddit, for potentially falling victim to its loving spell.

to people and each other.

> correctly implying /r/drama posters are not people