Incel spaz /u/soapgoat tries to troll other retards, ends up coming off as a deranged nerd instead

8  2017-12-30 by ItsSugar


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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/u/soapgoat you're fucking retarded for giving a shit about fucking Star Wars. Shitty movies tbqh

Nothing makes people spaz out more than telling them I've never seen any of the movies.

Ikr? Fucking nerds lol

Really wish I could say the same


I with you never watched them.

lol, you have to be some sort of sperglord to take pride in never having seen a movie, using that as some sort of defining life trait. its just a fucking movie my dude.

It's not a defining trait you mong, a lot of people have watched the series/saga whatever and when I get asked I just say I haven't seen them and they nerd rage about it.

I would watch them if I had them, but at this point in life I'd rather watch alien porn and beat one out than listen to Jar Jar Binks.

for as not caring as you are, you sure have gotten into a tizzy over this to defend yourself

its just a fucking movie my dude, no need to be upset

Are you trying to convert me or something?

if youd actually read the thread, people are mad at me for not knowing jack shit about starwars apparently.

So you're a dumbass on two counts. Congrats.

/u/soapgoat The Last Jedi was the only Star Trek movie that was even half decent.

No it wasnt, keep yourself safe

watching anyone of these

Keep yourself safe

i dunno, wrath of khan was pretty good

id like to clarify that im a dominant gay furry, im not an incel, im pretty much the most rare and desirable in my community.

Not sure if serious or retarded. But at this point what difference does it make.

Le hyuck xdddd