Pizzashill spazzs out again, this time because his family pissed him off over Christmas

24  2017-12-30 by lmao_how_old_are_you


To be clear, this guy just failed to comprehend what I said so I started spamming random shit.

Too easy.

u sound like a fag

What's wrong with being a fag?

What's wrong with being a fag?

Are you one of those cucks that bows down to the female menace?

BREAKING: /u/pizzashill confirmed bussy lover. Also, still an incel.

I'm not an incel I just hate women.

So you're racist and sexist.

Why aren't you voting red tribe?

How am I a racist?

Hating a whole groul of people because of a negative experience with a few is bigotry. You hate whites and women.

Where, at any point, did I say I hate white people? can you copy paste that for me real quick?

I hate women, that much is true.

Where, at any point, did I say

In a thread with a link where you continue to say someone is saying white people are oppressed although they never said that, did you just actually unironically type this?

So I never said I hated white people then?

...I never said you did.

Sure, you didn't. Now, did you really just type that when you just thrashed about insisting someone said something they didn't say?

You realize I was just fucking with that guy, right? And it worked, because he ran over here to post a thread about it.

So that was a yes?

Where, at any point, did I say I hate (((black))) people? can you copy paste that for me real quick?

I hate women, that much is true.

This isn't tumblr bud, you throwing out words like "bigotry" has no power here. SJW cuck.

You have literally turned Alt Right. LMAO what a glorious day! You got bullied by r/drama enough to shape you into r/cringeanarchy.

Calling me a SJW when you're the faggot lol

Calling me a cuck when I can control my women and not get PTSD from a relationship

When have I ever not hated SJWs? Like you people are retarded. I'm not "alt-right" and never will be.

How I act now has been how I've always acted, I've always mocked SJWs and I've always mocked right-wing crazies.

You're just a tumblr calibe SJW throwing out buzzwords like "bigotry" because you think the word has power.

I'll stick by the cuck though, you're pretty clearly a cuck.

still not realizing he constantly get's trolled into these sperg outs by certain triggers

I'll stick by the cuck though, you're pretty clearly a cuck. I wouldn't be shocked if your girlfriend/wife was banging at least 4 youths on the side.

Again soyboy, get yourself a relationship outside of middle school then come talk. How many years has it been? You're basically a born again virgin involuntary.

Sorry cuckboy, your wife/girlfriend is going to keep enjoying her time with the youths.

with the youths.

What's your obsession with young people? Is it relevant to your username? Is that why you defend Qween Killary so much?

/u/pizzashill confirmed pedophile

She loves the "youths."

you people


a guy like you

It's almost like you're too pussy to come out and say what you want to say and are using code words ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Wow, looks like you finally realized what was happening. Good job, cuck.

I like a feminine penis just as much as the next guy, but fags are gay.

You literally every time someone contradicts you're

You can't read.

Starting to think you're not one of the cool kids around here

Maybe you should learn to read.

I went out to brunch after working you into a frothy santorum. Bottomless mimosas. What did you do with your "day"

Yeah, clearly I'm the one frothing, not the guy that made a post about it.

How many posts do you have about this topic?

I see

How many submitted posts do I have about /r/drama arguments?


So random.

"White people is just a negative code for this bad group of people, which are mostly white."

"I understand that, but that doesn't excuse it."

you think white people are oppressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His family isn't sending their best

You should read what I linked. It's unlikely they actually mean "white people."

I'll just copy paste it:

Research suggests Blue Tribe / Red Tribe prejudice to be much stronger than better-known types of prejudice like racism. Once the Blue Tribe was able to enlist the blacks and gays and Muslims in their ranks, they became allies of convenience who deserve to be rehabilitated with mildly condescending paeans to their virtue. โ€œThere never was a coward where the shamrock grows.โ€

Spending your entire life insulting the other tribe and talking about how terrible they are makes you look, well, tribalistic. It is definitely not high class. So when members of the Blue Tribe decide to dedicate their entire life to yelling about how terrible the Red Tribe is, they make sure that instead of saying โ€œthe Red Tribeโ€, they say โ€œAmericaโ€, or โ€œwhite peopleโ€, or โ€œstraight white menโ€. That way itโ€™s humble self-criticism. They are so interested in justice that they are willing to critique their own beloved side, much as it pains them to do so. We know they are not exaggerating, because one might exaggerate the flaws of an enemy, but that anyone would exaggerate their own flaws fails the criterion of embarrassment.

The Blue Tribe always has an excuse at hand to persecute and crush any Red Tribers unfortunate enough to fall into its light-matter-universe by defining them as all-powerful domineering oppressors. They appeal to the fact that this is definitely the way it works in the Red Tribeโ€™s dark-matter-universe, and thatโ€™s in the same country so it has to be the same community for all intents and purposes. As a result, every Blue Tribe institution is permanently licensed to take whatever emergency measures are necessary against the Red Tribe, however disturbing they might otherwise seem.

And so how virtuous, how noble the Blue Tribe! Perfectly tolerant of all of the different groups that just so happen to be allied with them, never intolerant unless it happen to be against intolerance itself. Never stooping to engage in petty tribal conflict like that awful Red Tribe, but always nobly criticizing their own culture and striving to make it better!

Sorry. But I hope this is at least a little convincing. The weird dynamic of outgroup-philia and ingroup-phobia isnโ€™t anything of the sort. Itโ€™s just good old-fashioned in-group-favoritism and outgroup bashing, a little more sophisticated and a little more sneaky.

This essay is bad and I should feel bad.

I should feel bad because I made exactly the mistake I am trying to warn everyone else about, and it wasnโ€™t until I was almost done that I noticed.

How virtuous, how noble I must be! Never stooping to engage in petty tribal conflict like that silly Red Tribe, but always nobly criticizing my own tribe and striving to make it better.

Yeah. Once Iโ€™ve written a ten thousand word essay savagely attacking the Blue Tribe, either Iโ€™m a very special person or theyโ€™re my outgroup. And Iโ€™m not that special.

Just as you can pull a fast one and look humbly self-critical if you make your audience assume thereโ€™s just one American culture, so maybe you can trick people by assuming thereโ€™s only one Blue Tribe.

Iโ€™m pretty sure Iโ€™m not Red, but I did talk about the Grey Tribe above, and I show all the risk factors for being one of them. That means that, although my critique of the Blue Tribe may be right or wrong, in terms of motivation it comes from the same place as a Red Tribe member talking about how much they hate al-Qaeda or a Blue Tribe member talking about how much they hate ignorant bigots. And when I boast of being able to tolerate Christians and Southerners whom the Blue Tribe is mean to, Iโ€™m not being tolerant at all, just noticing people so far away from me they wouldnโ€™t make a good outgroup anyway.

I had fun writing this article. People do not have fun writing articles savagely criticizing their in-group. People can criticize their in-group, itโ€™s not humanly impossible, but it takes nerves of steel, it makes your blood boil, you should sweat blood. It shouldnโ€™t be fun.

You can bet some white guy on Gawker who week after week churns out โ€œWhy White People Are So Terribleโ€ and โ€œHereโ€™s What Dumb White People Donโ€™t Understandโ€ is having fun and not sweating any blood at all. Heโ€™s not criticizing his in-group, heโ€™s never even considered criticizing his in-group. I canโ€™t blame him. Criticizing the in-group is a really difficult project Iโ€™ve barely begun to build the mental skills necessary to even consider.

I can think of criticisms of my own tribe. Important criticisms, true ones. But the thought of writing them makes my blood boil.


(. )( .) ิ„(โ‰–โ€ฟโ‰–ิ…)

The first and so far the only time this response was warranted.


This dude has the same response to everything you say to him: "lol you didn't read it "right" "

Which is hilarious considering he blocked me for asking if he had read a certain book

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TIL meatspin is automatically spammed by reddit.

As it should be. Got a nice torrent of redirection and โ€œHorny Singlesโ€ ads on mobile deserve while Iโ€™m trying to rub one out to that nice young ladyโ€™s penis.

Horny Singles

any luck?

It's not even that. The dude's clearly havibg a stealth rant about his family. Doesn't natter what you say. Good for him imo.

The dude's clearly havibg a stealth rant about his family.

Oh, no. /u/pizzashill never stealth rants about his family.

Well i cant talk, i laid into him/her/it 2 days ago for not valueing family. So i guess this happened after.

The vast majority of the people here that "disagree" literally are just illiterate/have poor reading comprehension.

That guy missed the entire point, because he's desperate to feed his victim complex.

Other people got it, he didn't. There's also a real problem here with extremely uneducated Trumptards that just aren't worth trying to argue with so a quick "you're mentally ill" is all they deserve.

"White people is just a negative code for this bad group of people, which are mostly white."

"I understand that, but that doesn't excuse it."

you think white people are oppressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's literally zero evidence in that exchange of /u/lmao_how_old_are_you supporting Trump or having a victim mentality. This is you projecting your feelings about your family.

Wew lad, and another person with hilariously bad reading comprehension.

Other people got it, he didn't. There's also a real problem here with extremely uneducated Trumptards that just aren't worth trying to argue with so a quick "you're mentally ill" is all they deserve.

This was in response to this:

Then of course you disagree with him and he tells you that you have a mental illness,

And had no relation to the argument linked here.

"I understand that, but that doesn't excuse it."

And finally, someone says it.

Ready for this, ready to see why I messed with that guy?

Copy paste, where at any point before that guy responded to me I ever said it should be excused or was ok.

Where was that said?

Hint: it wasn't, that guy was actually making shit up which is why I spammed the "WHITE PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED REE" even though he never said it.

If he's going to fabricate points I never made, why wouldn't I do it to him?

Is this supposed to come off as completely fucktarded or is it just a perk? We already went over how saying

Copy paste, where at any point before that guy responded to me I ever said

Doesn't really work when the thread is about you insisting people are saying things that they're not.

You reading comprehension is hilariously bad, btw. Did you go to DeVry

You should read the next line, my illiterate friend.

Copy paste, where at any point before that guy responded to me I ever said it should be excused or was ok.

Where was that said?

Hint: it wasn't, that guy was actually making shit up which is why I spammed the "WHITE PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED REE" even though he never said it.

If he's going to fabricate points I never made, why wouldn't I do it to him?

You reading comprehension is hilariously bad, btw. Did you go to DeVry

You tried to claim I called that guy a Trumptard. The only person here that has displayed poor reading comprehension is you.

Are you still trying to do this?

That's weird.

Alcorn State?

Are you still trying to insult my education after making such a large mistake?

McNeese? You can't read, retard. I'm wondering whose dean I need to call.

Did I call the person a Trumptard? Yes or no.

You're mentally ill

Did I call the person a Trumptard? Yes or no.

You are mentally ill.

Notice how you can't admit you were wrong?

You are mentally ill.

Well, I think I've made my point.

That's not communism, you dip. That's Socialism

If he's going to fabricate points I never made, why wouldn't I do it to him?

You're stupid, he's stupid, 99% of this sub is stupid. You're incoherent morons that aren't even entertaining most of the time. You take me seriously when I'm trolling the vast majority of the time. Deluding yourselves into believing I'm the one that's "sperging out."

Not in a million years could anyone on this sub anger me or get under my skin.

al dente!

Why canโ€™t they just say โ€œI hate republicans / red necksโ€ then mr smarty pants

He dismissed the point because it was stupid. They meant white people as evidenced by the goddamn article.

You're entitled to believe whatever you'd like. I'm more interested in the psychology behind it than feeding a white victim complex, like you.

A man made miracle happened today when an internet user managed to say "I'm more interested in the psychology of a buzzfeed article than you" with smug contempt rather than the crippling shame it should naturally be dripping with.

Switch the word "white" for "Republican" and the article makes zero sense. You are seeing things that aren't there.

It's really no wonder why your family hates you. It's alright though, I'll be your family. PM me for Daddy role play.

I donโ€™t know why you bother arguing. Everyone here will just talk in circles, no one will concede and say โ€œoh yes youโ€™ve changed my view.โ€ Just shitpost and let other people roll around in their own shit

he can write ... intelligent posts

Uh, no.

tl;dr when pizzashill agrees with me heโ€™s smart but when he disagrees with me heโ€™s dumb

Don't disagree with me asshole

The spazz was after that, ray found Pizzashill IRL

Mayos are an abomination

Who is this u/pizzashill and why is he getting the attention that rightfully belongs to u/Prince_Kropotkin?

The prince won't come here anymore, and has disavowed his Nazi friends here.

I thought he killed himself????