SRDine thinks /r/drama is full of pedo apologists

45  2017-12-30 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Gas everyone in that thread

Wait, I thought fart porn was a different genre than scat?



























Posting for future reference.

Implying that internet will exist by then.

This is a think positive subbie. Pls 🅱️️ positive :(

🅱ussy, you need it boi.

Don't misgender me smh

Did I assume your gender? looooool

Yes. Yes you did and incorrectly 😔


/u/Bobtheskrull i've defended Muhammad plenty of times. That was in the past, though.

Especially because none of them are that hot.

thats just social justice faggots doing what they always do, projecting their fucked up sexual degeneracy onto everyone else

these male feminist types are always rapists, pedos, and animal molesters

You could have just said they play Magic: The Gathering

Nah, they are too poor for that.

Or Trekkies.


SRD has a genuine pedo/pedo sympathizer mod who banned me for pointing out how creepy people are to the Stranger Things kids.

And this isn't hyperbole. SRD is a pedo playground.

I got banned for saying that Shadman's Eleven artwork wasn't sexy

SRD mods engage in overly long touchy feely hugs with kids confirmed.

How dare they Shad is a national treasure

Look at that, an SRDine taking the pedo bait. Complete shock.

Especially because none of them are that hot.

wait pointing out i mean i don't expect anything happen but not admiting they are creepy shits is fucking odd.

I never understood why srd thinks that the members of /r/drama are overwhelmingly Right wing. It seems untrue that a fair amount of the extreme posts are ironic and they would be surprised at the non-ironic political leanings of the members.

All of progressive reddit thinks any place that doesn't delete wrongthink is alt-right. They're failed people.

This is the reality of their thought process. Progressives think its impossible to socialize with people who disagree with them.

Oh? Is that what we do here? Socialize with people we disagree with?

Thats right faggot.

You're only a faggot if you take it. Now turn around gaylord.

But how are you a faggot if you're not the one sticking it in other guys?

Let's not forget that everyone on Reddit is an American and such is either a democrat or republican. No other people allowed.

They are allowed. They don't matter but they are allowed.

I don't tollerate trump supporters in r/drama. Yes, I'm liberal as they come, but I only hate them a little more than I hate the rest of you guys. Whole fucking subreddit should keep yourselves safe. Still, can't seem to stay away because there isn't a better place on Reddit to get bussy than here.

Bussy is overrated, whatever happened to the feminine penis worship?

They can coexist

Autistic people can't tell when people are joking or not, so they take shitposting as a serious opinion.

Are they tolerated? Yes, why not?

That's the problem. I have a few Trump supporting friends and I do indeed call them retards. But they know we're still friends and in actuality I don't really give a shit if I disagree with them politically.

I unironically believe that most SRDines would cut the cord with someone if they found out they supported Trump or were even just a regular conservative that was lukewarm on him.

I unironically believe that most SRDines would cut the cord with someone if they found out they supported Trump or were even just a regular conservative that was lukewarm on him.

They would. There have been several threads where they try to outdo each other's shunning of family (not that any family is really trying to hold on to the slow-witted, depressed weirdo who ruins every holiday).

There was one post by some hipster dad who was cutting his own father off from contact with his grandson over his Trump support. I’m sure mental illness is endemic in their family but still

Same thing, I could respect them as a person, even if I didn't respect their politics. I disagree with their politics, but I try not to let political beliefs come in between my friendships with people, even if I'm unable to come to terms with it. I don't push my political beliefs on others as long as I don't push it on them. With moderate Liberal friends (not those Social Justice people), then I would be more comfortable discussing politics/social issues.

I think the people who are representative of a Republican on Reddit, such as the people on /r/the_donald, are so utterly autistic, that it's hard to think that they're representative on the Normal Republican, just as /r/AgainstHateSubreddits can't be represented as the average liberal. They can't be representative of a Normal Liberal or Normal Republican because there's nothing on them that can be considered normal.

I'm fairly confident that not only is this a problem of the self-selection of community members in general, but also a product of reddit's voting system. It's easy to vote down anyone arguing with the orthodoxy of the sub, and it's easy to paint anyone saying "No guys, wait, let's think about this" as a concern troll or something.

So reddit subs only get more and more extremist. Twitter is sorta like this, as you can block anyone you disagree with, so eventually all your followers are people who agree with the things you say. Gives the illusion of widespread agreement when all there really is is banning/blocking/downvoting anyone that's not extremist enough.

Me and you are the only normal people on reddit.

And I'm your alt.

Jokes on you, I used to support Trump in the primaries and got the opposite reaction. Well they called me a retard but still.

I never understood why srd thinks that the members of /r/drama are overwhelmingly Right wing or Republican.

Because they were sheltered their whole life believing everyone shares the same exact opinions with them for years, to the point that it's a shock to them that different opinions exist.

I never understood why srd thinks that the members of /r/drama are overwhelmingly Right wing or Republican. It seems true that a fair amount of the extreme posts are ironic and they would be surprised at the non-ironic political leanings of the members.

Judging by which kind of serious-posting gets most upvotes, it'd be naive to think drama is left-wing. You're not progressive just because you dislike the retards from t_d.

Not to mention, even ironic extremism attracts actual retards who think they're in good company.

I think actually talking to the community in the discord, it wouldn't be inadequate to say that most of the regulars are left-leaning. Those actual retards, typically comment here and there, may upvote a post, and then go back to their own subs. I haven't seen anyone who is of /r/the_donald tier, there's maybe one conservative, but overall the notable members tend to lean left.

I think actually talking to the community in the discord

Your overall point is correct, but why would you do this?


A lot of blowhards on SRD are unironic chapofriends.

the term is grey wolves. get it right you chud

Not immediately banning anyone with the tiniest lean to the right means we're definitely super-duper make-Pat-Buchanan-look-like-a-commie rightists.

Eww, I hate children.

Everyone I don't like is a pedophile or Hitler

>Hitler shota when

It exists


/u/bobtheskrull admitted he was wrong.

I would submit pics of my bussy as an apology, but it's kinda rashy so I won't torture anyone today.

What happened to it?

He had to admit he was wrong.

God is an ass man and he doesn't take kindly to people that are wrong.

I was more going for the fact that you were butthurt, but I'll accept your interpretation too.

Rashy or chapped?



I unironically believe we should execute all pedos

There's easier ways to end your life, friendo.

Ye you're right. Twas a shitty assumption I made.

It's OK, you're in the correct sub for that.


In no way am I a loli apologist

what did it mean by this?

It is a projector.

One of the mods of SRD is an actual pedophile.


Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia and ephebophilia are NOT the same thing as pedophilia. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia and ephebophilia are considered normal and healthy. Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

You keep treating hebephilia and ephebophilia like pedophilia.

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who studies children, I am telling you, specifically, in child studies, no one calls ephebophilia pedophilia. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "pedophile family" you're referring to the paraphilia grouping of chronophilia, which includes things from nepiophibilia to hebepohilia to gerontophilia.

So your reasoning for calling ephebophilia pedophilia is because random people "call the ephebopophile ones pedophiles?" Let's get teleiophiles and mesophiles in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. An ephebophile is an ephebophile and a member of the chronophilia classification. But that's not what you said. You said ephebophilia is pedophilia, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the chronophilia class ephebophiles, which means you'd call nepiophiles, teliophiles, and other sexual attractions pedophilia, too. Which you said you don't.

Furthermore, pedophilia is beneficial to societies as it ensures reproduction starts at a young age and women are able to have their children around the prime of their breeding age (which is generally the late teens). This means that societies would replaced themselves rapidly, replacing losses suffered during war and disease, along with high-quality offspring produced via early breeding.

Don't lewd the lolis please.

This sub is full of people who get upset about anything relating to paedophilia.